
IAEA Fælles konvention fra SIS' hjemmeside

Helsinki Konventionen

Aarhuskonventionen: Århuskonventionen giver offentligheden adgang til oplysninger om, og medvirken i beslutningsprocesser om lokale, nationale og internationale miljøsager. Det har fokus på samarbejdet mellem offentligheden og offentlige myndigheder

Teksten på flere sprog på UNECE

Artikel t.o. i Information, 22.5.2012

Se Round Table Application of the Aarhus Convention to the field of radioactive waste management:

The objective of this first round table was to analyze relevant experiences and new processes by answering the following questions:

- How, can citizens, get the data they need to understand the nuclear waste management issues? How can they in their turn inform about the follow-up processes by producing their own knowledge? How different is information on low level, medium level and high level waste? (session 1)

- What are the conditions to take part to the decision-making processes on nuclear waste? How to link local level participation with national level decision? In the prospect of a long-term waste management, is there a sense to organise trans-generational participation? (Session 2)