Interesting Articles and Videos 27th July

Interesting Articles and Videos 27th July

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Illuminati - The Final Move

Everyone is aware that there is something terribly amiss with current human culture, and this video succinctly explains why.

Whilst I feel there is some irony in explaining that religion has been corrupted, and then following a religious line, nevertheless some of the information is now proven by archaeologists to be true, so is fact and not purely religion.

Twelve minutes is all it takes to get the whole story of 2000 plus years, and I am sure you will want to forward it to others.

1.0 What Is "The Crown"?

The Crown in each of the Commonwealth realms is a similar but separate legal concept. To distinguish the institution's role in one jurisdiction from its place in another, Commonwealth law employs the expression the Crown in Right of [place]; for example, the Crown in Right of the United Kingdom, the Crown in Right of Canada, the Crown in Right of the Commonwealth of Australia, etc.

Because both Canada and Australia are federations, there are also crowns in right of each Canadian province and each Australian state; there is the Crown in Right of the Province of British Columbia and Crown in Right of Victoria. The Crown's

powers are exercised - whether by the monarch or by any of his or her representatives - on the advice of the appropriate local ministers, legislature, or judges, none of which may advise the Crown on any matter pertinent to another of the Crown's jurisdictions.

Commonwealth Realms

1.1 Crown Dependencies

The British Crown (the Crown in Right of the United Kingdom) has a relationship with each of the Crown Dependencies, defined differently in each.

In Jersey, statements by the Law Officers of the Crown define the Crown's operation in that jurisdiction as the Crown in right of Jersey, with all Crown land in the Bailiwick of Jersey belonging to the Crown in right of Jersey and not to the Crown Estate of the United Kingdom.

The Succession to the Crown (Jersey) Law 2013 defined the Crown, for the purposes of implementing the Perth Agreement in Jersey law, as the Crown in right of the Bailiwick of Jersey.

Legislation in the Isle of Man also defines the Crown in right of the Isle of Man as being separate from the Crown in right of the United Kingdom.

In Guernsey, legislation refers to the Crown in right of the Bailiwick, and the Law Officers of the Crown of Guernsey submitted that "the Crown in this context ordinarily means the Crown in right of the république of the Bailiwick of Guernsey" and that this comprises "the collective governmental and civic institutions,

established by and under the authority of the Monarch, for the governance of these Islands, including the States of Guernsey and legislatures in the other Islands, the Royal Court and other courts, the Lieutenant Governor, Parish authorities, and the Crown acting in and through the Privy Council." This constitutional concept is also worded as the Crown in right of the Bailiwick of Guernsey.

1.2 In The Courts

In criminal proceedings, the prosecuting party is the Crown; generally speaking, this is indicated by having Rex (for a male monarch) or Regina (for a female one) versus the defendant as the standard for naming criminal trials, typically abbreviated R; for example, a criminal case against Smith might be R v Smith, said "the Crown against Smith".

In Scotland, criminal prosecutions are undertaken by the Lord Advocate (or the relevant Procurator Fiscal) in the name of the Crown. Accordingly, the abbreviation HMA is used in the High Court of Justiciary for "His/Her Majesty's Advocate" in place of Rex or Regina, as in HMA v Al Megrahi and Fahima.

In Australia, R is used in the title of criminal trial judgments and The Queen in criminal appeal judgments (i.e., The case name at trial would be R v Smith, if appealed the case name would be Smith v The Queen). Judges usually refer to the prosecuting party as simply 'the prosecution' (only rarely is The Crown used in the text, and never R) in the text of their opinion. In civil cases where the Crown is a party, it is a customary courtesy to list the appropriate government Minister as the party instead.

In New Zealand court reporting, news reports will refer to the prosecuting lawyer (often called a Crown prosecutor, as in Canada and the United Kingdom) as representing the Crown, usages such as "For the Crown, Joe Bloggs argued..." being common.

The official vehicle of the Governor General of new Zealand in 2010, a Jaguar XJ8. During official travel it is the only vehicle in the country not required to use registration plates.

This practice of using the seat of sovereignty as the injured party is analogous with criminal cases in the United States, where the format is "the People" or "the Statev. [defendant]" (e.g., People of the State of New York v. LaValle or Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Brady) under the doctrine of popular sovereignty. In Federal criminal cases, it is "United States v.[defendant]," as in United States v. Nixon.

The Crown can also be a plaintiff or defendant in civil actions to which the government of the Commonwealth realm in question is a party. Such Crown proceedings are often subject to specific rules and limitations, such as the enforcement of judgments against the Crown.

1.3 Who Or What Constitutes The "Crown"

The "modern" world of so-called Western Civilisation began at the end of the 17th century with the blossoming of the British Empire. The underpinnings of that empire actually began several hundred years earlier with the establishment of the City of London, which is now an 800-year old corporation that controls finance and philosophy for an entity called the Crown.

This entity is the creator and controller of the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve. They also control the World Bank, the IMF and associated cartels. The crown identity is kept most secret. The Crown/Bank of England assumed control of the United States during the Roosevelt administration (1901-1909) when its agent J.P. Morgan took over 25% of American business.

It is not widely known that the famous cartoon banker of the 'Monopoly' board game was basedm upon John Peirpont "J.P." Morgan himself.

The Crown has never been the King or Queen of England since the establishment of this corporate body. The Crown is the directorate of the corporation. The island of Britain is a financial oligarchy run by the "Crown" which refers to the "City of London," not the Queen.

The City is run by the Bank of England, a "private" corporation.

The City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William the third of Orange privatised and turned the Bank of England over to the banksters. Considered the "Vatican of the financial world," the City is not subject to British law. It has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag and its own police force, separate from the metropolitan. City (crown/corporation) police drive red police cars and their uniforms are slightly different from the Metropolitan Police.

It houses the privatised Bank of England, Lloyds of London, the London stock exchange, all British banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks and 70 US banks as well as Fleet Street's newspaper and publishing monopolies. It is also the headquarters for British Freemasonry.

The city of London has its own lord mayor who represents the crown - her name is Fiona Woolf- the head of the Corporation of London.

Catherne Fiona Woolfe CBE, a British Lawyer is the 686th Lord Mayor of The City of London for 2013-2014

It has a council of 12 members who rule the corporation under the lord mayor. The lord mayor and her 12 member council serve as proxies or representatives who sit-in for some of the worlds wealthiest, most powerful banking families.

The Queen has to walk behind the [previous] lord mayor as he leads her into his city.

When the Queen wishes to conduct business within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar where she requests permission to enter this private, sovereign state.

She then proceeds into the City walking several paces behind the Mayor.

Her entourage may not be clothed in anything other than service uniforms. The Queen bows to the Mayor only in the city.

Outside of the city of London the Mayor bows to her.

The City of London is the only part of Britain over which parliament has no authority.