Om borgerinddragelse
7.9.15 Workshop om borgerinddragelse i forb. med håndtering af atomaffald i Bruxelles i EU-institutionen Det Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg, der er et høringsorgan. Annes Referat på dansk og presentationer.
EURATOM Projects, radioactive waste management and public participation: What have we learnt so far? A synthesis of principles Gianluca Ferraro and Meritxell Martell 2015
OM BORGERINDDRAGELSE - Hvad skal der til for at opnå tillid? Et bud fra atomaffaldsprocessen, Anders Rask, Morads. Oplæg på Miljøvurderingsdag 2013 DCEA
Atomaffald og Financiering: Referat af Workshop i Bruxelles 16.11.15
EU-Kommissionen DG Energi - Min side om direktivet - Management of spent nuclear fuel and its waste EASAC policy report no. 23 JRC Reference Report July 2014
Seminar om borgerinddragelse i atomaffaldshåndtering Amsterdam 23.10.14 - Rapport (DD deltog) - Min side om borgerinddragelse
Danmarks svar på spørgsmål om Danmarks 5. nationale rapport til IAEA Joint Convention. Danmark har i henhold til konventionens bestemmelser modtaget og besvaret i alt 41 spørgsmål til den femte nationale rapport fra følgende lande: Argentina, Australien, Bulgarien, Canada, De Arabiske Emirater, Finland, Frankrig, Republikken Korea, Slovenien, Sverige, Tyskland og USA. En anonymiseret sammenstilling af spørgsmål og besvarelser kan læses her. F.eks. p. 4 (min fremhævning): "An ongoing challenge is the public involvement and participation in the process of siting and establishing a long-term management solution for radioactive waste in Denmark. As described in Section H, one outcome of the extensive public and local political debate which followed after the announcement of 6 potential host areas for a repository was the adoption of a multi-track approach, described in further detail in the subsections of Section H. Since the last review meeting, a Strategic Environmental impact Assessment (SEA) of the plan proposal for establishing a final repository was carried out (Section H). The SEA included several public hearing phases, and will upon finalization be subject to a public consultation. The outcomes of the efforts in relation to examination of an intermediate storage solution as well as an international solution have been made publicly available primo 2015.In compliance with Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM of 19 July 2011 establishing a Community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, Article 14. 3, Denmark shall arrange for self-assessments, including peer reviews, of the national framework, competent regulatory authority, national programme etc. as specified in the directive text. At present, no plans for peer reviews have been scheduled. Denmark is presently preparing the planning phase for the IAEA IRRS mission. Two chief advisers have completed the IAEA IRRS courses in order to acquire a detailed understanding of the process prior to planning."
Om IAEA's fælles konvention på dansk - IAEA's side