DAY 094
Goals: SWBAT...
1. Score a 4 on the quiz
2. To design/build a crash barrier which reduces the impact force during a collision
1. What must you do to decrease the impact force during a collision?
2. Does your barrier use the maximum length allowed? What is the maximum length allowed?
3. Why would you want to use the maximum length allowed?
4. On a scale of 1-10, how rigid is your barrier?
094B: Crash Barrier Project/Lab
Today will be your build day. Your task: Design a barrier which can safely stop a moving cart prior to it hitting the wall.
1. Read the lab documents below.
Lab Instructions:
Data Sheet:
2. Data: Your barrier can be a maximum of 60 cm long. The cart has a mass of 370g, a width of 6cm, height of 5cm, and length of 15cm. The ramp is 100cm long, 23cm high, and the angle of the ramp is 13.3 degrees.
3. EACH PERSON: Create a draft of your barrier with three scale drawings, top view, frontal view, and side view, and show it to me for approval. Note, if you'd like to be fancy, you can combine the frontal and side view drawings into an angled view like this (LINK)
4. Answer the question, "What features does your design include which make it the best for accomplishing the task of slowly stopping the cart before it hits the wall?"
5. Common Pitfalls
- barrier too rigid
- doesn't make use of all 60cm of space
- cart tunnels under barrier
- speed bumps
- 6 sheets of paper max
094A: QUIZ 2: Conservation of Momentum
- Kiosk App
- 10-15 minutes
Learning at Home (HW)
Continue preparing for our Momentum exam, which will be Wednesday the 12th.
Complete a few of these each day between now and then.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Momentum - Is It Conserved?
Goals: SWBAT...
1. To consider how impulse and momentum are related to collision injury reduction
2. To design a crash barrier which reduces the impact force during a collision
3. To explain, with theory and math, how to prove their crash barrier was successful/unsuccessful
Warm-Up 94 (5min):
Review the WU from last class (see below)
1. What must you do to decrease the impact force during a collision?
2. What quantity does an accelerometer measure?
3. What can you calculate with this information? What's the equation for that?
What are the purpose of traffic barriers like this (LINK) or this (LINK) or this (LINK) or this (LINK)?
What do you think is inside those barriers?
How did a collision change the shape of this traffic barrier? Before: LINK After: LINK
Do you think the barrier in #3 did it's job? How can you tell?
football players duri
Videos showing how the above devices work:
Crash Cushions: (video is on the right margin, halfway down the page, and is of a truck crashing head-on into the cushion)
Sand Barrels: a tackle
094A: Crash Barrier Lab
Today will be design day. Your task: Design a barrier which can safely stop a moving cart prior to it hitting the wall.
1. Create your google doc for your lab titled, "Lab 2: Crash Barrier Lab - Your Name", and share it with me.
2. Read the lab documents below.
3. Data: Your barrier can be a maximum of 60 cm long. The cart has a mass of 370g, a width of 6cm, height of 5cm, and length of 15cm. The ramp is 100cm long, 23cm high, and the angle of the ramp is 13.3 degrees. You get 15 sheets of printer paper (8.5 x 11" (or in metric, 22 x 28cm) and hot glue (up to two sticks).
4. Create a draft of your barrier with three scale drawings, top view, frontal view, and side view, and show it to me for approval. Note, if you'd like to be fancy, you can combine the frontal and side view drawings into an angled view like this (LINK)
5. Answer the question, "What features does your design include which make it the best for accomplishing the task of slowly stopping the cart before it hits the wall?"
Lab Instructions:
Data Sheet:
Learning at Home (HW)
Complete the CW
Need to make up some missing assignments which are outside the maximum of 5 days late window? Your prayers have been answered. You may do one of the following for up to 80% credit:
A. Complete up to 3 missing CW or HW assignments
B. Complete Lab 1
Either option is due Tuesday, Feb 12.
No, you can't do both options...