Interesting Articles and Videos 5th October

Interesting Articles and Videos 5th October

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VacTruth: Part I & II: Saying “No” to vaccines says “No” to Rockefeller social control

History books proclaim with absolute certainty that the pinnacle of public health is defined by the polio vaccine program. Disease finally conquered by science. The polio effort was a benchmark for the public to mentally accept the concept “shots prevent disease.” However, hidden to most Americans was an elaborate Public Relations scheme being carefully applied by Rockefeller interests intended for social control.

Three central institutions where at the forefront of the polio war: the Roosevelt Warm Springs Foundation, the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis or March of Dimes, and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Through these foundations and organizations, polio transmogrified into a major childhood disease. The massive public relations campaign pushing the polio agenda targeting the American people was organized by Carl Byoir, propagandist extraordinaire.

“When you set out to influence and persuade people to action, when the campaign is tremendous, nation-wide [sic] in scope, don’t think that it just happens; something has to be done to get millions of people to think the thought you want them to think and then to get them to act on that thought.”

-Carl Byoir

The PR campaign was intended to tug at the heart string of Americans by using stars such as Sammy Davis Junior, Tennessee Ernie, Lucile Ball and others. Why would the Rockefeller Institute, March of Dimes, and the Roosevelt Warm Springs Foundation use someone as powerful and costly as Carl Byoir simply to propagandize a childhood disease?

The big picture is that the Polio scare campaign would provide the everlasting foundation for all the future vaccine programs. Is it by chance the hypnotic words “life saving” and “effective” became synonymous with the word “vaccine” after the polio campaign?

The motive of these organizations is perhaps the best understood by author and researcher Lily E. Kay. She wrote about the motives of the Rockefeller family in her book, “The Molecular Vision of Life.” On page 8 she wrote, “The motivation behind the enormous investment in the new (“Science of Man”) agenda was to develop the human sciences as a comprehensive explanatory and applied framework for social control grounded in the natural, medical, and social sciences.” (notation mine)

“Applied social control”, simply stated, is the misuse of any branch of commerce, science, law, politics, or religion for compliance to an ulterior motive held by those in power. Examples, such as the Rockefeller-backed Federal Reserve Bank, is a perfect model of applied economic social control.

Lily Kay continues to elaborate, “With that agenda, the new biology (originally named “psychobiology”) was erected on the bedrock of the physical sciences in order to rigorously explain and eventually control the fundamental mechanisms governing human behavior, placing a particularly strong emphasis on (eugenics) heredity.” (notation on eugenics mine)

Ye shall know them by their fruits.

The success of the polio vaccine program was instrumental in implementing what euphemistically has become known as the “Gold Standard” in allopathic medicine:The American Childhood Vaccine Schedule. The vaccines listed within this program are predicated on the sole belief that polio was eradicated with a vaccine.

With strategically planned and executed applied social control systems as the backdrop, what are some of the unintended consequences of adopting a policy of “shots preventing disease?”

Firstly, parents are consistently, relentlessly, and blatantly lied to that their childrenmust be up to date on their vaccines in order to attend school. Rarely are they informed that they have the option to apply for a vaccine exemption (religious, medical or philosophical depending on the state). However, new pharmaceutical-backed School Based Health Clinics are being implemented around the country and parents may soon find that they no longer have a choice in the matter.

Secondly, what about going to the pediatrician? The “Polio Question” is unsheathed immediately by many “brave” pediatricians to pierce through any parental doubt on vaccination. They constantly remind parents of the graphical pictures with children in iron lungs; memories which are etched in our collective consciousness. Parents are then scolded, “You don’t want polio to come back, do you?” When many sincere parents continue to ask questions the pediatrician cannot answer, they are encouraged to be promptly slain.

Third, the “Polio Question” has become a potent weapon of social ridicule. Parents attempting to offer “valid opinions”, empirical observations, and anecdotal stories of their personal experiences with their vaccine injured children have become the object of ridicule. They are marginalized as not “adequately educated” by a bonafide, scientific medical institution. More over, “rebellious parents” are regularly accused of child neglect and free loading on society. They are maliciously threatened with the heavy hand of Child Protective Services and the Judicial System. It matters not that a majority of the parents and family members who are actively questioning vaccines have observed first hand a life threatening reaction to vaccines.

Which brings us to the most egregious strategy of vaccine compliance: persecuting families with vaccine injured children. In the United Kingdom it is called Munchhausen by Proxy. In the United States it is called Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). How many parents have had their children snatched away by social services after an adverse reaction from a vaccine? Victimized parents have likened this to organized kidnapping.

Wisdom can be found in the adage, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” The new undercurrent in today’s society worships the type of science and authority that brought us the polio vaccine. Thus, understanding the motive of those in power is a primary principle.

After all, Dorthy didn’t discover who the “real” Wizard of Oz was until she pulled back the curtain and found one man pulling the levers. Throwing back the curtains of the Polio Vaccine Program, we will certainly see the Rockefeller’s masquerading as Oz.

SaLuSa: Channeled by Mike Quinsey.

October 3, 2014.

Never underestimate the powers and technologies that we have to transform your Earth in a very short period, to one more fitting to you future expectations.

For example, you are almost conditioned to expect some part of Earth to be involved in wars. Around you is evidence of them that have ravaged your planet for centuries, with no obvious end to the cycles of death and destruction. Peace seems just as far away as ever it was and Man continues to waste the resources of Earth, whilst millions of your civilisation live in squalor and near starvation.

Yet for all that we can bring an instant stop to war, but there has to be an acceptance of meaningful peace and intent to become as One where your future is concerned. Sometimes the only way to progress and achieve peace together cannot come about until as a civilisation you recognise the Oneness of the Human Race. Looking at your history you are slow to learn, but as you say, “You are getting there”.

At some point in the near future it will transpire that because you have made sufficient spiritual progress, that it is time to allow such souls to surge forward without the hindrance of those who still lag behind. It is in no way discriminating against them, but is allowing those who are ready to progress to the higher vibrations without being delayed by those who are not.

After all, it is inevitable that those who are not ready to move into the higher vibrations will have their own path to follow to continue their evolution. The new cycle has begun and slowly but surely all remnants of the earlier one will disappear, to be replaced by a more updated version that has been born of the Light. There will be no place for the lower vibrations that could not in any event exist within it, and all thought levels will be based on Light and Love.

Mother Earth will also enjoy the changes that shall see the Earth restored to its original glory. You will be surprised at how quickly they can take place, and it will be both an enjoyable and exciting time to be on Earth.

With the return of the higher vibrations our Space Friends can also appear as often as they wish to, and they will use their experience to speed up the changes on Earth. The Inner Earth Civilisation will also partake in the changes, and you will meet them a lot quicker than you might have expected. In other words Dear Ones, it is all change for the better even if it is difficult to envision at present.

Many of you are already aware that the Illuminati have held on to new advancements that have taken them far into the future. They have never had any intention of sharing them with you, but keep them to keep power in their hands. Do not worry however as they will not benefit from them in the long run and we shall ensure that you certainly do, but please note there is no place or indeed a future for weapons of war.

There is so much new technology waiting to be introduced to you, and exciting times lie ahead. So please do not become disheartened when nothing appears to be happening. We can assure you that our activities are never at a standstill, and we are fully committed to ensuring that you safely make your way into the New Age.

We monitor your Earth and the skies around you to ensure that you can evolve unimpeded by outside interference. We certainly control the activities of the dark Ones, to ensure that there is a limitation to the extent that they can go in preparing to take over the Earth. However, as we have intimated previously, we must also allow them to evolve within the confines that are placed upon them.

Life abounds everywhere around you, often out of your sight due to the difference in vibrations. What you might consider to be a little proof of that is when photographs are developed with Beings or ghostly images in them, that were not observed at the time. It is simply due to the sensitivity of the photographic film that picks up an image that your eyes cannot.

So looking through the chaos from the outside and within, we see beyond the apparent muddle and find the early beginnings of the New Age with all of its technologies waiting to be introduced. Some require major changes that could not be contemplated at present, requiring such resources that are unavailable now. However, gradually everything is being prepared for the day when they can, and progress will be made at a breathtaking speed.

There has not been a period such as your present one for millennia of time, and it is sure to become more apparent as time progresses. So we hope you can see that you have no need to be worried as to the outcome of your present experiences, so concentrate on your own needs and ensure that you are fully prepared for the changes.

We generally find that people are more open minded when it comes to subjects that were once considered too difficult to discuss openly. The fear of being ridiculed has almost passed as the New Age has unlocked doors to matters that have not been generally discussed.

So do not hide your Light, and feel bold enough to talk about it and you may find that more people than you thought are interested. After all these are the times of revelations, as for too long you have been kept in the dark as to the truth of your being and the Human history.

As we mentioned in one of our earlier messages, you all have your origins off Earth. That does not mean you are entirely new to Earth, inasmuch that you have already had many lives upon it. Can you begin to see that Earth is a School for Life, and in fact gives you one of the quickest experiences in which to evolve.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always pleased when I can give an insight into your future. Naturally there is always a “right” time to expand your mind, and hopefully enable you to release old concepts that no longer serve you.

In times gone past people were easily bound by superstition that comes about from a lack of understanding. Advancements in Science and your technologies has helped expand your knowledge, which is quite a transition from the days when you thought you were at the centre of the Universe. You can go a lot further so please keep an open mind.

I leave you with my Love and energy to lift you up.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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