DAY 120
Need to sign up for the Remind App?
Here are the instructions:
The Remind App is a great way to contact me for help/questions. I don’t do a ton of actual reminding via the app, as I expect students at this level to keep track of their tasks, and calendar on their phones or in notes. However, messages on the app are similar to texts, so it’s a great way to quickly contact me. On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link:
Period 1:
Period 2:
Period 4:
Period 5:
Period 6:
Essential Question: How can energy be transferred?
1. list the requirements for the Rube Goldberg project
2. Assess their current knowledge of simple machines
3. Define "machine", and the six types of simple machines
4. Compare and Contrast the three classes of levers
5. Describe three energy transfers
Think about Kinetic Energy, Gravitational Potential Energy, and Elastic Potential Energy.
1. In a string of Dominoes, how does one falling domino transfer energy to another?
2. What type of energy would a rolling ball transfer to a stationary block if the ball rolled into the block?
In order to 1) build your Rube Goldberg Machine, and 2) test it, you'll need to go through the knowledge building process, and the design process. Knowledge building is what you did on Friday, and will continue today. Depending on where you are progress-wise, you may start your design today, or Tuesday.
There are some samples of materials on the demo table in the front of the class. Feel free to come up and take a look at what I have. Also, you can bring materials from home, either just for your group, or to share (or both).
1. 119A-119B: Complete Monday's Work (if necessary)
2. 120A: Venn Diagram - Three Classes of Levers (10 minutes)
In case you're wondering what "class" means, a synonym for class is "type", or "kind of". So, "Three Types of Levers".
Use the resource linked below to read about levers, and in your notebook create a three-ring Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the three classes of levers.
To fill in your diagram, think about definitions, examples of each lever class, and functions of each class.
LINK: (the notes on lever classes are titled: "Types of lever", and are approximately 1/4 of the way down the page)
3. 120B: Types of Energy Exchange
list the three types of energy (Kinetic, etc).
Example: Imagine a system of a martial artist and a water bottle. The artist executes a back-roundhouse kick, and some of the kinetic energy in his moving foot is transferred to the bottle cap. That kinetic energy causes the cap to spin and come off the bottle. Need help visualizing?
Now you consider a few systems of two objects. In your notebook, draw three examples of how energy can be exchanged, and explain how energy transfers from one object to the other.
4. 120C: Project Idea
Choose, or come up with a project idea, and a backup. Send the idea and backup to me today via email at or via Remind App, or via Schoology.
A list of project ideas are in link3 of the project guidelines and rubric:
1. Quiz on 6 simple machines this Friday
2. Complete any portions of Day 119 or 120 that are unfinished. Those steps are your checklist to begin building
Essential Question: How can energy be transferred?
1. show complete design, including all requirements listed below
1. Have you read the entire project guidelines document?
2. Have you completed all your checklist assignments from Day 117 and 118? If you don't complete those, can you start building?
3. What is the task of your machine?
4. Whats the most interesting energy transfer your machine with utilize?
1. 120A: Design
Your group should come up with ideas for the task of your machine, and the energy transfers your machine will use.
Your design should be drawn, either using a sketch program on your computer, or via hand-drawing.
Designs should include:
list of materials
methods of attachment for each object
energy transfers between stages
labels for each material
each of the 6 simple machines
not sure how to incorporate something like a screw into your machine? Here's link: or an alternate link:
Prior to getting building materials, you'll need to get your design checked by me.
My expectation is that most groups, if not all, will spend the entire period working on their design, and begin building Thursday.
3. 120B: Work Time
1. Complete any portions of Day 117-120 that are unfinished. Those steps are your checklist to begin building.
Want some? Our Rube Goldberg project is materials heavy, so, if you'd like to donate some common materials to class, I will reward your support with points.
Things which are larger, or more expensive (boxes, glue sticks, springs) will get more points per item than something small and cheap (one used Hot Wheels car, for example)
Here's what we need, preferably on Monday (03/18/19) or Tuesday (03/19/19). Keep in mind that this is a live list - I'll take things off the list if we have enough of that material. Also, if you think of something, and are wondering if it might be useful, just ask in class or via the Remind App:
Moving size (approx 18x12x12" or larger) boxes. Used in good condition is great.
hot glue sticks (like these:
used matchbox size cars/trucks that roll well (they can be beat up cosmetically)
tubes (from toilet paper or paper towel)
gear sets and or motors (like these: LINK)
binder clips
CD's (used is fine)
small nails
masking tape (brown or blue)
Unit Schedule
Mon: Background knowledge.
Tue: knife safety, (what kind of simple machine is a knife?)
simple machine lecture
Bring materials for your group, or for the class (extra credit if it's for the class)
Design time
Wed: Simple Machine Quiz
Design time (possibly building time)
Thurs: Design, Building, & Testing
Fri: Paper guidelines
Building & Testing & Paper writing
Mon: Building & Testing & Paper.
You can do your final run of your machine (for a grade) starting this day
Tues: Last day to do your final run, for a grade
Paper due by 11:59pm
Wed: Exam. Intro to next unit