DAY 17


None. Exam Day.


1. 017A: Unit 0 Exam

2. 017B: Grade Check-In

    How are you doing in physics so far? Head over to the materials section of Schoology, find assignment 17B, open the template, answer the questions, and submit it. I'll read your comments, and respond today or over the weekend. 

Learning at Home (HW)

#017C: Video notes and edpuzzle answers (due Tuesday): VIDEO:


#Goals: SWBAT...

1. solve a constant velocity problem involving vx

2. set up a lab experiment without being given specific instructions. (think on your own, folks)

Warm-Up (5min) 

***The notes and Edpuzzle Q's from #016C will be checked tomorrow (Thursday), along with your pre-lab from today***

***Warm-Up check this Friday - 2 weeks worth of warm-ups (Day 10-19). They should be labeled and organized***


1. #017A: Pre-Lab

2. #017B: Finish Early? 

At Home Learning (HW) 

1. #016C:

Take Notes: LINK 1

Watch the video, and answer the EdPuzzle Questions: LINK 2

2. Complete Pre-Lab (if necessary)