DAY 83

Quiz tomorrow on Momentum and Impulse. Review definitions, concepts, and problems from day 77-83

#Goals: SWBAT...

1. Explore how being at rest affects momentum

2. Use the impulse-momentum equation to solve momentum/impulse problems. 

Warm-Up (6min):

Recall: Impulse = F • t       &      Change in Momentum = m • ∆v     

            Impulse = Change in Momentum   so....    F • t = m • ∆v


#083A: Impulse/Change in Momentum Practice Problems

083B: Fish Catch Interactive

Copy, then complete the sentence. Before the collision, only one of two objects is moving. All the momentum of the system resides in a single object before the collision. After the collision, both objects move together at the same _______ as if they were a single ________. 

In this activity, you will attempt to develop a mathematical rule for predicting the post-collision velocity for any collision that possesses this characteristic. You will attempt to develop the rule in the form of an equation that states the post-collision velocity (vf) as a function of the pre-collision velocity (vi) and the masses of the moving (m1) and the stationary (m2) objects.

Instructions/Handout Link:

Copy the data table into your notes, then use the interactive to collect data. Once you have all the data, create a rule (equation) relating the qualities described in the paragraph above. Be prepared to share out your rule before the end of class. 

Interactive Link:

Learning at Home (HW)

Complete any incomplete classwork. If you didn't finish the fish catch, we will work on that for 10-15 minutes tomorrow. 

Review Day 77-83 for tomorrow's quiz (which will be on Schoology, so login with the Kiosk App tomorrow)

Quiz Monday: Review Momentum & Impulse concepts from Day 80 through 83

#Goals: SWBAT...

1.Calculate Impulse, change in momentum, and force

WARM-UP & HW Check:

Use the impulse-momentum change principle to fill in the blanks in the following rows of the table. As you do, keep these three major truths in mind:

A. Find the missing info from the data below

B. As you saw in last nights video, cars have crumple zones. 

    1. If you were in a crash, why would you want your car to partially crumple?

    2. Which parts of the car don't you want to crumple? Why?


1. 083A: HW Review

Velocity-Time Graph

2. 083B: Practice problems:

        A. Complete the chart that looks like the warm-up problem. It's about halfway down the page

        B. Complete the Check Your Understanding problems

Learning at Home (HW)

    Remind App message me with any questions

    - Complete 083B

    - 083C: Review the concepts of Impulse and Collisions by looking at how a helmet protects our heads. Take notes, and answer the questions

        Edpuzzle Video:

        Video Notes:

     - Quiz Monday: Review Momentum & Impulse concepts from Day 80 through 83

Exam Day    

Warm-Up check Day 68-82 (15 in total) (starts with 04/23/18). You can show me these today (monday) or tomorrow (tuesday)


1. #083B: Complete the practice problems using Coulombs Law. Slideshow ---> LINK