DAY 38
Newton's 1st Review:
1. If the forces are balanced what is the resulting acceleration?
2. An object’s resistance to change in motion is dependent solely on what quantity?
Newton's 2nd Review:
3. If an object is not accelerating what can you determine about the sum of all the forces on the object?
4. If the net force on an object is in a positive direction, what will the direction of the resulting acceleration be?
5. If you double the mass of an object while leaving the net force unchanged what is the result on the acceleration?
6. A Cadillac Escalade has a mass of 2,569.6 kg, if it accelerates at 4.65m/s2 what is the net force on the car?
1. HW Review
2. Quiz (complete Mon or Tues at lunch if necessary)
3. Newton's 3rd Lecture (MOVED TO HW - Power Outage)
4. Newton's 3rd Practice (MOVED TO NEXT CLASS PERIOD - Power Outage)
Handout -->here's the LINK in case you're absent
1. Newton's 3rd Lecture. This is now HW, thank the winddddddd. Watch the video, look at the notes, and tell me how Mr. P prefers to describe the statement “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
2. Watch the vid - take notes - I'm going to give you a pop quiz on this for the warm-up on Tuesday - same problem, just different numbers. Incentive to do the homework :)
3. Complete the last two pages of this handout (-->LINK) on Newtons 3rd Law. Refer to the chart on page one of the handout, and the Flipping Physics video linked above if you need help
Goals: SWBAT...
1. Learn to draw vector components using the tip-to-tail method.
2. Evaluate the sum of two or more vectors in two dimensions graphically
3. Determine the components of the vectors
4. Solve for the sum of two or more vectors algebraically by adding the components of the vectors.
WARM-UP & HW CHECK (10 min) (pg 121 #4, pg 125 8-10 (extended to Friday)
Friday HW pg 125 11-14. #15 and 16 are extra credit)
1. Joe Average walks 5km at 53.1* North of West.
a. Draw an accurate vector diagram showing Joe's path. Label the vector.
b. Find the x- and y- components of Joe's displacement.
CLASSWORK: (for each CW activity, think about which goal you are meeting. Also, tell me how the activity helps you achieve that goal)
0. Scheduling: Today: Finish vector components. Tues: Friction; Thurs: Force in 2-Dimensions; Finals
1. Stump the Chump & Reading Quiz
2. 7 on pg 125
3. Read Example Problem #2 on pg 124. Then try problem 5
3. Review 5 & 7
5. Practice Problems:
pg 140: 48, 49, 50, 51, 53
pg 141: 69, 72, 81 (a & b only)
PG 142: 87
48: Make scale drawings of vectors. Place the vectors tip-to-tail. Draw an arrow from the tail of the first to the tip of the last. Measure the resultant.
49: Moving the vector
50: Resultant is the sum of two or more vectors.
51. Not affected
53: A (in bold)
69: The largest is 7m; smallest is 1m
72: The northward component (y) is longer
81: a:1.0 in the positive x-direction
b: 10 in the positive x-direction
87: 509.9km 78.69* south of west
6. pg 142: 88 Extra Credit: 89
7. Connect activities with goals
Due Tuesday: Read 5.2 (pg 126-130) - possible reading quiz.
Do problems: 17, 22, 27, 31
Due Thursday: TBD