Last Call FLGenWeb

October 1, 2009

Last Call FLGenWeb, Inc.

Byline, Carol Domingo Sanchez

A reproduction follows. This web site neither confirms nor denies the content of any third party testimony or affidavits.

September 23, 2009 2nd Billing on Delinquent Account


FLGenWeb Project Inc. Stanley W. Tornow

9306 N. Margaret Ave. 18161 Lake Lindsey Rd

Tampa, FL 33612 Brooksville, FL 34601

This account is now over 30 days in arrears. Interest has been added at the rate of 1.5% per month.

Charges incurred by Stanley Tornow on behalf of FLGenWeb and FLGenWeb Project Inc as per agreement with Darrel Bell SC of FLGenWeb in October 2007.,.net, .info, .us 264.12

Floridagenealogy. com,.net, .info, .us 209.79

TOTAL Amount: 473.91

This does not reflect the costs for the extra security measures that had to be taken when (allegedly) Wilda Murphy deliberately and with malicious aforethought posted her FTP access information publicly.

For 5 hours the county sites on www.flgenhistonline were put at risk by her actions as we were unaware of it having been broadcast until 4:55am August 6, 2009.

19 hours x 25.00 per hour for monitoring for potential hacking.





-111.83 partial payment



12.55 interest


849.63 NEW Balance due upon RECEIPT.

Payment due upon receipt by certified funds (cashiers check only). If not paid in full in 30 days interest on the balance will accrue at the standard rate of 1.5% per month.

This does not include the purchase of hosting or domain names, this only reflects payment for USE of the service. The flgenhistonline domains may be purchased separately by negotiation with Stanley W. Tornow at: Payment in full will reflect the termination of any business dealings of Stanley W. Tornow with FLGenWeb Project, Inc.

Accounts over 60 days will be referred to the courts for collection.

End of recompilation.

The situation in FLGenWeb, Inc. simmers. To recount, both President(s) failed to require the Treasurer to produce a monthly financial report as required by the Bylaws of FLGenWeb, Inc. and by the laws in the State of Florida. The President further reclined in her responsibility to pay a legitimate bill which FLGenWeb, Inc. entered through a legal contract. Instead, the wife of the hosting owner, who was a FLGW CC, was ejected from FLGenWeb, Inc. after a public hatchet job and a private email campaign attacking her reputation. Hatchet jobs are accepted procedures in USGenWeb if a CC displays independence or asks to many questions. A grievance was filed, but it was quickly rejected by the GC because it was to complex. The CG instructed the CC to resubmit the grievance but without all those bothersome facts. Concurrently, the GC Chairperson came under fire for allegedly being a thief and a liar as charged in an email send to the Advisory Board by a CC of NCGenWeb. The GC Chairperson is also a SC in NCGenWeb. The GC Chairperson was also accused of orchestrating a hatchet job against yet another CC in NCGenWeb, because she allegedly disliked that CC. That CC was then ejected from the NCGenWeb project without a trial. Scorecard: USGenWeb = 1000, Fairness = 0.

On the Florida legal front, trouble brews. Hell has no fury like the law scorned. FLGenWeb, Inc. apparently has not filed required documents with the State of Florida. When a XXGenWeb jumps into the incorporation pot, they also fall into a legal stew. They can no longer operate like outlaws, Ă  la New Mexico GenWeb who refer to themselves as the wild bunch. Sherry Pncier-Melendez and Denise Wells are no longer members of the Board of Directors of FLGenWeb, Inc. That little detail should have been reported to the State of Florida under the laws of that state. Darrel Bell, the first President of FLGenWeb and others may be called to give depositions. Mr. Bell was a popular Officer of the Florida Board of Directors until he was harassed so sadistically that he walked away. What secrets does he know?

A potential philanthropist was contemplating donating $100,000 to the 'charity organization' called FLGenWeb, Inc. She sent her agent to review the financial filings held by the State of Florida. Oops! None were on file. That $100,000 grew wings.

The Board of Directors of said 'charity organization' does not have records of donations or how the moneys were spent, and no record on file with the State of Florida. The State of Florida is not the Advisory Board of USGenWeb where they wink and turn their gaze at the misdeeds by the XXGebWebs of America (XX means "States" in USGenWeb's scheme). Rumor has it that the IRS is now taking a look at FLGenWeb, Inc. for financial misconduct. Since the incorporation papers lists "The USGenWeb Project" as the mother ship, the Advisory Board of USGenWeb may find themselves answering queries from the IRS and from the State of Florida. It's one thing to destroy a CCs for bringing up issues, but FLGenWeb and other incorporated XXGenWeb's will find that ploy does not set well with the IRS and the State Attorney's Office. Perhaps the best action benefiting all CCs is the incorporation of USGenWeb so USGenWeb will be regulated by law instead of by hatchet. A complaint has been filed with the Attorney General of Florida. What woes will it bring? Expect a final report from the state before January 1, 2010.

On the criminal front: A local citizen claims to know a person of interest and a member of FLGenWeb, Inc. That citizen claimed to have information that the suspect member (We'll call him Cracker the Happy Hacker), engaged in hacking the computer of a local company. A private detective is investigating specific internet activities which may pull USGenWeb members into the fire.

On the Board of Directors front: The Spanish Inquisition with a dose of administrative syphilis is festering in Florida. Here is a short exchange from a long list of cat-skinning.

[Reconcilliation(sic)? Sounds like a misspelled penicillin-ation. Boing? Does he have spell checker? mississippiensis? In like Florida gator? Truth or Consequences? See end of page.]

From: "dennis gries"


Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 4:35 PM

Subject: [FLGW-Board] Re: Truth & Reconcilliation: Becky Scott #3


Truth... Or Consequences.... With your host, Patrice Green.

Ms. Scott, for your question in round one: did you sign or otherwise assent to the actions by the resigned president to dissolve....?

If you tell the truth by saying yes, you will be banished to the Neptune land of the species A. mississippiensis to be cut to pieces by the Inquisition.

If you tell the truth by saying no, the Inquisitors won't believe you.

If you lie, beats me, but the eternal damnation will sweep in and place you in the land of the Green-damned.


From: On Behalf Of

Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 7:26 PM


Subject: [FLGW-Board] Re: Truth & Reconcilliation: Becky Scott #3

Madame Chair,

Since the motion clearly states that any truthful answer will not be used against any former or current FLGenWeb member, there is no incrimination. That is how Truth and Reconciliation works. You tell the truth and all is forgiven and forgotten.

A yea answer would end the matter. A nay answer would end the matter. As long as either is the truth.

It seems very simple to me.

Is there some reason the Board doesn't want to know the truth?



The real issue in FLGenWeb, Inc. (hereafter, "Florida") is an issue of persecution. The former President of Florida was a nice man who worked to bring Florida into the new century by incorporating to reap all the bells and whistles of that concept. His dream was shattered by those pesky Florida Bylaws and by the annoying State of Florida laws that apply to corporations. To add to his misery a group on the Florida Board of Directors lusted after the new empire. The Florida experiment produced a symptom that has affected many states, and which can be seen in the mother ship called the Advisory Board of the USGenWeb Project. Once in power they go to an extreme to warp the bylaws. The original concept of individual and independent web site owners coming together over a mutual interest was replaced with kings and queens who have one goal, rule in heaven forever. The degree to which they go is manifested in the post by Dg above who is a member of the Florida Board of Directors. A Board member who acts so ignorantly and condescending in public is capable of saying most anything in private. (Secret lists are now being used in many states.)

[Note the double standard: Previously, Mr. Barnum referred to a current Board of Directors member as an "arrogant ass" for telling the membership how to vote in this months election. Barnum was then admonished by the President and warned if he did not "behave" he would be ejected from the project. It's not known what constitutes behaving in FLGenWeb, Inc.

Barnum claimed the word "ass" was used as in the dictionary definition of pompous, or vain, self-important, or an aggressively arrogant person. The word was not used as in the genus of "Equus asinus" a hoofed animal, nor was it used in the vulgar form as in the buttocks or anus. Mr. Dennis Gries used the hyphenated word "Green-damned" but he received no similar warning from the President. Dennis attached the person's last (capitalized) name (Patrice Green) to the derogative "damned", as in detestable. The difference in the President's response, approval of Dennis's Green-damned, but a warning to Barnum's arrogant ass, is explained by whose side of the political fence each one sits.]

The core issue can be deduced from this post:



Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 10:15 PM

Subject: [FLGW-Board] Invalidate Becky Scott Censure #4

In recognition of the fact that the current Board of Directors of FLGenWeb Project, Inc., agree that Darrel Bell lied on the Statement of Dissolution that he filed with the State of Florida on March 13, 2009, by stating that the Directors of the FLGenWeb Project, Inc. (Darrel Bell, Jim Powell, Jr. and Becky Scott), met and voted to dissolve the corporation by a vote of 3 to 0. As a result of that lie, Ms. Becky Scott, then a Director of FLGenWeb was improperly censured for acts that she did not commit. I therefore move that if Ms. Scott agrees, her censure will be invalidated.



Mr. Bell is the former President who reached his breaking point. He resigned. Supposedly, he took a secret vote of Officers to dissolve the now hated corporation of FLGenWeb, Inc. After he resigned, Mr. Bell was not available to be punished, so they went after his alleged comrades. As the history of USGenWeb has shown, innocent members have been punished. They have no protection other than a charade of a hearing. Informed members recognize that hearings and grievances squander their time. Becky Scott is now being asked to provide evidence against herself. Failure to do so will be taken as proof that Mrs. Scott is guilty of illegally voting for Dissolution of the corporation. (Why would any vote be a crime?)

This witch hunt is reminiscent of charges made against Mr. Barnum several years ago. He placed online thousands of death records that were in the Public Domain on LDS microfilm. The records were published county-by-county over time and are part of over 2,000,000 records published on his independent web site. You stole the data from us, claimed the NM SC. The SC reported this to the Advisory Board of USGenWeb as part of a hatchet job against Mr. Barnum. In their infinite ignorance, they did not question the accuracy of that charge. Mr. Barnum refused to offer evidence for or against the charges; therefore, he must have been guilty. Mr. Barnum had published a substantial number of those death county records months BEFORE NMGenWeb. Later, the pilot program published the same death records (NMDI) in a searchable format. would certainly refuse to respond to NMGenWeb's charges had they been similarly accused. Many volunteers have come to the realization that USGenWeb is an organization without credibility.

History buffs recall the take-over of China by the Communists. Millions of citizens were forced into re-education camps. They confessed in writing to the high crime of improper thinking. Only then could they be returned to society. In the case of Mr. Bell, if it's true a vote was taken to dissolve the corporation, and he resigned, and then he executed papers to dissolve the corporation, he was in fact acting not as the President but as an agent of the FLGenWeb, Inc. He was carrying out the majority will of the Board of Directors as authorized by vote. One may question the validity of the secret vote, but to attack the character of the messenger is problematic. If anyone has cause for legal action, it is Mr. Bell.

The Florida Board of Directors is now in executive session on the secret A&P list. I wonder what they discuss? Maybe 'Cracker the Happy Hacker' will tell us.

All is not as it appears. There are a few problems with this story.

1. Darrel Bell resigned from FLGW before the alleged "vote of dissolution". Therefore he had no authority to dissolve the corporation as he was not a member or an officer. He allegedly filed invalid documents with the State of Florida.

2. At least one of the cited 'officers' had resigned months before, and Mr. Bell did not update the legal paperwork as necessary.

3. Becky Scott allegedly called the State authorities and asked if someone could dissolve the corporation. She was allegedly told yes, but only if the person filing such papers was an Officer of FLGenWeb, Inc. Mr. Bell was not.

4. Becky Scott was censured by the Board of Directors allegedly because she would not provide financial documentation or a notarized statement that she had no records, or to explain that the former President had all the financial documents. The former Director of Operations had been requesting financial disclosure for weeks as she could not carry out her duty to attain funding in the form of donations, grants, bequests or endowments without such documents. That did not change with the new administration. From January 2008, to August 2009 no financial documents were prepared or presented by the Treasurer unless it was done in secrecy.

5. The current administration apparently wants to lift the censure of Becky Scott to garner the votes from Mr. Bell's supporters. They must to do so by September 30, 2009 unless they find an excuse to extend the voting period. If they do not garner the votes from the supporters of Mr. Bell some Officers may be voted out. A new Board may be the best solution for FLGenWeb, Inc.

6. The pathetic situation in Florida can be deduced between these lines:

From: "L. H. Tornow" <>

To: "Huddart, Ann Huddart" <>

Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 1:42 PM

Subject: Re: What gives?

Well, for one, I am being tried and removed from the project because I can not afford to pay the FLGenWeb Bills anymore. I have shelled out close to ($)2500.00 of my money that was supposed to be repaid to me on internet hosting, legal and accounting fees. It is your stuff, therefore your decision, and I will not influence you one way or another, nor will any decision you make to allow it to be used or not make a darn bit of difference to our friendship. I won't go into details but the crux of the matter is as long as I pay the bills I am ok, but now that I can't I must be gotten rid of. They can afford to pay for hosting elsewhere but have no money to pay me. There are no financial records, the treasurer is too busy to be bothered with FLGenWeb books because it is to small potatoes for his self proclaimed accounting skills. I am just waiting for someone to request an audit.


> From: "Huddart, Ann Huddart" <>

> To: "Tornow, LaVerne Tornow" <>

> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 1:30 PM

> Subject: What gives?

>> Peggy McSwain has asked permission to move the Lee County

>> material to another site. I don't know what's going on.

>> Can you let me know what's right?

>> Ann

To wrap up, FLGenWeb, Inc. is not the most corrupt XXGenWeb project in America, but it's trying.

Note: "Truth or Consequences" is a town in New Mexico.

September's election blowout:


Fran Smith 14; Denise Wells 7


Patrice Green 13; Ray Richard 8


Tom Parker 19; Laverne Tornau (write-in) 1


Walter Bruetsch 5; Dennis Gries 15


Charles Barnum 3; Peggy McSwain 17


Laura Lee Scott 16


Wilda Murphy 13


Mike Flood 16