DAY 02

Essential Questions: 

1. What are the class expectations? 

2. What are the proper lab safety procedures?


1. Create a name tent

2. Solve lab safety scenarios 

Warm-Up (8min)

1. Get enough paper and markers to share with your table

2. Create a name tent with your first name, and a "sciency" picture

3. Join the Remind App. Here are the instructions

The Remind App is a great way to contact me for help/questions. I don’t do a ton of actual reminding via the app, as I expect students at this level to keep track of their tasks, and calendar on their phones or in notes. However, messages on the app are similar to texts, so it’s a great way to quickly contact me. I teach five classes, and have five different sections of Remind App classes. Below are the instructions to add to the class for Period 1. For other periods, just change the “1” to 2, 3, 5, or 6, depending on your schedule. Ex: 2venice19, 3venice19, etc.

On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link:

Period 1:

Period 2:

Period 4:

Period 5:

Period 6:

Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.

If you don’t have a smartphone, get text notifications. Text the message @1venice19 to the number 81010.


1. HW Review: Should high school students study physics?

2. #002A: Lab Safety

A. (2 min) Brainstorm: Working with your table, list as many lab safety concerns as you and your group can think of.

B. You'll be assigned a scenario for your group, but first, a lab safety video: LINK

C. Scenarios:

1. refraction lab: you spill a cup full of vegetable oil on the floor. 

2. broken thermometer

3. Circuits lab: battery starts getting super hot - can't remove it from holder

4. Laser shined in eye for 20 seconds

5. cut arm with scissors - blood is squirting

6. a student unplugs equipment by pulling the cord. The insulation slips off and the student is now being electrocuted. The spasms are preventing them from releasing the cord, so electrocution continues.  

A. What are the safety concerns?

B. Do you have time to notify someone of the issue? If so, who do you notify?

C. Should you personally take action?

D. Summarize: what steps do you take? 

As a whole class, is their answer complete? Group feedback

3. #002B: Student Safety Contract (LINK)

A. You'll be assigned one rule, with the task of creating a Kahoot question. 

Complete one multiple choice question/answer set for each rule assigned and send it to me via email to

THIS IS DUE tonight WEDNESDAY by 10:30pm, so I suggest you do it early in the day, or even at school.  

We're going to play Kahoot! with your questions, so it's mandatory they follow this format:

Questions may have a maximum of 95 characters, spaces included, so be succinct. You must have at least two answer choices, and each answer choice should be a maximum of 60 characters. 

Highlight or underline the correct answer

Here's a great example:

What effect does Jaundice have on your eyes and skin?

Review the entire Safety Contract (quiz on it Friday). You can skip numbers 34-37, 43, 51, and 55. We will never encounter the situations in those topics.


1. #002B: Lab Safety - submit your Kahoot question (as described above)

2. #002C: Review the safety contract. I will have copies Thursday for you to sign and bring back by Friday

3. #001A: Signed syllabus due by Thursday

4. #004A: Lab safety quiz Friday. Review the Student Safety Contract to study

Projectile motion assessment (15min)


#002B: Forces Assessment (20min)

    - solo assignment - on paper - pages 1-4 - in class. 

    - Also available electronically here --> LINK