Langvarigt langtids-mellemlager - en løsningsmulighed i Danmark for det langlivede lav- og mellemaktive affald

Experiences of Storage of Radioactive Waste Packages in the Nordic Countries

Karin Brodén Studsvik RadWaste AB, Sweden

Steen Carugati, Knud Brodersen Risø, Denmark

Esko Ruokola Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland

Tore Ramsøy IFE Kjeller, Norway

April 2001

side 4: (info: LILW-SL: kortlivet lav- og mellemaktivt affald. LILW-LL: langlivet lav- og mellemaktivt affald

Some capacity for interim storage of waste waiting for transfer will always be necessary, but long-term storage is needed when disposal facilities are not available. For LILW-SL the situation is very different in the Nordic countries, where operating disposal facilities are available in Finland, Norway and Sweden, while only some preliminary planning for disposal have been initiated in Denmark. No disposal facilities have so far been constructed for long-lived waste, LILW-LL, but in Finland and Sweden this must find a solution in connection with the requirements of the nuclear power plants. In Norway and Denmark without any nuclear power plants the amount of this type of waste is much less, with very long-term storage as a ‘solution’ possibility.