077A: Day After Finals

Congratulations! You made it through the first semester of physics, and you're still breathing well enough to read this. Yay. 

Think about how you did this semester: 

Did you learn what you wanted to learn?

Did you earn the grade you were hoping for? 

If your actual grade and your hoped for grade didn't match, think about why. 

Did you pad your knowledge (and your grade) early on by doing all your assignments from Day 1? 

Did you take advantage of quiz retakes, test revisions, late work opportunities, and extra credit? 

Did you come in for tutoring, either to help you get to a basic level of understanding, or to take your understanding to the highest level?  

Did you use the Remind App to get help, ask questions, etc? 


What will your lifestyle look like after high school?

What's a budget? 

How does your budget affect your post-high school lifestyle?

Try making a budget, and then think about how realistic it would be


If you finish that, try this! https://www.cacareerzone.org/ip/ It's an interest profiler, and connects your personality type to career fields. Once you go to the page, click on ---> Start a new Interest Profiler: Go

Want to see how young people spend their money?


survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/XSNMWLN