sustained investigation #15

I’m calling this project, "The Perfect Woman" because it is the subject of the piece. The subject is a definition from the internet. I chose to create this specific work because I thought this showed that there is no real standard to follow to be perfect because it does not exist. When I was creating this I had collage in mind. My inquiry question is “How can I show the societal and media pressures on women through my art? I think this is a great piece for what I’m doing my question about because it shows the unrealistic standards that I think should go away. I think this message is important to women because it shows that we can't be perfect.

For materials, I used collage and colored pencil. I used collage as a material because I thought it fit well for the idea. While creating this work, I paid close attention to the message by incorporating significant elements that speak to my piece. To add interest to my composition, I used collage and drawing. I like the way the message is clear and I am proud of it.