Sunday Family Humour 22nd June Pageb 2

Sunday Family Humour 22nd June Page 2

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Pun Alert

Thanks to David M.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto walked into a saloon and sat down to drink a Beer.

After a few minutes, a big tall cowboy walked in and said "Who owns the

big white horse outside?" The Lone Ranger stood up, hitched his gun belt, and

said, "I do....Why?"

The cowboy looked at the Lone Ranger and said, "I just thought you'd like

to know that your horse is about dead outside!"

The Lone Ranger and Tonto rushed outside and, sure enough, Silver was

ready to die from heat exhaustion. The Lone Ranger got the horse water and soon

Silver was starting to feel a little better.

The Lone Ranger turned to Tonto and said, "Tonto, I want you to run around

Silver and see if you can create enough of a breeze to make him start to

feel better."

Tonto said, "Sure, Kemosabe," and took off running circles around


Not able to do anything else but wait, the Lone Ranger returned to the

saloon to finish his drink.

A few minutes later, another cowboy struts into the bar and asks,"Who owns

that big white horse outside?"

The Lone Ranger stands again, and claims, "I do, what's wrong with him

this time?"

"Nothing, but you left your Injun runnin!"

Happy Pictures

Thanks to Lee

Happy Pics

Splash Tours Rotterdam

Thanks to Paula S.

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Where did Maxine Come From?

Thanks to Paula S.


Of Maxine

John Wagner, Hallmark artist since 1970, says Maxine was inspired by his mother, his

maiden aunts and his grandmother, the woman who bought him art lessons when 'fill in the

pumpkins' was about the extent of his art classes at St. John's Catholic School in Leonia, N.J.

John remembers doodling as a preschooler and says both his grandmother and his mother

encouraged his artistic interests. He eventually attended the Vesper George School of Art in

Boston and landed at Hallmark as part of a new artists group. But it was the birth of the

humorous Shoebox Greetings (a tiny little division of Hallmark) in 1986 that added a new dimension

to John's professional life. The Shoebox way of seeing the world unleashed his talents and

he created Maxine.

'Cartoonists are sensitive to the insanities of the world; we just try to humanize them,' John

says.'If Maxine can get a laugh out of someone who feels lonely or someone who is

getting older and hates the thought of another birthday, or if she can make someone chuckle

about stressful interpersonal relationships, then I'm happy. Putting a smile on someone's

face is what it's all about.'

Those smiles have led to Maxine's becoming a bit of a celebrity. She (and John) have been

the subject of media stories, including People, USA Today, Good Morning America , The Wall

Street Journal, St. Petersburg (FL) Times, and Las Vegas Journal-Review, and they have

been included in a majorAssociated Press story. Collector and trade publications have reported

fans nationwide are collecting Maxine items. Letters from consumers and fans to John and

Maxine reveal a very personal connection to Maxine.

Many people say they are just like her.

Why the name 'Maxine'? 'People at Shoebox started referring to the character as 'John

Wagner's old lady,' and I knew that would get me into trouble with my wife,' John says. The

Shoebox team had a contest among themselves to name the character and three of the

approximately 30 entries suggested 'Maxine'. John says the name is perfect.

John, who says he's humbled by such acceptance of Maxine, admits he's proud of her.

Now you know the story of how Maxine came to be.

Patagonia in Autumn

Thanks to Lee


The Towel Dance

Thanks to Paula S.


Thanks to Ray O'.

The Law of Physics States it's easier to get up at 6:00 AM to play golf than at 10:00 to mow the yard. A good drive on the 18th hole has stopped many a golfer from giving up the game. A good golf partner is one who's always slightly worse than you are. That's why I get so many calls to play with friends. A pro-shop gets its name from the fact that you have to have the income of a professional golfer to buy anything in there. If your opponent has trouble remembering whether he shot a six or a seven, he probably shot an eight (or worse). It takes longer to learn good golf than it does to become a brain surgeon. On the other hand, you don't get to ride around on a cart, drink beer, eat hot dogs, and fart if you are performing brain surgery.

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