Interesting Articles and Videos 29th June

Interesting Articles and Videos 29th June

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Destroy New World Order

June 17, 2014. Bolivia. The American and European media are doing everything they can to black this news out. But it’s not going to stay a secret for long. As of this weekend, there’s a new New World Order on Earth and its enemy is the United States, the EU, the UN Security Council and the world’s shadow government led by the IMF and WTO. This new alliance of poor countries wouldn’t be much of a threat, except it includes two-thirds of the world’s nations including China and India.

UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon (center) with host country Bolivia’s President Evo Morales and 133 other world leaders this weekend. Image courtesy of the UN.

It’s a sad day for the American people when their government and state-sponsored news industry blacks out such an important news story. Americans actually have to rely on outlets like the Havana Times in Cuba, The Times of India, and United Nations press releases. There’s a reason this news is being censored across the West. And it’s only the latest global news story over the past two weeks on this subject blacked out from the American people. Read on to find out why.

Safe natural cleaners

Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version

thanks to Rosanne T

Chomsky et al

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The Brutally Honest Coca-Cola Commercial

You’ll Never See On Television

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