Keuntungan Belajar Bahasa Sejak Dini

Post date: Jul 10, 2013 5:23:15 PM

The Benefits of Learning Language Young

Young children are uniquely suited to learning a second language. The developing brain is hard-wired to acquire language. Never again will it be this natural or this easy!

Lifelong Benefits

The gift of language is an investment that lasts a lifetime!

Young learners enrich their lives and open doors to their future by gaining:

  • An expanded world view

  • Greater intercultural appreciation and sensitivity

  • The ability to learn additional languages more easily

  • A competitive edge in future markets and the global marketplace

Children Learn A Second Language Naturally

Exposing your child to a second language while young allows him or her to optimize his or her learning potential, helping to shape the brain at its most flexible stage. Young children are uniquely suited to learning a second language. Learning a second language at a young age is cognitively as easy as learning a first language.

In taking advantage of this window of opportunity, young learners enjoy a wide range of benefits:

Linguistic Benefits

Young language learners can acquire native-like fluency as easily as they learned to walk, in contrast to an adult language learner. Where adult learners have to work through an established first-language system, studying explicit grammar rules and practicing rote drills, the young learner learns naturally, absorbing the sounds, structures, intonation patterns and rules of a second language intuitively, as they did their mother tongue. The young brain is inherently flexible, uniquely hard-wired to acquire language naturally.

Older learners lose the ability to hear and reproduce new sounds by age 8-12, according to experts, resulting in a permanent foreign-sounding accent in any language. Younger learners benefit from flexible ear and speech muscles that can still hear the critical differences between the sounds of a second language, as well as reproduce them with native-like quality.

Cognitive Benefits

While some parents worry that starting their toddler on a second language will interfere with developing English skills, the opposite is actually true. Children can differentiate between two languages within the first weeks of life. "Learning another language actually enhances a child's overall verbal development," says Roberta Michnick Golinkoff Ph.D., author of How Babies Talk.

The research goes on to show a number of additional cognitive benefits to learning a second language at an early age. Children who study foreign language show higher cognitive performance in overall basic skills in elementary school. According to the College Entrance Examination Board, they go on to score higher on SATs. Children who learn a foreign language at a young age also exhibit better problem-solving skills, enhanced spatial relations, and heightened creativity. Learning a second language early on encourages flexible thinking and communication skills, helping children consider issues from more than one perspective.

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