To Fame or Defame

To fame or defame

Byline, name withheld.

This web site presents personal opinions from others which it neither confirms nor denies, supports nor opposes.

The USGW files are infected again, they need to take antibiotics. I heard that other states got hit with the viruses also. Sounds like the work of Cracker the Happy Hacker. Ha-ha, just joking. I'm waiting to read something in writing accusing a CC of such. I'm full of all this shit and feel sorry for people whose lives are so empty and depraved that this is how they entertain themselves, by slandering and defaming others.

P.S. When is the bulldog going to get that new website online? I heard it was an H-Bomb in 3-D.

Dear name withheld. To answer your question, 'Bulldog' does not confide in me, but it may be on October 22 or later. The only hint I have about the content is a code word which is easy to decode. 2W0A0R7. He said he is going to war with the bastards that fucked him in NM; His words not mine.