Interesting Articles and Videos 25th January

Interesting Articles and Videos 25th January

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Swiss join Pentagon/UK/BRICS alliance

Benjamin Fulford:

The radical plunge in the Euro last week against the Yen, the US dollar and especially the Swiss Franc is a clear indication the battle over control of the financial system, and the world, is coming to a climax. The Swiss move to decouple their Franc from the Euro came one week before an elite summit meeting in Davos, Switzerland is due to kick off with a keynote speech by China’s number 2 Li Keqiang. This is the first time the Chinese government has sent any one significant to Davos in 5 years. The speech will focus on China’s take on the international situation and will offer possible solutions to various international problems. This Davos meeting is being called “A New Global Context” a name clearly meant to disassociate it with the fascist New World Order. In closed room sessions, Chinese government sources say Li will be discussing

Chinese/Swiss financial integration. What this clearly indicates is that the Swiss banking world, including the central bank for central banks the BIS, have joined the BRICS/UK/Pentagon alliance.

This was the biggest move in a week marked by many seemingly unrelated dramatic events. Perhaps the best way to understand all the other chaotic and often bizarre incidents that took place last week is to think of it in terms of a gang war. Then we can begin to connect some, but not all, of the dots.

First, remember late last year Christine Lagarde, the French head of the IMF, issued an ultimatum to the people in Washington DC to either agree to IMF voting reform or the they would go ahead in January without them. Then in January French President Francois Hollande called for an end to US orchestrated sanctions against Russia.

Immediately after that came the fake attack against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. This was followed by a massive PR campaign and a gathering of European leaders and the heads of a few of their client states as can be seen here:…/paris-world-leaders-solidarity…

Notice that no Americans, Russians, Chinese, Indian etc. leaders showed up for this PR event. What we have instead is a gathering of Rothschild servants.

These are the people trying to cling to control of the world’s financial system by proposing using IMF issued SDRs, backed by the world’s resources, as a replacement for the US dollar aka world yuan. This faction is calling for voting reform within the IMF but, only limited reform of a sort that will still leave them firmly in charge.

In any case, after this big fake show and provocation of religious conflict, a French police chief was suicided.…/French-police-chief-committed-…

Following that, suddenly the Russians cut off all gas to Europe through the Ukraine and told the Europeans they would have to get their gas via Turkey and Greece.

The Russians also told the Greeks that if they left the Euro, Russia would buy huge amounts of agricultural goods from them. These two Russian moves came just before a Greek general election is expected to vote in a political party that wants to end that nation’s debt slavery to the Euro mafia.

While this was all going on, the channel tunnel connecting England with France was shut down by smoke. Also at this time a fleet of Chinese warships happened to be docked in England.

There was also some pretty funky stuff going on last week with Pope Francis in the Philippines. Francis was photographed making a Satanic hand sign while saying he would “punch anybody who insulted his mother.”…/philippines-le-pape-fai…/

This came shortly after the pope barely missed an accident when his airplane mysteriously overshot a runway on landing in the Philippines.

Dr. Mercola- Vaccines

Vaccines are one of the most controversial medical therapies, and it’s impossible to make an informed decision unless you know both sides of the story. In the process of knowing both sides, the historical context is critical.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,1 is a nephrologist who has committed the latter part of her medical career to exposing the “lost history” of vaccinations.

Barbara Loe Fisher of NVIC commented that this is one of the rare books that conducted in-depth research documenting the medical history related to mass vaccination programs and infectious diseases.

I have read the book from cover to cover and would strongly recommend that you pick up a copy if you have even the remotest interest in this topic, especially if you believe in the safety and necessity of vaccines, as the comprehensive documentation will likely cause you to reevaluate your position.

It is an absolutely fascinating read, and in some ways demonstrates that enforcement of vaccine programs could be far worse today, when compared to historical standards when people were imprisoned and even killed when they refused to comply.

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Russia Cuts Off Gas Supplies to Europe and Dumps the US Dollar

Thanks to FKTV

Vladimir Putin has been silent lately.

But if anyone thought he had been shamed into defeat or marginalized, then think again.

In the last few hours, Russia has announced two key strategic decisions that show they are not going to stand idly by while their economy and way of life are destroyed by Western forces. First, presumably in response to stiff sanctions leveled by the United States and the European Union after the annexation of Crimea last year, Russia has cut off 60% of Europe's gas supplies right in the middle of winter. This has caused an almost immediate crisis in six European nations that have seen a complete cut-off to their supplies - Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia and Turkey - with more to follow. According to reports via Zero Hedge, the effect has been almost instantaneous.

Without Russia, residents across Europe have no way of staying warm.

Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian state energy giant Gazprom to cut supplies to and through Ukraine amid accusations,

according to The Daily Mail, that its neighbor has been siphoning off and stealing Russian gas. Due to these "transit risks for European consumers in the territory of Ukraine," Gazprom cut gas exports to Europe by 60%, plunging the continent into an energy crisis "within hours." Perhaps explaining the explosion higher in NatGas prices (and oil) today, gas companies in Ukraine confirmed that Russia had cut off supply; and six countries reported a complete shut-off of Russian gas. The EU raged that the sudden cut-off to some of its member countries was "completely unacceptable," but Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller later added that Russia plans to shift all its natural gas flows crossing Ukraine to a route via Turkey; and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak stated unequivocally, "the decision has been made."

Russia has taken similar steps in the past because of non-payment but turned the gas supplies back on once deals were reached.

"We have informed our European partners, and now it is up to them to put in place the necessary infrastructure starting from the Turkish-Greek border," Miller said. "The decision has been made," Novak said. "We are diversifying and eliminating the risks of unreliable countries that caused problems in past years, including for European consumers."

Second, and perhaps even more significant than the overt move to show Europe who's boss, Putin took a direct shot at the United States. "Together with the central bank, we are selling a part of our foreign-currency reserves," Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in Moscow today. "We'll get rubles and place them in deposits for banks, giving liquidity

to the economy." Call it less than amicable divorce, call it what you will: what it is, is Russia violentlyleaving the ranks of countries that exchange crudefor US paper.

What we are seeing are the strategic moves that will eventually catalyze the next great war. And make no mistake, this is exactly what's in store for the world, should these escalations continue. On Saturday, December 13th, Russian media reported that US President Obama evidently can't wait to sign the congressional authorization for war against

Russia (which has already been passed in draft form by 98% of U.S. House members and 100% of US Senate members), and that he is already shipping military supplies into Ukraine for use against Ukraine's ethnic Russians that the Ukrainian Government is trying to eliminate.

Russia's ruble fell more than 6 percent against the US dollar on Monday, dragged down by weaker oil prices in volatile holiday trade. The CHART OF THE DAY shows how West Texas Intermediate, the US oil benchmark, tumbled 69 percent from $31.82 a barrel in November 1985 to $9.75 in April 1986 when Saudi Arabia, tiring of cutting output to support

prices, flooded the market. Prices didn't claw back the losses until 1990. Oil has dropped 57 percent since June and OPEC members say they're willing to let prices sink further.

Video (under 2 mins):

Russia Cuts Off Gas Supplies to Europe and Dumps the US Dollar

Weekly Stats Report: 12 Jan - 18 Jan 2015


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