Interesting Articles and Videos 11th January

Interesting Articles and Videos 11th January

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Earth History Notes

Thanks to Lee


How the Earth was made.

4.5 Billion years ago the space rocks had smashed into each other enough for there to be a huge molten rocks known as Earth. Just one huge sphere of molten red rock. 4.4 Billion years ago water came to this sphere...don't know how or from where...suspect it was in the big rocks that kept smashing into earth.

Slowly the exterior surface of the sphere cooled ( today the center core is still molten rock) 3.5 Billion years ago the entire exterior surface was water. 3.4 Billion years ago the enterior molten rocks push their way through the water and small continents were formed. When the enterior molten rock is discharged into and cooled by water the molten rock become granite. The very hard granite rock we all know. There are a few places on Earth where that original granite rock is still on Earth's surface. Got a big hill of it in Texas near to where I used to live. Isa State Park.

3.5 Billion years ago the Sun warmed the water and it made oxygen...lotsa oxygen and such caused the beginning of primordial organisms...the beginning of life. 2.5 Billion years ago stramalites ( many can be seen today) created even more oxygen and after 2 billion years of this oxygenation the water covering 90 percent of Earth were very blue and clear...with a few small land masses.

1.5 Billion years ago with blue clear water...clear proliferated...the so many different life the ocean water. The continuous magma from interior of Earth being pushed out and up into the ocean eventually created one giant, very big continent. 1 Billion years ago there was this one big continent...lifeless. No plants, no animals...only life was in the water.

700 Million years ago the land mass between north and south America was pushed upward (Costa Rica, Panama) and changed the flow of the water in the oceans which caused the first huge Ice Age...solid ice some of it several miles high all the way from North pole to center of USA and Europe. 650 Million years ago there came the so many volcanoes and most of the ice melted.

The one large land mass is known as Rodinium and it cracked and international plate tectonics started and smaller continents resulted. 500 Million years ago, known as the Cambrian age, life exploded into millions of land plant and animal and water animals...using the overaboundance of Oxygen. This huge amount of oxygen created the ozone shield and allowed land life pants and animals to it does to this day. Without the ozone shield ...and the unique to Earth magnetic force around Earth...all life would be fried by the Gamma and other rays from the Sun. Due to such, 300 Million years ago the entire earth was one huge sub tropical swamp. Lotsa land plants and huge trees which fell into the swamp when died and during the past 60 million years became all the coal humans now use. At the same time the carboniferous animals in the water died and floated down to the floor of the water and has become the oil and natural gas humans now use...all happened during the last 65 Million Years.

425 Million years ago, animals finally left the waters and created land animals. There was lotsa animals but 250 Million years ago the Earth land cracked everywhere and molten lava flowed out releasing huge amounts of poisonous gases for 100 million years and 95 percent of all life forms died. Then the continents came together again into one huge continent known as Pangea. 180 Million years ago Pangea seperated into the continents we now know and then the dinosaurs were the prime land animal for 150 million years. They and 75 percent of all land animals perished within a very short time because an asteroid 6 miles wide crashed into Earth releasing so much gases and dust that the sun was hidden...helped with more cracks on the other side of earth which also polluted the air with poisonous air. Only a few small mammals continued to live and eventually became predominant land life forms over 45 Million years.

Continents formed due to the tectonic plates pushing on each other...The African plate is pushing over the European plate and is forming The Alps mountains...the famous Matterhorn is actually part of the African plate. All now seen and known land forms...such as the Grand Canyon, the famous Europea alps mountains, etc...all have been formed during the last 50 Million years.

Only during a fraction of a fraction of time has the human being been on Earth. About 2 Million years ago the humans left Africa and settled in Europe...where there were other humans known as the Neanderthal...most of which were killed by the killers out of Africa. Killers is a good name for them because killing each other has been the prime function of these humans ever since they left Africa. Scientists wonder...will such ever cease?

Also...another form of Human...the ones living in Asia...developed in the lush central plains of China...much more kind, gentle, caring sharing humans than the ones out of Africa. 20,000 years ago these Chinese lived in small communities and made earthern pots and cultivated rice...while the humans in Europe lived worse than our pigs live. Only in the last 200 years...Earth is 4.25 Billion years old...and only in the last 200 years humans have totally dominated the planet and all it's resources...have destroyed and eliminated over 1000 species of land life. All Life evolved to function with each other in basically peaceful manner...dependent upon each other for the continued life of all species. Humans are continuing to destroy and eliminate more and more life forms...question is what will be the inevitable result of such? Among the scientists of this Earth...there is belief Mother Earth will not be able to support most humans as they now the big cities. I have believed such for some years. 100 years from now Earth will be a very different planet.

I found the history of Earth very interesting...wanna share with you. I have no answers or estimations of what humans will do to Earth in the future...other than what have done to date. Enjoy and God Bless all. Lee.

The Power Of Purpose

Thanks to The Sacred Science Team

As the new year begins, many of us are reflecting on our lives and taking note of what is working and what is not. If you're like me, you know that you can do better and are digging down deep to find new ways of stacking the odds in your favor.

But how can we hack the system? How can we overcome the patterns that might be holding us back from realizing our fullest potential?

Sometimes it’s extremely valuable to start with a simple question. What is my purpose? Yes, most of us will spend lifetimes examining and then re-examining this question. But here’s a little drill that can offer a fresh perspective to start off 2015.

Picture yourself years and years from now.

A much older version of you that has seen almost every grain of sand drop through the hour glass. This is the oldest version of you that will ever be, because you are about to die.

When you imagine yourself in that place, what do you see? Are you happy? Are you breathing peacefully, knowing that you are about to make the great transition after having lived a full life? Or are you anxious, resisting death with everything you have, wishing to right some wrong or lamenting that you've kept something within you all this time and are about to leave this life without having resolved it?

Meditate on this question. How would that "future you" want you to be living your life right now?

This isn’t about weighing the pros and cons of decisions made, or factoring in the realities that may be preventing you from living the life you want. This is about realigning yourself with your mission...

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UFO Cover Up Revelations

Thanks to FKTV

Dark Journalist speaks with legendary UFO investigator and Nuclear Physicist,

Stanton Friedman and expose the UFO cover up and unravel the COINTELPRO

that is spreading disinformation through puppet debunkers and dubious movies

to discredit alien disclosure via covert propaganda programs.

Together, they uncover the evidence that shows that the Earth may now be

under an ET QUARANTINE due to its warlike stance with the development of

the Star Wars Defense Systems and Secret Space Program. They also

suggest that warnings from the ET visitors may be the reason why NASA

has virtually dropped all of its Moon missions and manned space travel.

Stanton Friedman is the most respected author in the field of UFO

contact and has written the top influential books on the subject

including the ground - breaking 'Top Secret - Majic,' about the famous

Majestic Twelve or MJ12 documents that reveal a clandestine government

program to deny the existence of extraterrestrial visitors while reverse-

engineering their incredibly advanced, futuristic technology.

From the secretive, breakaway national security state players to the

stonewalling mainstream corporate media gatekeepers, this new Dark

Journalist episode will shock you with its implications of a deep, organized

plan to hide the reality of advanced, interstellar, off-world visitors and the

tremendous impact they are having on our daily lives.

As a bonus, Dark Journalist asks Stanton to outline the secret world of

Donald Howard Menzel, who lived a double-life as a famous Harvard

Astronomer and UFO debunker but also as a key member of the hidden

MJ12 group that handled all UFO evidence and technology for

intelligence purposes. He also reveals his favorite UFO cases including the

Phoenix Lights, Betty Hill, Jesse Marcel/Roswell, and more!

You don't want to miss this one!

Video Total: (111 mins)

UFO Cover Up Revelations: MJ12 & ET Quarantine -

Stanton Friedman

51 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

Thanks to YourTubeNews

Check this out - some sound advice here.

1. Changing sleep patterns:

restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night.

Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day. There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again.

For others, the sleep requirements have changed. You can get by on less sleep. Lately I have been experiencing huge waves of energy running into my body from the crown. It feels good, but it keeps me awake for a long time, then subsides.

Advice: Get used to it. Make peace with it and don’t worry about getting enough sleep (which often causes more insomnia). You will be able to make it through the day if you hold thoughts of getting just what you need.

You can also request your Higher Self to give you a break now and then and give you a good, deep night’s sleep. If you can’t go back to sleep right away, use the waking moments to meditate, read poetry, write in your journal or look at the moon. Your body will adjust to the new pattern.

2. Activity at the crown of the head.

Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine.

A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head, as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower. Also the sensation of energy pouring in through the crown, described as “sprinkles”. This may also be experienced as pressure on the crown, as if someone is pushing his/her finger into the center of your head.

As I mentioned in #1, I have been experiencing huge downloads of energy through the crown. In the past, I have felt more generalized pressure, as if my head is in a gentle vise. One man related that his hair stood on end and his body was covered with goosebumps.

Advice: This is nothing to be alarmed about. What you are experiencing is an opening of the crown chakra. The sensations mean that you are opening up to receive divine energy.

3. Sudden waves of emotion.

Crying at the drop of a hat. Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation. Or inexplicably depressed. Then very happy. Emotional roller coaster. There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra (the middle of the chest). This is not to be confused with the heart, which is located to the left of the heart chakra.

Advice: Accept your feelings as they come up and let them go. Go directly to your heart chakra and feel the emotion. Expand it outward to your all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly all the way up to your upper chest. Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own. Don’t direct the emotions at anyone. You are cleaning out your past.

If you want some help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old issues and ask your Higher Power to help you. You can also ask Grace Elohim to help you release with ease and gentleness.

Be grateful that your body is releasing these emotions and not holding onto them inside where they can do harm. One source suggests that depression is linked to letting go of relationships to people, work, etc. that no longer match us and our frequencies. When we feel guilty about letting go of these relationships, depression helps us medicate that pain.

4. Old “stuff”

seems to be coming up, as described above, and the people with whom you need to work it out (or their clones) appear in your life.

Completion issues. Or perhaps you need to work through issues of self-worth, abundance, creativity, addictions, etc. The resources or people you need to help you move through these issues start to appear.

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