DAY 01 - Why Study Physics? - Math Assessment - Significant Digits

Our first day goals are:

Students will: 

1. familiarize themselves with the class syllabus, expectations, and grading,

2. Get to know their teacher and classmates via some fun/corny/super exciting exercises,

3. Connect student accounts to Google Classroom,

4. share why we're studying physics

5. Figure out what it means to "flip" a classroom

6. Complete a math skills assessment

7. Understand how to do the homework

Warm Up:

(5 minutes - write today's date along with these questions on a sheet of paper in your binder or notebook, then answer them - you will get a grade for this...)

1.  As a student in this class, which materials should you bring to class every day?

2. Will Mr. Alexander allow phone usage in class? (If you think he will, say why and when he'd allow usage. If you think he won't, say why)

3. Looking at the agenda for today,  what do each of the four colors indicate?


1. Introduction: Slideshow (10min)

2. First Day Activities Grading

Here's the things you'll be graded on from today:

    - warm-up (collected next week with other warm-ups)

    - #001A survey (online - complete in class)

    - #001B Why study physics Q & A (online - complete in class)

    - #001C Flipping the classroom Q & A (online - complete in class)

    - #001D Math Skills Assessment (in class - turn in hard-copy)

    - #001E syllabus signature turn-in (turn in via Google Classroom)

    - #001F Significant Digits notes and practice problems (turn in via Google Classroom)


3. Familiarization (15min)

A)  In the margin to the left, find the link for Physics.  Look in the links on the left or right hand side for the syllabus & agenda/classwork pages.  Familiarize yourself with this layout.  This website and Google Classroom will be especially useful to you during class-time, and if you have an absence and need to make up assignments for that week.  

B)  Go to the syllabus page for your class.  This is a summary of what to expect in your class.  It tells you what you will be learning, how you will be graded, and what materials you are responsible for bringing. You'll need to get a hard-copy of the syllabus from my desk, then have your parent/guardian sign the signature page, and turn that in via Google Classroom before our next class meeting.

C)  Go back to the main page for your class.  Find the link to the Textbook for your class and click on it.  This page gives you instructions on how to find the online version of your textbook.  This means you can access your textbook at home or at school as long as you have a device that can connect to the internet.  *Med Prof students, your reading is all online - no book for you...

D)  Take the First Day Survey (link is ---> HERE).

4. Google Classroom (5min)

    - join our Classroom using this LINK and one of the following codes:

        Period 1:  4syqmx3   Period 5:   w2pkr0

    - say hello to everyone in your first post 

5. Why Study Physics? (10min)

After reading the post (LINK) by Robert Frost, go to Google Classroom to answer one of the following two questions, and then comment on one of your classmates answers:

    i. What does the author mean by the following: "Understanding physics opens our eyes to the world around us and creates an epiphany in much the same way that learning to read does."

    ii. What does the author mean by the following: "How about the desire to have an informed electorate?"

6. Are We Upside-down? What Does It Mean To Flip A Classroom? (8min)

No, we are not. In your binder, take notes while watching the video (linked below). After watching the video, answer the following on Google Classroom:

    A) The presenter (Mr. P) says we don't multitask well, and tons of research supports him (see links below video). What's really happening when we multitask?

    B) What form of distraction will be most difficult for you to "put away" while you are learning from videos and outside of class?

Want to learn more and you're done early? Check this out:

7. Math Assessment (15min)

    - on paper - in class

8. The Remind App (3min)

    Sign up for the remind app:  

    Period 1:

    Period 5:

    Curious? More info is here:

9. Clean Up Time/HW (3min)


Complete the Syllabus activity as outlined on Google Classroom. Due by next class session. 5pts

(Due next class - 10pts ---- be forewarned...Quiz on the topics below Friday/Monday)

1. Go to

    Take notes and copy your answers for credit. Review Mr. P's notes here --> LINK

2. Go to

    Take notes and copy your answers for credit. Review Mr. P's notes here: --> LINK

3. Complete page 833-836 #1-3 all (see link below). You will turn in your answers for credit.

LINK --> pg 833-836

***ALL of the homework will be submitted via Google Classroom. Instructions for how to turn in your HW evidence are listed there.

4. Who I Am (10 min)

    - complete it

    - on the back, answer the following: Which career(s) are you interested in? Why?

 #Goals: SWBAT...

1. define physics symbols

2. Correctly apply Significant Digits and Rounding in problem solving

3. Multiply and divide using the correct number of Sig Digits


1. We will be compiling a number of symbols on paper. This paper will be called your "Table of Friends". For your first installment, copy the symbols from the board, and look them up on the internets to see what they mean. I suggest you do this in pencil in case you make a mistake.