Sundhedsministerens svar 11.6.13 på brev af 3.5.13 fra Region Midt

Sundhedsministeren svarer 11.6.13 bla. følgende på Regionsborgmester Bent Hansens henvendelse: (min fremhævning)

"Som du sikkert ved er der nu besluttet undersøgelser vedr. placering af det lav- og mellemaktive affald ad tre spor:

Fortsat proces hen imod etablering af et slutdepot, undersøgelse af hensigtsmæssigheden af et mellemlager og undersøgelse af mulighed for eksport af affaldet."

Min kommentar: Faktisk er der allerede skrevet om, at fortsat mellemlager kan lade sig gøre. (Det er også kommet frem på minihøring i 2005).

Nemlig i denne NKS rapport fra 2001, hvor man kan læse detaljeret om erfaringer med opbevaring af tønder ude og inde bl.a. på Risø. 

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"In Norway and Denmark without any nuclear power plants the amount of this type of waste is much less, with very long-term storage as a ‘solution’ possibility.

Whenever the long-term storage is selected as a temporary solution in lack of disposal possibilities the quality of the storage facility is of outmost importance for securing the long-term integrity of the waste units. The present report is a contribution within this field, collecting available information and trying to learn from past errors.

A storage facility for low- and intermediate level radioactive waste will be classified as a nuclear facility or as a part of such a facility. It have to be sited, designed, constructed, licensed and operated according to international agreements, national laws and the conditions set up by the licensing authorities. Building of a large new storage facility may require discussion of an Environmental Impact Statement involving the general public and in particular the local community in the permissions for the planned facility."

Læs mere her om at affaldet fortsat kan blive på Risø