DAY 16
1. Two cars are traveling to the beach, which is 50 km from school. At noon, Car A leaves a store that is 10 km closer to the beach than the school is and moves at 40 km/h. Car B starts from school at 12:30 P.M. and moves at 100 km/h.
A. Copy & fill in: The velocity of an object is represented by the ______ of the graph.
B. Use the GUESS procedure to set up the problem.
C. For the Solve portion of GUESS, set up a P-t graph. Label each axis with a title and units.
D. Graph it. When does each car get to the beach?
2. Rearrange the following equation to solve for df --> Δd = vfΔt - 1/2a(Δt)2
1. HW Review
2. Practice Problems:
Complete pg 52-53 # 47, 56, 57
3. Lab 4 Prep: Free Fall
Free fall is a special type of acceleration that only occurs when an object falls through the air in Earth's gravitational field. When solving free fall problems, we make the following assumptions.
Air resistance is negligible.
Objects behave as point particles.
The acceleration of gravity is constant (9.8m/s2)
Free Fall Demo Video
1. Which will fall the fastest in normal atmosphere?
2. Which will fall the fastest in a vacuum?
Is this ball accelerating? How can you tell?
Complete the CH2 Study Guide here: LINK
You don't need to print it out unless you really want to - you can just put your work/answers on a normal sheet of paper. Submit your work to the GC for credit.
1. Lab Reports: How to Google Docs:
2. Practice Problems:
Complete pg 52-53 # 47, 56, 57
3. Position-Time Graph Mastery
a. Divide your group in two small groups (2-3 people/small group)
b. You'll be creating a P-T video, from which your classmates will create a P-T graph. This means you'll need to make a clear video that others can use.
Camera; cart; meterstick; stopwatch
A. Create one P-T video per small group.
B. Have a stopwatch running and visible in the video.
C. You must include at least two positive motion segments, two negative motion segments, and one extended (10s or longer) pause.
D. Motion during each segment should be at a constant velocity, or as close to constant as possible.
E. Use the front of the cart as the cart's position
How to Upload a Video to YouTube:
Link to upload your videos: --> LINK
4. CH 2 Exam Prep
Exam Topics:
Vocab: motion diagram; particle model; average velocity, speed, instantaneous velocity; difference between vectors and scalars; distance vs. displacement
Concepts: Motion Diagrams, Particle Models, Position - Time Graphs, slope represents velocity, v=Δx/Δt. Problem solving using these concepts.
Practice your homework & quiz problems. Homework leads to quizzes, which leads to tests...
Chose three videos - create a position-time graph similar to the one in problem 60. Due by midnight tonight.
1/2 sheet of notes for the exam. Single Sided. Write small. See the exam topics above in #4
Labs are due in Google Doc format. Due by Friday at midnight (I'm giving an extension, since we have the exam). To turn it in, just share it with me at
0. When I call your name, bring up your HW (pg 61, prob #5) so I can check it. Drop off your lab report too.
1. Complete the equation for average acceleration: a = --
2. Write a generic equation for Δv
- describe how a v-t graph shows accelerated motion
- use graphs and equations to solve problems including moving objects
1. Review pg 61, #5
2. In your groups (you may want to split your group in half - up to you) look at the v-t graph "Figure 3-8" and answer the following:
A. How do you know A and E are constant motion?
B. How do you know that E shows negative velocity?
C. Does line D always have a positive velocity? (Y/N) How can you tell?
D. Describe what is happening to the object represented by line C.
You have five minutes...then I'll answer any questions
3. Review Example Problem #2 from pg 63
A. Read the problem, then write down the Given and Unknown.
B. Which Equation would you use to solve this problem? (hint, think about the warm-up)
C. If you're solving for acceleration, what should the units for your answer be?
4. Practice Problems pg. 64 #6-11
5. HW due Thursday
- pg 64. #13 & 15
- pg 65. #18
- pg 67. #22 & 23