Pure contour and pattern

Artist Statement

The project that we did was pure contour and pattern. The goal was to draw 3 objects and make patterns and objects in the negative space. The subject of my creation is the donut, the laptop and the coffee. The setting of my creation is a coffee shop. I chose to make this specifically because I thought that I would be able to create a realistic scene with what I drew. The steps I went through in creating this project were drawing the 3 objects, drawing the girl and the sign and then the posters. The materials used when I made this project were graphite and colored pencils. I chose to compose my art this way because I wanted it to look like a coffee shop and we have to have things cut off on the sides of the drawing.

Some techniques I use while making my art were cross hatching my color pencil you can see it all over where I used colored pencil. At first my project was going to be a forest but it evolved and ended up being a coffee shop.

This project relates to me because I drew my coffee and donut and laptop. If I were to do this project again I would make a simple patterned sweatshirt with a more design filled background instead of a colorful sweatshirt with a simple background.