sustained investigation #12

9x12 inches

I’m calling this project, "we are all the same" because this piece shows that inside of our skin we are made up of all the same parts. The subject is a few women labeled. I chose to create this specific work because I find it very interesting how there is so much against other people (especially women) when we are all human beings. When I was creating this I had sinplicity in mind. My inquiry question is “How can I show the societal and media pressures on women through my art? I think this is a great piece for what I’m doing my question about because we are all people regardless of the gender you identify as. I think this message is important to everyone because it shows we are made of the same components so what is the point of being mean or judgemental about peoples bodies.

For materials, I used marker, graphite and colored pencil. I used colored pencil as a material because I wanted to draw different skin and hair colors. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: zooming and cropping and pattern. While creating this work, I paid close attention to the shading on the colors of skin. I wanted my artwork to look like a collage almost and I did that by doing different angles when drawing the bodies and adding annotations. To add interest to my composition, I used pastel colors and annotations.

I like the way the message is clear and I am proud of how this message is extremely universal. However, I struggled with adding more components of design and messages. My work shows that I learned how to have an informational artwork.