DAY 162

Video Lecture for today:



1. combine colors to remove (absorb) unwanted colors

2. solve color subtraction problems via algebra equations

WARM-UP (3min)

1. When you see a black object, which colors are you seeing? 

2. When you see a white object, which colors are you seeing?

3. When you see a red object, which colors aren't you seeing? 


1. Quiz Announcement

    - Quiz Tuesday

        - mixing colored light (color addition)

        - mixing colored pigment (color subtraction)

2. 162A: Review: Color Subtraction Review & Practice

    Link to reading: (LINK)

    Link to questions: LINK

    A blank document for your answers is on Schoology. Type your answers there, and submit by the end of the period today.

3. 162B: What is Refraction? 

    - write a definition in your own words

    - write an example of refraction (something you've seen in your life)

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can we build a motor out of magnets, wire, and a battery?

Goals: SWBAT...

1. Solve basic and medium difficulty Ohm's Law problems

2. answer basic level questions about magnetism

WARM-UP (4min)

1. Answer CW 162A questions 1-2


1. 162A: More Ohm's Law Practice (20min)


    Show this to Mr. A in class when you're done

2. 162B: Guided Reading: Magnetism

    On Schoology

    Due at 8:00AM Thursday

    Textbook Reading: LINK

    Can't access this on Schoology? Here's the backup LINK


1. 161D: Final Review LINK (this is mostly complete, but I will be adding thermodynamics content today)

2. 162B: Guided Reading: Magnetism on Schoology

Bring your textbook on Thursday for return to the bookroom