DAY 59


Given info: In this totally rad video, the treadmill is set to 2mph, which means the top of the treadmill walking belt is moving at 2mph to the left or right, depending on the treadmill's orientation. 

Video link HERE

1. What is the relative velocity of OK GO compared to the treadmill walking belt at minute 1:30?

2. At that same time (1:30), what is the relative velocity of OK GO to the Earth?

3. What is the relative velocity of OK GO compared to the treadmill walking belt at minute 1:37?

4. At that same time (1:37), what is the relative velocity of OK GO to the Earth?


1. Reading Quiz 6.3

2. Relative Velocity in 1-Dimension


    Practice problems pg 159 # 22, 23, 26

3. Relative Velocity in 2-Dimensions

    Watch this VIDEO and answer the following

    A. If the boat aims directly across the river, and the current is moving towards the right, 

    what is the resulting velocity of boat?

    B. What does "upstream" means?

    C. If the boat aims upstream, and the current is moving right, what is the resulting velocity of 

    the boat?

Helpful pics for next year:

    Watch this VIDEO and answer the following: 

    A. Which equation do you use to find the resultant (R)

    B. Which equation do you use to find the angle?

4. Practice Problems in 2-D

    pg 159 25



pg 159 27, 28, 29, 30

    Answers & Hints:

    25: is the problem asking for speed or direction? Does it matter???? 

        If you need additional help, check Appendix C

    27: What is the angle between N and NW? Keep in mind that NW is directly between N and W...

    28: 1.9x102 km/h @ 64* South of East

    29. 2.8x102 km/h @ 72* North of East

    30: 320km/h North

#Goals: SWBAT...

1. Define Impulse

2. Describe how momentum is transferred during a collision.

3. Measure in SI the momenta involved

4. Interpret Data from a collision.

5. Draw Conclusions that support the law of conservation of momentum.

WARM-UP & HW Check:

A. Take out a half-sheet of paper. Prepare for the reading/watching quiz. It's happening now... :-)

B. What is the formula for Newton's Second Law? 

C. What is the meaning of Δv? What about Δt? Δp?


1. Impulse Notes:


What does it look like when a force is applied to an object?


    Formula: t

    Def: product of the average force and the time interval of the collision.

    Units: Newton-seconds

    Symbol: none


    Try the problem from the video




    F-t=mΔv    (Impulse-Momentum Theorem)


 0. Two Types of Collisions (add to your notes)


2. Momentum Lab

Your Final Product:

    - Word Document with:

    A. Answers to each question from: Analyze, Conclude & Apply; Going Further; Real-World Physics secitions

    B. Completed data table. 

        - fill this out on the webpage. Then use ctrl-printscreen to take a screen shot, and ctrl-v to paste the         

            tables on your Word document. 

            Tutoring available after school Mon, Tues, and Wed until 4:30. Lunch almost every day.


1. Complete #1 & #2 from pg 233

2. Complete Data collection for lab

3. I forgot to check today's HW for Period 7 - (Example problem #1 from pg 232, pg 235 6 & 8). I will check it Thursday