DAY 147

Here's your video lecture for today:

Here's your other video lecture for today:


1. describe how sound is created in musical instruments

2. Define sound related terms


1. How does a violin make sounds?

2. How does a piano make sounds?

3. bass?

4. saxophone?

5. drum?

6. What do all these sound making devices have in common?

7. through what medium(s) do those sounds get to your body? 


1. 147A: Guided Reading: Sound

    Over the next few days, we'll create instruments to explore concepts of pitch, beats, constructive/destructive interference, resonance. You'll learn how to make a whistle, harmonica, a bit about how to make a radio, and how noise cancelling headphones work. Today's reading & questions are meant to arm you with an arsenal of terms and ideas to help you navigate through the learning process as it relates to sound. 

    Textbook pages LINK

    If you can't access the guided reading on Schoology, here's a back up link: LINK 

2. 147B: Quiz: Waves

    On Schoology. Take it at your convenience by Saturday. 

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the characteristics of EM waves?

GOALS: swbat...

1. explain why the sky is blue

WARM-UP (4 minutes)

While I am gone this week, you will need to be an independent learner. That means:

- be ready when the bell rings, not after

- keep on schedule. You have 4 (four) minutes to do the warm up. Set a timer. 

- be quiet and focused during class-time

- be respectful to Mr. Garcia

- submit your assignments via Schoology. Do not email them to me unless you are unable to access Schoology. 

- submit your assignments via Schoology. Do not email them to me unless you are unable to access Schoology. 

- submit your assignments via Schoology. Do not email them to me unless you are unable to access Schoology. 

- submit your assignments via Schoology. Do not email them to me unless you are unable to access Schoology. 

- If you can't access your assignment via Schoology, try logging out of your personal gmail account. 

- Have a great week! 

- 147B: Want Extra Credit? 10HW points. Answer all questions - show all work - due Monday 05/13/19: LINK

Looking forward to hearing about all the good stuff you've learned, and to seeing you all next Monday,

Mr. Alexander

1. Why do you think the sky is blue? (Don't look it up). 

2. Why isn't the sky blue at night?

3. Why is the sun white during the day, but orange or red during sunset?


1. 147A. Electromagnetic Radiation and Why is the Sky Blue? 

- Please read the instructions 

- read handout, answer questions, and solve problems. 

- again, the assignment is on SCHOOLOGY. Go there for the assignment. 


If you didn't complete today's classwork, complete it by 11:59pm tonight, and submit it via Schoology. It will be late, and you will lose some credit, however partial credit is better than no credit. 

Unable to access today's CW assignment?  Here's the LINK