Interesting Articles and Videos 20th July

Interesting Articles and Videos 20th July

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour


Thanks to Lee

BRICS met in Brazil today...and they did it! Instead of 50 Billion each, they agreed to 100 billion dollars each will contribute to the BRICS development bank...headquartered in Shanghai, China. India wanted the bank in India but didn't have all the necessaries that the other countries wanted so they agreed on Shanghai.

The bank's function will be to lend money to countries for building infrastructure...a haven for excess currency deposits...everyday kind of international banking...with no strings attached. Which has never been heard of ever since USA has controlled the world bank and the International Monetary Fund.

There is joyous happening most all over the world!! If need to borrow more need to borrow dollars and pay the price.

China is also beginning to concentrate it's benevolent functions in south Africa...known to be a USA stronghold. For years China has tried to be friends...real friends...not pretend friend with USA. USA had only been a pretend friend and dishonored, offended, insulted China too much. China, mild mannered way is now in control of the largest amount of international currency in all this world...and bit by bit, slowly and surely is replacing USA's control in many parts of this world.

USA is urging Japan, Viet Nam and the Philippines to provoke, start an armed conflict with China...and they will not do so...knowing full well if there will be a war as USA wants...they will real quick soon like be like Iraq, Afghanistan is...and they know that USA couldn't care less.

And it is near to cannot believe...that USA is not aware that the more USA offends, insults, threatens Russia and China...the closer they become with each other. The arrogance of USA is near to cannot believe...60 years number one in this world...just cannot accept that such is slipping away...more and more and faster and faster now that BRICS did it. July 15, 2014 may well become as famous as 9-11 in the years to come. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the world's largest superpower...and it is not even aware of what happened today. Sad it is.

The number 2 and number 3 and number 4 and number 5 and number 7 economies in this world are now banded together...with the word's largest combined land mass and by far the world's largest number of hard working, very intelligent peoples...banded together to be of best benefit to each other and who ever else needs their help. Such is what it's like to be friendly, kind, benevolet, caring in accord with the 5 principles of peaceful behavior...which USA and England refuse to sign. What will happen to them is what they are bringing upon themselves. Sad it is. God Bless all. Lee.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and

National Geographic are bringing the

Birds-of-Paradise Project to the public.

Witness diverse strategies of evolution

at work and experience one of

nature's extraordinary wonders - up


What appears to be overlooked by the

ornithologists and that I believe is part

of the answer for the special complexity

of these 39 species' displays in the

rainforest of New Guinea is that not only

is it the largest remaining old growth

rainforest in Asia, it the world's oldest

ecological zone on the planet that is not

beneath the sea.

It's my personal deduction that these birds'

dances are so ornate and unlike those of

birds from other regions - yet similar, in

some ways to each others' - is because

they've had the longest time to refine the

incredible precision of their movements and

the longest amount of time to evolve the

head-spinning profusion of different kinds

of pom poms on their heads or the

unexpected colors of plumage which are

revealed by surprise, during their dances.

It's quite a site to see, deserving of a full

length film I should try to track down.

Video (over 5 and a half mins):

Birds-of-Paradise Project

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The case for home schooling

One of the top public school teachers decided that public schools don't work.

Here's a short overview of his well though out conclusions.

Sunshine House Yoga Retreats

Created and organised by a close friend of mine, and I can guarantee an enlightening experience.

Sunshine Yoga

Greece ~ Summer ~ Sunshine ~ Sea ~ Yoga ~ Wellness ~ Bliss!!!

Retreat yourselves this summer and enjoy real Vacation at Sunshine House...

" Just BE YOUtiful " Kundalini Yoga workshop with Amir Jaan

19th - 24th August 2014

A series of contemporary workshops written and presented by Amir Jaan, that "Work" to both engage & support the necessary and powerful transformative process of rapid self evolution ~In this Series of workshops Amir will explain the subtle, delicate and sophisticated but potent way that the practice of Kundalini Yoga opens you up to the potential for deep physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation. Kundalini Yoga is also known as the Yoga of Awareness. It is a science of the mind and body, that leads one into a deeper communion with The One Universal & Mysterious Spiritual Energy that Animates Every Atom in the Cosmos From the Macro to the Micro. So Let's Go Explore :) READ MORE

Equinox Yoga Retreat with Helen & Kai

24th - 28th September 2014

Autumn Equinox is the equal balance between night & day. Over 5 days we will explore how to create balance in our body, mind & hearts through the healing practices of Thai Massage & Yoga. Helen & Kai, Jivamukti, Anusara Inspired teachers and Thai Massage practitioners will guide you through this retreat offering an eclectic mix of traditional with creative, expressive & in the moment practices!

Preparing and balancing the body and mind for the next season with chanting, meditation, juicy and refreshing yoga and grounding thai massage classes every day, amazing food and enough time in the afternoon to find your own space for whatever you need in this changing season! READ MORE

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Blessings from the Sunshine Family xxx

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