Lesson Learned: Day 2

Post date: May 09, 2017 8:30:32 PM

Date: 05/09/17

Focus: Introduction to Project, Assigning Issues, Group Dynamics


    • Students will be divided into 5 random groups (not your groups for the final project) and will be asked to discuss one of the following questions:

    • What are some of the most serious threats to peace and well-being on the planet?

    • How might technology be used to help solve some of the world's problems?

    • What can organizations, governments, and individuals do to meet the challenges of modern life?

    • What are the hopes and fears that people of today have for the future?

    • How might those hopes and fears be different for people in different parts of the world?

*If you were absent today it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you THINK about these questions on your own and have discussions with people in your life about each of these. They will be questions that come up regularly and should not be ignored.