new vision of an old work

I’m calling this project, because "cellulite". The subject is a barbie with cellulite with some demeaning headlines in the background. I chose to create this specific work because I thought it would be a good way to extend my prior idea. When I was creating this I had my old project in mind. My inquiry question is “How can I show the societal and media pressures on women through my art? I think this is a great piece for what I’m doing my question about because everyone has skin imperfections, even celebrities. I think this message is important to women because it shows that dolls and celebrities are not an accurate representation of beauty.

For materials, I used color pencil and marker. I used color pencil as a material because I used it for the piece I was extending and I wanted some of the same elements. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: burnishing and crosshatching. While creating this work, I paid close attention to the message by adding lime green strech mark to the barbies thighs. To add interest to my composition, I used a diaganol main subject.

I like the way it looks like my last project and I am proud of the new message I incorporated. However, I struggled with adding more stylistic elements. My work shows that I learned to grow a piece I made months ago.