DAY 135


1. Pass the quiz with a score of 100%


1. none


1. Zoom Meeting to Review MA/IMA/Efficiency Quiz

Quiz 134 Math Solutions

MA = Fr/Fe

MA = 1295N/325N

MA = 3.98

IMA = de/dr

IMA = 4.10/0.925

IMA = 4.43

Eff = (MA/IMA)*100

Eff = 3.98461538/4.43243243

Eff = 0.898968105*100

Eff = 89.9%

Alexander, Josh is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: MA/IMA/Efficiency Review

Time: Apr 15, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 843 1059

Password: 37

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2. Quiz Retake on Schoology 

    If you'd like to retake the quiz, a retake is available. It's on Schoology titled 134AA


3. Exam Prep

    Your Machines Exam is scheduled for Friday. On Thursday, I'll post solutions to the conceptual questions and practice problems. 

    To prepare before then, review the following today:

    - vocabulary listed on page 277, section 10.2. LINK

    - each of the six simple machines

    - three classes of levers

    - conceptual questions 

        page 273 29-33

        page 278 48, 49, 51 (this page LINK may be helpful with answering these questions)

    - practice problems  

        page 272 22-28

        page 280 79-80

Last day to work on Rube Goldberg in Room 37 is this Friday. If you still aren't done (why?), you can take it home for spring break. Some evidence of learning is better than no evidence. Some points are better than no points.

Wednesday (today) and Thursday (tmw) will be Science Bowl days at lunch. Unless you are QUIETLY retaking a quiz, getting tutoring, or working on your machine, you'll need to find a different room to hang out for those days. 

-Mr. A


1. To describe the relationship between period and:

    - wavelength

    - frequency

2. To describe the relationship between wave speed and the following:

    - density

    - tension

3. To describe how damping affects a wave

4. Compare fixed end and free end reflections

WARM-UP: Quiz practice

1. Draw and label a longitudinal and transverse wave. Label three parts for the longitudinal, and five for the transverse.


135A: Slinky Simulation

    Today you'll take another look at waves, this time focusing on period & density, as well as reviewing a couple concepts people struggled with earlier during the oral quiz: damping & tension. Time: 20 min


    1. Use your handout as a to the handout is here: LINK

    2. The simulation is here: LINK

135B: Factors Which Affect f and T (Mass on a Spring)

    Friday we will continue building our math skills by doing calculations with frequency, period, wavelength, etc. With this activity, you'll solidify your understanding of those concepts. For today, you should complete the reading for the activity, and make the at least the first (if not all three) of the data tables. For classwork or homework, watch the video, then complete factor (table) #1: changing the mass


    1. Link to the handout is here: LINK    

    2. A video you can watch after reading the handout, but prior to attempting the work, is here: LINK If you want to speed up the video to 1.5x to save some time, go for it.

    3. The simulation is here: LINK

LEARNING AT HOME (HW)/Announcements

1. Complete the first chart in 135B

2. Lab 133A due Thursday 11:59pm

Complete 132A and B and 134A & B. Quiz coming Friday, so you'll want your wave math skills to be sharp

    Need help? Videos are below...

3. Quiz on wave parts/labeling/definitions and wave problem solving Friday