Interesting Articles and Videos 16th November

Interesting Articles and Videos 16th November

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Sunday Family Humour Video Library

Over the years the videos used in Sunday Family Humour have been saved in a variety of locations

such as Google Drive, YouTube, Vimeo, PhotoBucket, Eclipse and others.

We are now collating all videos into our YouTube collection,

which is available for viewing now.

At present there are just over 100 videos, with many many more to be loaded.

The videos are all tagged Sunday Family Humour.

You can see the directory at

Categoried for search are


Animal - dog,cat, bird, other

Clever - Magic, music, sport

Beautiful - places, flowers


Lessons in life


The Great Dumbing Down of Humanity and the Depopulation Agenda

Thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV

This is an edited collection of creative commons videos. My thanks and

recognition of all attributes which have made the making of this

documentary possible....

The term "dumbing-down" describes the deliberate diminishment of the

intellectual level of the content of schooling and education, of literature

and cinema, and of news and culture.

The idea of and the term dumbing-down originated in 1933 as slang, used by

motion picture screenplay writers, to mean: "revise so as to appeal to those

of little education or intelligence."

Video Total: (26 mins)

If you still believe that governments and doctors are trying to help you,

then you can accelerate your own evolvement by watching and understanding this important movie

inDUSTrial agriculture

Thanks to Permaculture News

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saying subscribe Sunday Family Humour.

No costs, nothing else needed. Welcome and thank you.

Weekly Stats Report: 3 Nov - 9 Nov 2014

Project: Humour 8



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Just a small donation once in a while can make a huge difference

to me and the folks and animals around me.

Thanks. David

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One donor this week

Robert O'C

Please help if you can

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