International Work

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Ignacio Martín-Baró Initiative for Mental Health and Human Rights

The Martín-Baró Initiative supports progressive, grassroots groups throughout the world who are challenging institutional repression and confronting the mental health consequences of violence and injustice in their communities.

BC Center for Human Rights and International Justice

Founded in 2004, The Center addresses the increasingly interdisciplinary needs of human rights work and humanitarian responses.

Impunity Watch

Impunity Watch promotes accountability for past atrocities in countries emerging from a violent past. We work together with national civil society groups to produce research-based policy advice, monitor levels of impunity and advocate for tailored policy solutions.

Grassroots International

Grassroots International (GRI) partners with, funds and works in solidarity with social movements and organizations around the world in order to nurture sustainable and equitable relationships among people, with the earth, and all its living systems.