Jul 10-16 2000

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Jul 13 13:33:18 2000

Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 13:33:18 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <usgw_all@listbot.com>

Subject: Daily Board Show

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Meeting all recommended daily allowances...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains heaping helpings of editorial content. Read at your

own risk!

Sunday 9 July 2000-Tuesday 11 July 2000:

There was no Board-L traffic on these dates.

Wednesday 12 July 2000-Thursday 13 July 2000:

Ginger Cisewski calls the question on the motion to expedite votes.

Joy Fisher, acting as temp NC, directs the Board Secretary to give the

motion to expedite votes the number 00-21 and open the floor for

discussion. She also explains that GingerC's call of the question was

inappropriate because "the motion had not been formally presented."

Joy asks a question regarding Motion 00-21: "Does this mean that 4 people

can cause the Board by-pass the vote on the call to question and the

discussion period?" and nots that "that a minority of the Board (if they

choose the timing just right), could slip through a motion that is

unpalatable to the majority."

Teri Pettit says that she'd like Motion 00-21 amended "along the lines

suggested by George Waller" in a previously forwarded message or suggests

that it be amended to "fix the ambiguities and the problems that could

allow it to be abused to force a premature vote." She reminds the Board

that the intent of this motion is "to enable some kind of "fast track"

for motions that are very time-dependent, where passing the motion, say,

three days after it is made and seconded is tantamount to failing it.

And that it should take at least a simple majority of the Board to put

a motion on the fast track, but the Chair should not be able to single-

handedly delay a time-critical motion." She notes that she will be

periodically unavailable for the next few weeks and says she "would

consider any amendment as in the email from George Waller to be a

"friendly" amendment not requiring a separate vote."

Joy asks for volunteers to work on amending motion 00-21 and suggests they

call Teri at home in order to "communicate with her to assure that the

spirit of her motion is preserved in the amending process."

Gloria Mayfield asks Tim Stowell if all the voter IDs have been sent and

asks him to resend hers. Joy notifies her that she is forwarding her

message to the Election Committee.


Election News: Rich Howland has updated his campaign page:

http://www.wf.net/~richpump/camppage.htm; particularly check out his

explanations of why he has voted as he has during his tenure on the Board.

Some of you will get a good laugh out of his reasons for FOR listing the

-ALL and the regional lists ["because I believe the we should have every

chance at a different opinion that we can get"] but AGAINST the DBS list

["I felt that this list was and is an negative and bias work of one to

slant all information posted there...I don't have a problem with there

being such a list. Just with recommending it to others."] and the CC-L

list ["because that this list was created for CC's that couldn't get along

with on ALL-L. I didn't see any reason to recommend it to new

volunteers."]. We are forced to assume that having "every chance" at "a

different opinion" does not extend equally to all opinions.

Richard Harrison has also updated his campaign page to explain his

new-found opposition to the Recall amendment:


A group calling themselves the "No On Recall Amendment Committee" has

posted some reasons to vote "no" on the recall amendment at:

http://members.aol.com/noonrecall2000/ This committee has some

interesting members, two of whom are running for office and who can

therefore be materially affected by the Recall amendment, should it pass.

Share And Share Alike Corner: Phil Beshear and Ron Eason have announced a

new use policy for the CART program. According to the announcement,

"...Phil has agreed to return permission for The Archives Census Project

volunteers to use his program. The CART Program pages can be found at:

http://www.us-census.org/cart/ The Archives Census Project is welcome to

link to this site for their volunteers to download the program. This page

is maintained by Phil Beshear and he is the only one with access to it."

[Note that if you go to this page, it still says the ACP is not allowed to

use the program.]

New Toys Corner: This is from someone who was at the ALA convention in

Chicago this last weekend, "I spoke with the folks at Heritage Quest, and

they told me that they have all the images, but they are experiencing a

few "technical difficulties" that will delay the release of the product

until Fall. They would not tell me any numbers for pricing, but they did

admit that they will be pricing it for libraries first, and then for

individual researchers. They had copies of some of the image enhancements

they had done on the originals, and it looks like something we will all

want to see." Dick Eastman's newsletter also has information on this

upcoming release. The images will be available at

http://www.genealogydocuments.com [this site has been updated since last

week] and will include indexes along with the scanned images. The 1790,

1800 and 1870 indexes are already complete. Heritage Quest also has

announced that it plans to use "sticky note" technology in order to allow

visitors to attach comments, questions, corrections, etc. to the scans and

index in order to make the site an interactive community.

Ancestry.com has also announced its intention to post scans of the entire

US Federal Census as part of its new "Images Online" feature. Although

the announcement that Ancestry will post the scans came independently of

Heritage Quests', Heritage Quest is owned by Sierra, which is a "strategic

partner" of Ancestry's parent corporation, MyFamily.com. Its a cozy

little world out there, isn't it?


"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish

the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."

---John Quincy Adams

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat Jul 15 08:39:48 2000

Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 08:39:47 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <usgw_all@listbot.com>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.1000714131919.7891A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Fee Fi Fo Fum...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Thursday 13 July 2000:

Joy Fisher notes that Teri Pettit "has acknowledged that Motion 00-21

needs to be amended, but that she will be unavailable to take part in the

amending process." Joy asked for volunteers for the amending process but

has not heard from anyone on this. She says "Therefore, as a Board

member, I move that we lay Motion 00-21 on the table until such time as

Teri or a volunteer steps forward to amend the motion." [As Acting NC,

she can't do this, although she can "entertain motions" from other

members. Of course, on this Board, you can have your cake and eat it too


Friday 14 July 2000:

Joy notes that she has not received a second on her motion to table Motion

00-21 and if no second is made, the Board will shortly need to vote on the

motion as originally written. Since she will be away for a week, Joy

hands the gavel to Barbara Dore, who will be acting NC until either Joy or

Tim returns.


Lord Save Us Corner: _Rootslady_ as NC??!

Breakdown Palace Corner: Doc Schneider informed the Archives staff

yesterday that the nationwide Archives search engine is "out of order".

According to Doc, Root$web "ran out of space on our searches boxen.. so we

had to kill htdig on there...it was corrupted last night." They are

working on replacing the busted server and will let everyone know when its

fixed. As of this writing, the search engine is still down for the count.

[Perhaps someone should get on the phone to the new corporate

sugar-daddy?] The statewide search engine still works, however.

Other People's Money Corner: Nearly two weeks after the sell-out to

MyFamily.com was announced, Root$web has finally changed its sponsorship

page to reflect that it is no longer accepting cash donations

[http://www.rootsweb.com/rootsweb/how-to-subscribe.html] MyFamily.com,

through Root$web, will still however be willing to accept your donated


Correction Corner: We messed up and published an incorrect URL for the

upcoming home of the online census scans. The correct URL is



"Free thought, necessarily involving freedom of speech & press, I may

tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a crime."

---Alexander Berkman

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.