DAY 15


1. In the Position-Time Graph, describe the motion illustrated by lines A-E

2. In the Velocity-Time Graph, describe the motion illustrated by lines A-E (hint, these will be different from #1)


1. Complete Lab 2: Velocity of a Toy Car (10min)


2. Complete Lab 3: Penny Acceleration Lab (10min)

    Crunch numbers. Answers Questions

3. Discuss Lab 2 and 3 results.

    What does it all mean?

    What should I know now?

3. #015A: Quiz 3: Pt and Vt graphing

4. #015B: Acceleration of a Falling Marble


1. Complete Lab 2 and Lab 3. Take a photo and post to GC, or if your answers are on a Google Doc, upload the file to GC

2. Practice rearranging the four big kinematics equations to solve for different variables. This is for you, so no need to upload it, but if you don't do it, you'll cry later.

3. I'll be checking warm-ups next class. You should have 16 as of Day 16. If you're a late add to the class, I'll grade accordingly. 


WARM-UP: Constant Velocity

1. Solve Problem 24 from CH2, page 42. Be sure to pay attention to the details, and to answer the two questions.

2. Quickly copy the motion diagrams, then describe the motion for each diagram. Pay attention to the direction of the motion (arrows).


1. Quiz

2. Speed, Average Velocity, Instantaneous Velocity Notes & Discussion

    The goal here is for you to memorize and then translate some information about speed and velocity. By doing so, I hope you'll understand the similarities and differences between instantaneous and average velocity, between speed and velocity, and be able to describe some of those factoids out loud, with confidence. Here we go...

    a. you'll need a notes page in your binder. The title is in bold above

    b. Individually: while reading, I want you to write down ten facts, similarities, or differences you've found. Facts could include symbols, equations, definitions, descriptions, etc.

    c. Group: In your group, each person will choose one fact, similarity, or difference, and read it out loud. Don't be super loud. We don't all need to hear you ;-). Listeners should either check the item off on their notes if they have the same bit of info already written down, or add it to their list if they don't. The idea here is that you as a listener have to compare what you have written, and how you interpreted it, to how someone else interpreted it. This helps improve your comprehension.

    d. Whole class: We will repeat "c" as a class

    e. So, what's the reading??? CH2, pg 43-47


1. slope = change in position/change in time

2. d= vt + di

3. inst. v is speed and direction of an object at a particular instant

4. average velocity --> v(bar) = (df-di)/(ti-tf)

3. Practice Homework

    pg 47: 29, 30 and pg 54: 60

save below for next class...

How to Google Docs:

4. Position-Time Graph Mastery

    a. Divide your group in two small groups (2-3 people/small group)

    b. You'll be creating a P-T video, from which your classmates will create a P-T graph. This means you'll need to make a clear video that others can use.


    Camera; cart; meterstick; stopwatch


    A. Create one P-T video per small group. 

    B. Have a stopwatch running and visible in the video.

    C. You must include at least two positive motion segments, two negative motion segments, and one extended (10s or longer) pause. 

    D. Motion during each segment should be at a constant velocity, or as close to constant as possible. 

    E. Use the front of the cart as the cart's position

How to Upload a Video to YouTube:

Link to upload your videos: --> LINK


Chose three videos - create a position-time graph similar to the one in problem 60


1. Equation Sheet

    - can be used on tests

    - should contain all important equations

d=rt     Δx=vΔt     v=Δx/Δt   clue --> (m/s)

Δx = final position minus initial position

Δx = xf-xi

Δt = tf-ti

2. Motion Diagram Notes

Acceleration is the change in velocity over a period of time

a= Δv/Δt

How to find Δv? Δv=vf-vi (final minus initial)

How to find Δt? Δt=tf-ti (final minus initial)

3. Practice Problems pg 61 #1-4 as a group

4. Lab Time

    - Lab write-up is due Friday at beginning of class