Extreme Perspective

Angle Up

Angle Down

Artist Statement

The setting of my images are at my house and at school. The images were all created using things I use and see everyday. Like the bricks out front of the high school, my brother, trees and other things. I chose to create these images because they were all accessible things to take photos of and were still photos I was proud of.

In these images they are all either angle up or angle down. A lot were also repetition, high key lighting, selective focus, sharp focus and low key lighting. My project didn’t evolve much except for my editing process, I changed the exposure on most of the things.

I didn’t intend to have these photos to have a deeper meaning, but it makes you realize how beautiful or special something you take for granted or used to really is. The project relates to my life because of how these are all things I see everyday. I think that I’m pretty satisfied with all of my images.