DAY 44
#Goals: SWBAT...
1. Solve for the sum of two or more vectors algebraically by adding the components of the vectors.
2. Solve for the angle of the resultant vector
Warm-Up & HW Check:
0. Open Online Textbook CH 5 in a new tab or window. Keep it open all class...
1. CH 5 pg 141: 69, 72, 81 (a & b only)
1. RQ
2. HW Review
3. Practice Problems:
pg 142: 87, 88, 89
4. HW and CW Solutions
You can right-click on these to enlarge them...
1. Friction Kahoot Prep
On a google doc...
Individually, create 4 Q's & A's from page 126-130
Don't forget to highlight the correct answer
share it with me at
2. Reading Quiz on CH 5.2 this Friday. Make sure you read, and pay attention to big concepts and vocab words.
3. Complete pg 130 #27
Goals: SWBAT...
1. Explain why an object moving in a circle at a constant speed is accelerated.
2. Describe how centripetal acceleration depends upon the object’s speed and the radius of the circle.
3. Identify the force that causes centripetal acceleration.
WARM-UP & HW Check
1. View the "Motion in a Circle" videos here: Near the bottom of the player, you'll find a drag down menu that says, "speed #0". Change it to "speed #1", watch that video, then watch "speed #2", "speed #3", etc to "#10"
A. What similarities do you notice between the object's motion?
B. What differences?
C. What relationship do you see between the object's position and velocity?
D. What's happening with that spring scale at the top of the video?
2. Do it:
A. Define Velocity:
B. Write the equation for the circumference of a circle
CLASSWORK: (for each CW activity, think about which goal you are meeting. Also, tell me how the activity helps you achieve that goal)
1. Review your HW solutions. Ask any questions. Quiz on this Monday.
2. Projectile Motion the Flippin Physics way
Solution and Notes in PDF format:
3. Discuss the W/U
4. Navigate to the Uniform Circular Motion Interactive website. Experiment with the on-screen buttons in order to gain familiarity with the control of the animation. The object speed, radius of the circle, and object mass can be varied using the sliders or the buttons. The vector nature of velocity and acceleration can be displayed on the screen. A trace of the object's motion is shown. The acceleration of and the net force values are displayed in the animation window. The animation can be started, paused, continued or rewound. Play around with it.
5. Read 153-155 and copy the derivation of centripetal acceleration equation. Write down any questions you have, which Mr. A will answer for your group or the whole class.
6. Practice: (Use Example Problem #2 (pg 155) as an example)
Solve pg 156: #12, & 13
12: 3.1 m/s2
EC 13: ac = 8.6m/s2
Quiz on 6.1 Monday
Due Monday:Solve pg 156: #12, & 13(EC) Solve pg 156: 16-19