

Artist Statement

The setting of the image is the cafeteria here at FHS. I used what was around me, and my friend Eli as a model. I chose to make this image because I like the modern look of the cafeteria. I liked the symmetry of the poles on either sides of the booth and so I had Eli hang onto one because it put the viewers concentration on him.

Compositions I used are informal balance because of how it gets darker on the left side of the photo. My project evolved because on the film it looked dark and sort of "spooky" looking because you could only see the shine of the pole, and the lights on the ceiling. So it looked really cool. When I developed the image it came out like this so it was a major difference, but I'm satisfied with how it came out.

I didn't really have a meaning to the image. This image doesn't relate to my life that much I just thought it was a strong photo.