Spørgsmål til Danmark om metodevalg for slutdepotsted

"Please briefly describe the main steps of the site selection process for the LILW repository, and in which step it is necessary to obtain public consent? What is the reason to choose a “Decide and Defend” approach, rather than a “Volunteer” or combine approach in achieving public acceptance?" 

(red. LILW repository = slutdepot for lav og mellemaktivt affald)

Danmark svarer bl.a.: 

"The method of a parliamentary decision on the siting of the repository rather than seeking volunteers is a normal Danish way of siting necessary infrastructure projects such as railways, motorways, power lines, etc. Also, it is not expected that there will be volunteers for hosting the repository."

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Fundamental in repository site selection is the need to develop public acceptance. Successful siting exercises have involved the establishment of clear national policies with gradual step-by-step approaches conducted in an open, inclusive and consultative manner. Complex technical aspects must be expressed in a manner that can be understood by members of the public and, while media involvement is important, the commercial aspects of journalism must be appreciated. The concept of risk often features in siting considerations and the associated complexities and perceptions of risk by different groups needs careful consideration

- Low and Intermediate Level Waste Repositories: Socioeconomic Aspects and Public Involvement

Proceedings of a workshop held in Vienna, 9–11 November 20