Time Capsules

artist statement

I will be referring to the drawing of the corner as image 1, the water bottle as image 2 and the portrait as image 3

The subject of image 1 is the corner of the "great room" at my Dads house. The subject of image 2 is my water bottle. The subject of image 3 is me. I chose to create this specific work because when I was doing my corner drawing because I was sitting in that room when I was doing it. As I was drawing image 2 I my water bottle was right across from me so I decided to draw that. Lastly, for image 3 I was supposed to draw a self portrait so that’s what I did. For materials, I used only graphite. While creating this work, I paid close attention to trying to make it as realistic could by using value by doing this I realized I need to learn shading technique. I like the way my self portrait turned out and I am glad about how it looks more like me then other self portraits I’ve done in the past. However, I struggled with the corner photo because I’m not that great at drawing angles and shading to show depth and shadows and things like that. If I created another work like this I would probably use a ruler to draw the lines to make it look cleaner.