Mar 1-7 1999

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Mar 2 05:57:10 1999

Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 05:57:08 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

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Subject: Daily Board Show

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Come on the Magical Mystery Tour...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* operating on low caffeine, contains editorial content. Read at

your own risk!

Saturday 27 February 1999

Voting for the Board secretary has concluded. Ginger's final count [she

was wielding the gavel while Beth voted and Beth was wielding the gavel

during the voting since Tim was a candidate] is 8 votes for Bill, 5 for

Tim, 1 abstention and 1 not voting. [I wonder if this vote falls under

Article VIII, Section 2, which states: "Issues shall require a 2/3

majority, of those board members voting, to pass." Under the bylaws, 10

votes were needed by one candidate in order for that candidate to win.

But, what am I thinking? The bylaws have never stopped this board before,

why should now be any different?]

The gavel is returned to our National Figurehead [even though he can't

actually do anything with it].

The 'not voting' Board member voted after the final tally, for Tim.

Tomorrow's News Today: The Board turns its attention to requesting

that Brian "Show Me the Money" Leverich have the admin contact on the

USGW domain names changed to the current NC. [Waaaay back in September or

October, one of our newer Board members claimed that .net and .org were in

the process of having ownership changed over to USGW. I've recently asked

her, as the owner of one of those domains, what the status is on that.

Not surprisingly, I've not heard back from her.]

In Other News: A wee mousie tells me that all the Palladium banners have

disappeared off the Rootsweb pages again. Wonder what happened this time?

Rumor and Innuendo Corner: The wee mousie's cousin says he's heard that

there's trouble in paradise, and predicts a resignation soon. Wonder who

it will be? Could this have anything to do with the ridiculous situation

with the Census Projects?

"What luck for the rulers that men do not think."

---Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Mar 2 16:22:35 1999

Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 16:22:33 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

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Status: RO


On the outside, looking in...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains righteous editorial content, can I get a hallelujah?!

Read at your own risk!

Sunday 28 February 1999:

The NC asks: "Now that the Secretary position has been filled, may we have

a second on Motion 99-3 - the domain registration motion?"

The Board member who originally proposed motion 99-3 restates it for the

group: "that the Board direct Brian Leverich, as technical contact for the

domains and, to contact InterNIC for the purpose

of changing admin contact from Nancy Trice to Tim Stowell, in keeping with

the policy that the admin contact be the current NC."

The motion is seconded.

The NC asks that since the motion has been made and seconded, is there any

discussion? If not, he will request that the voting begin at noon on


A Board member calls "for the Motion."

The Plot Thickens Corner: I received this today, from someone calling

themselves "Nobody":

"I've heard Linda Lewis is finding out the Board will not give her support

like she expected. She's being questioned about her agreement with Rootsweb.

The Board has not yet seen a copy of the agreement, which was done without

approval of the Board. From what I hear, it's getting ugly, with Linda

threatening to take the Archives and go, and Board members badgering her

about creating another Census project."

Well, good for the Board! But lets examine this little missive more

closely. First, Queen Linda is apparently not being treated with the

deference to which she is accustomed. Second, she has apparently entered

into a formal agreement with Rootsweb on behalf of the USGW Archives

Project without seeking the Board's or the Project's input or approval.

While I cannot say for sure what this agreement might include, I can

speculate that it involves the Archives having a permanent home on RW

regardless of the status of USGW. Some weeks ago one of her file managers

forwarded to me a communication from her in which she maintains that

Rootsweb has "made that commitment to the Archives" to store them for free

and to allow free access in the case that USGW ceases to exist. The above

message implies that something is in writing and agreed upon by the two

parties --RW and Linda--, even though one of those parties might not be

authorized to enter into any sort of agreement involving the project's

archives with outside entities. Third, since holding her breath until she

turned blue didn't work, Linda is apparently threatening to take the

Archives and leave the project. If you've ever wondered exactly who owns

the Archives, now you know.

Since this is such an important rumor, but still just a rumor, I've

forwarded it to a few people, including Linda, for confirmation. I am

most curious to see what they all say.

Its My Party Corner: A few weeks ago, we reported an issue raised in some

corners of USGW about having dual affiliation on USGW pages. A project

member had been asked to host a county for another online

genealogy/history project and wanted to use their USGW page for that

project as well and place both logos on the same pages, thus eliminating

the necessity of maintaining duplicate pages. At the time, no one seemed

to have a problem with it. Now, however, concern that visitors might go

into some sort of confused state if confronted with more than one logo on

a page [horrors!] has prompted one State Coordinator [who happens also to

be a Board member] to formulate the following policy for her state:

"...the county host is welcome to have XXGW pages and AHLN pages for

the same county, but they may not have XXGW/AHLN pages for the county.

They're welcome to have duplicate sites, but the logos and links on each

site should pertain only to the association that page is in." The DBS

shares their concern; apparently needless duplication of effort is the "in

thing" in USGW these days!

The idea of forcing CC's to maintain duplicate sets of pages has met with

some resistance and dismay. One respondent notes, "What a lot of wasted

effort to maintain two essentially identical sites," and further points

out that "How could it possibly confuse the user? Nearly every site I

visit has logos for all sorts of entities on it, "HTML writer's Guilds",

"Blue Ribbon Panels", "Link Exchanges", "Web Rings", related associations,

etc...". Wonder how soon it will be before this is proposed as national

policy? I also wonder if this policy pertains to any other online

history/genealogy organization other than the one specifically in the

restrictive policy mentioned above.

"All holy piety in public, and all peeled grapes and self-indulgence in


-- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Mar 3 16:56:56 1999

Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 16:56:54 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

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Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Somewhere over the rainbow...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Monday 1 March 1999:

As there has been no discussion, the NC calls for a vote on both the call

for question and the motion for Motion 99-3 (regarding domain names)

By the end of the day, 9 board members had voted "aye" on both.

In Other News: Don Spidell is home from the hospital and feeling well

enough to post a message or two to his mailing lists.

Just More Work Corner: The USGW Archives Project proudly announces the

new USGenWeb Archives Pension Project. This project is for the

transcription of pension files for all United States wars before 1900.

The Archives is looking for volunteers to help coordinate the state pages

and for people with pension records they would like to transcribe. Please

visit: for further

information on this valuable new project!

A Tangled Web Corner: Bear with me on this. <g> This particular rumor has

scared some interesting critters out of the woodwork.

Yesterday, I reported on an anonymous correspondent who claimed that Linda

Lewis was threatening to take the Archives out from under USGenWeb because

she was not getting the support she expected from the Board. I forwarded

the email to Linda for her comments and she kindly responded to my

request. She flatly denies threatening to take the Archives away from

USGW and confirms that they will be a part of USGW as long as USGW remains

a not-for-profit organization. She does confirm that she is getting some

"badgering" from the Board over her position on the Census Project. She

also states that the "agreement" between the Archives and Rootsweb was

entered into long before the Board and bylaws existed.

One other Board member to whom I forwarded the correspondence says he has

no knowledge of threats by Linda to take the Archives away from the

project. If such threats have been made, they have not been public. The

several other Board members to whom I have forwarded the correspondence,

including all three of my regional representatives, have chosen to ignore

it. Perhaps someone else will have better luck with getting an answer of

sorts out of their representatives.

A correspondent who wishes to remain "an interested observer" tells me

that the coordinator of Census II has been indicating since at least last

summer that she could and would take the Census Project out from under

USGW; apparently documentation of this allegation exists. [Its been


I have also received an interesting tidbit of information concerning

Board meetings from a source who wishes to remain a mystery. Not

surprisingly, the Board does regularly conduct secret meetings.

Of more interest, apparently these secret meetings involve only a select

few of the Board members. According to my correspondent, these secret

meetings are conducted by Kay Mason (who is afraid I'm "going to see

something") and include Ginger Cisewski, and Board Secretary Bill Oliver,

among others. Allegedly, after one of these secret meetings, Kay tried to

get the NC to withdraw from running for the position of Board secretary.

[Hmmm...I wonder if Board Secretary Bill's long-awaited minutes will

include proceedings in the secret meetings....] Whatever. Government by

secret cabal is probably not what the project members had in mind when

they elected a Board and instituted bylaws.

So what does this all mean? Your guess is as good as mine. It could mean

that the USGW project is going to lose its Archives, or one of its Census

Projects, or both, or all of the above or none of the above. Is the

USGenWeb being governed by a Secret Cabal who are desperate to keep

project members from knowing what they are doing until its too late? Who

are also apparently so desperate that they hide their activities from

other Board members? Maybe, maybe not. I do not think it is outside the

realm of possibility that these various rumors are being spread by

factions wishing to discredit other factions, or me, or the DBS, or all

of the above. This could even be a deliberate attempt by Board members

(and I'm reasonably sure my mystery correspondents are Board members) to

have so many contradictory rumors floating around that folks just tune

out. So, caveat emptor!

What I do know is that we have a Board that won't speak to its

constituency other than through rare public announcements. We have

elected representatives that ignore those they represent, even on topics

of importance to the whole project. Has it come to such a state that the

Board (or its members) are willfully obfuscating in order to keep project

members in the dark about Board activities? Is this what we elected these

people to do?

"On nights such as these the gods, as has already been pointed out, play

games other than chess with the fates of mortals and the thrones of kings.

It is important to remember that they always cheat, right up to the end...

--Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters

Ad Astra per Aspera. This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Mar 4 18:14:22 1999

Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 18:14:21 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Say goodnight, Dick...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* could contain editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Tuesday 2 March 1999

Four more Board members vote "aye" on the call for the question, and on

Motion 99-3.

The NC declares Motion 99-3 passed, with 13 ayes and 0 nays.

"If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two


--Keith Richards

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Mar 5 21:58:21 1999

Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 21:58:20 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Fiendishly clever...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* might contain editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Wednesday 3 March 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Here We Go Again Corner: Making the rounds today is a new resolution,

authored by Ginger Cisewski and forwarded to various lists by Board

Secretary Bill, without any apparent input from the NC. As Board

Secretary Bill says: "Though the National Coordinator has yet to

acknowledge this, nor set a discussion period, a motion of magnitude has

been made and seconded, which will probably be numbered #99-5. As

Secretary for the Advisory Board I request this be posted to the widest

possible range to the members of the USGWP, to include the following


Regional Lists. Thank you." [Jumping the gun a little are we, Bill?

This, btw, starts the 48 hour clock.]

Anyways, before we jump into the motion, I will remind our readers that

Board Secretary Bill and Ginger Cisewski are both alleged members of Kay

Masons secret cabal, or as I like to call it, Board II. And further, they

waited to post this resolution at a time when the coordinator of the USGW

Archives Project is out of town and only able to be online intermittently.

Ginger's Motion in Full, with my comments in brackets:

I Move the adoption of the following Resolution:

Whereas, the USGenWeb Project has amassed huge amounts ofdata, with the

purpose of making it available to all researchers free ofcharge, and

Whereas that purpose remains unchanged, and this collectionof data has

become large enough that diversification has become necessary, and

Whereas the Bylaws of The USGenWeb Project addressed thisin Article XIII

by separating the digital library commonly referred to as "theArchives"

into separate entities, naming them The USGenWeb ArchivesProject, The

USGenWeb Census Project, and The USGenWeb Tombstone Project, andprovided

for the creation of future Special Projects, appointment ofCoordinators

for them, and specified how these things must be accomplished, and

Whereas common sense indicates that each Special Projectshould have its

own directory and its own infrastructure for file creation, uploadingand

file maintenance and not have their files co-mingled with those ofany

other Special Project, therefore be it RESOLVED:

[Whose common sense? One could just as easily argue that common sense

dictates that all projects under the umbrella of the USGenWeb Archives

have the same file structure as all the others to aid researchers and file

managers alike. There's nothing particularly "special" about any of the

special projects. They all amass data and post it into an easy to use

format, sorted by county and state. "Common sense" would perhaps tell us

that all the data under the umbrella of the USGW Archives should be stored

and accessible in similar --if not identical-- fashion. The Archives is

fabulously succesful and popular; why mess with success?]

That the Special Projects of the USGenWeb Project be known collectively as

the USGenWeb Project Digital Library and a page be placed on the national

website at and at as a main entrance to the Digital Library,

with all Special Projectsof the USGenWeb Project being listed, a brief

history of eachSpecial Project, as well as a link provided there to each

Special Project, and That each Special Project will maintain their own

directoryand infrastructure, separate from any other Special Project,

andfurther That duplication of the efforts of any Special Project by

anyother Special Project is counterproductive and not to be done;

wheneverpossible, volunteer submissions will be referred to the

appropriate SpecialProject, and That the National Coordinator of the

USGenWeb Project willinstruct the Webmaster for The USGenWeb Project to

place thisResolution on the Special Projects page of the national website

within 48 hours of itsadoption by the Advisory Board, andThat the

Secretary of the USGenWeb Advisory Board be required to distribute this

Resolution to all the Regional Mailing Lists, the StateCoordinators List,

and the unofficial USGenWeb -Discuss andUSGenWeb-ALL lists within the same

48 hour period."

[Wow. That, folks, is the most blatant power grab you are likely to see in

this project for some time. No wonder they waited until Linda was out of

town. First, we change the name of the special project, then we wrest all

the special projects out from the current Archives coordinator, allowing

them to go their own way as far as file management, then we tell her that

she can do nothing to counter the inevitable chaos. I will confess that

there is no love lost between me and Linda Lewis, but this is dirty pool.

Whatever her failings, Linda has always had a sterling pure vision of the

Archives and has worked diligently to bring that vision to life. And its

worked; the Archives are sucessful and popular and above all, useful. so

why mess with it?

I am put in mind of a sequence of events that occurred a few months ago.

A state opened its own archives on a separate server, and proposed to

house its table of contents for the USGW Archives Project on that server

as well. The ensuing battle over the integrity of the Archives and how

to best serve the researchers resulted finally in the loss of the first

elected NC, a Board member, and much trust and goodwill. A number of

current Board members participated in that debate and all were in favor of

the current format for managing the Archives. What is being proposed now

is far more radical and disruptive and will accomplish little more than

separate the special projects into disorganized camps. It also asserts a

level of Board control over the special projects that could be easily

extended to the states, should they choose to exert it.

I see no reason for the Board to disrupt the Archives and the work it does

in order to legitimize what is still nothing more than a cat fight.

Unfortunately, I don't think this motion would have been proposed if Kay

didn't think she had the votes to push it through. She needs 10; think

she has them?]

"There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands,

hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats"

--H.L. Mencken

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat Mar 6 20:47:23 1999

Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 20:47:19 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

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Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Never a dull moment...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content and free thinking. Read at your own


Thursday 4 March 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

The Voice of USGW Corner: As might be expected, opinions --and

emotions-- on the "resolution" to split up the Archives are running hot

and heavy. The general consensus seems to be "no go" on this one. The NC

has stated that he knew nothing about this resolution prior to late last

night, and Board members have affirmed that the Board was not consulted

prior to the announcement being made. I have heard from other members who

asked their Board members that there is some enturbulation on the Board

over the 'premature' actions of some of its members. A brief sampling of

the comments being posted on various lists:

"Before submitting any files to the NDGenWeb Archives I was assured they

would remain there. If the subject resolution is adopted I absolutely

refuse to have any of my files moved from their present location in the

XXGenWeb Archives..."

"I am stunned. No one was consulted about this! I am so mad! I have hung

in there for longer than I really felt I was doing any good. If this

passes and we have to do this, I'll either quit or take the

[name deleted] Archvies somewhere else."

"I for one, if forced to comply will also remove any project of mine

and all records. I am sure we can find a new home for all of them...If all

of us do this, there won't be any records left inthe archives :) "

"Bylaw XIII, Section 1 says nothing about directories. It speaks of

repositories which can mean many things...This appears to be an attempt

to rewrite the Bylaw and has no place in a resolution. If anyone is serous

about it they should follow the route of a bylaw amendment."

"I would also like to add my voice to those against the fragmentation of

the Archives/Digital Library...To me, common sense indicates that all the

data we're all working so hard to get online should be available from one

central repository. To break it up is to create confusion where none is


"This is not THE BOARD, this is a faction within the board. Don't tar

us all with this. If this passes, I will join you ALL in removing all

myfiles and taking them to a safe place. I will also use any influence I

have with the file submitters to do the same thing. Remember, the board

can NOT force you the File Managers to do anything."

"I'm with everyone else. I'll pull my records and contributor records that

allow me too if this thing passes...Not only will I pull my records but

I'll pull my county pages too and let them start anew"

"All we're talking about is doing what the Bylaws say. Separate projects

have separate directories... You don't upload CO files to a NE

directory.... The Archives are NOT to be moved, only the smaller projects,

such as the Tombstone Project and the Census Project."

"I realize that people are reluctant to embrace change but sometimes

change is a good thing. The USGenWeb Census Project is a perfect example

of change that has turned out very well. This is not going to do

anything to the Archives as a Project, they will still be needed and they

will still have plenty to do. It will give others the freedom to create

and do things that others haven't thought of."

In the meantime, Bridgett Smith seconded the motion, Linda Lewis has moved

to table the motion, and Jan Craven is talking about resigning [although

she says she'll stay for the vote.] The National Coordinator has opined

"that unless someone can demonstrate under which Bylaws the Board has the

power to effect such a radical reorganization of the Special Projects that

this Motion is in effect illegal." It appears from published comments

that Linda, Jan, Betsey, and Yvonne don't support the motion, and that

Kay, Ginger, Bill, and Bridget do; I have personal reason to believe a few

others don't support it either <g>. Kay Mason has posted a lengthy and

detailed description of why she feels the Census project should be

independent of the Archives, but fails to address why this new resolution

is necessary.

The 48 hour clock started Friday at about noon, so get your opinions to

your Board reps by noon tomorrow [sorry, don't know the time zone]. An

extensive letter-writing campaign is being conducted by the Archives file

managers; _please_ add your voice.

"Beware of he who would deny you access to information for in his heart he

dreams himself your master."

---from "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri"

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sun Mar 7 14:46:04 1999

Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 14:46:03 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Kills bugs dead...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* probably contains editorial content; not for pregnant women or

people with heart conditions. Read at your own risk!

Friday 5 Mar 1999:

[The Board speaks; buckle in folks!]

The infamous motion (Motion 99-5) to split the Archives is posted by Board

Secretary Bill

It is seconded, with the comment "Oh, wow, this is great."

A message from a constituent is posted by a Board member. It states in

brief that the procedure used to circulate the motion was improper and

exceed BS Bill's authority; the resolution amounts to an attempt to amend

the bylaws; the resolution is not needed; the motion's circulation to two

"unofficial" lists is in violation of previous Board directives. The

author demands the resolution be withdrawn and rewritten and BS Bill


The secretary notes that the resolution was only posted to other lists

after it had circulated elsewhere and the Board was receiving heated


Tombstone representative Linda Lewis moves to table the motion for

furthur discussion and input. The motion to table is seconded.

A Board member questions the author of the resolution: "did you author

this motion, or was it discussed during any secret/private board meeting

that did not include all those elected?", along with several other

questions pertaining to the resolution, including "Doesthe Board want to

completely destroy the Archives?"

A Board member expresses extreme distress over the motion: "Did anyone who

helped write this motion stop to think of the consequences of what this

motion says??" She points out the consequences of the proposed course of

action, including forcing projects who do not want to separate from the

Archives to do so, removing files into new directories, and ripping " the

archives into little pieces". She also says, "If this motion passes, I

will be forced to remove my files from the archives AND from the special

projects and house them on my own site."

Another Board member says, " people use some common sense here. What good

is this board, if it insists on making these arbitrary motions about

things that they have no clue about." She also quotes a "fellow

archivist": "I thought before the September elections that this Project

might expire from without. I now think that our greatest danger is

from within."

Archives representative Jan Craven says that if the motion passes it will

destroy the Archives and the Board does not have the right to mandate the

split up of the Archives. She states, "I have to wonder just what you are

trying to accomplish and what are the motives." She also asks that since

is out of town this weekend for a vote to be held off until Monday.

The tombstone representative notes that the Tombstone Project wants its

files under the Archives filing system to assist researchers.

A Board member expresses "mixed feelings about the resolution, asking if

it solves problems or create them. He asks, "What by definition is the

Archives at this point? Is it just anything that falls through the cracks

between the Special projects? Shouldn't the Archives still cover

everything? Shouldn't the resolution say any Special Project that so

desires can have their own directory to work within, but with the actual

final library being the Archives?"

A Board member states his firm opposition to the resolution, stating, "Any

action this drastic that affects the very structure of the project would

have to be made as a change to the bylaws not as a resolution by this

board. Any resolution by this board should only be in the form of a

recommendation or as an opinion statement."

The author of Motion 99-5 notes a Point of Order: "The NC has yet to

acknowledge the original Motion or the Second, and has not yet proposed a

time limit for discussion."

A Board member also states her firm opposition to the motion, stating: "My

understanding of the nature of project government is that it's kind of a

states' rights thing.....the board only has the powers over states (and/or

special projects) that are listed in the bylaws, and I'll be damned if I

can find anywhere in the bylaws that the board is given sufficient power

to radically reorganize the special projects in this fashion."

Meanwhile Back On The Ranch Corner: Kay Mason posts an extensive list of

the problems she feels the Census project was having with Linda's file

managers. These include transcribers finding their work with other

people's names on it; file managers combining files, changing filenames

and moving them toother directories; and lack of a user-friendly interface

for the researchers. [This is all well and good, but does not in any way

address the reasons behind the current motion to force other Special

Projects to follow the path of Census II.] Yet another state coordinator

expresses opposition to the resolution: "I don't think there is a shred of

valid reasoning or sanity in this proposal so I say NO, NO and NO again!!"

And some dear soul has invited the opinion of Brian "Its All Mine Anyways"

Leverich, "I would love to hear from Brian on this issue. Technically

speaking, is it to our advantage or disadvantage of create separate

directories? Does it matter at all? How would the searches work?"

[actually, I've been waiting for Brian to stride in and put a stop to all

this nonsens; where's the meddlesome potentate when you need him?]

This'N That Corner: A Board member has formally requested that the

motion be withdrawn, citing unanimous opposition among his constituents

and the obvious failure to achieve the 2/3 votes needed to pass it. The

National Coordinator has posted a statement wherein he reaffirms that he

was not previously aware of this motion prior to its release, he states he

has asked the Board to hold off on action on this motion until business

hours on Monday, and he encourages project members to contact their

representatives. Linda is exercising her perogative as the "Scourge of the

-ALL List" and removing people who disagree with her from the list,

although she is breaking her own ban on discussing project management

issues. She is claiming there is no duplication of effort between the

Archives and Census projects; it took me a while to get this one, but what

she apparently means is that _she_ is not doing the duplicating, _Kay_'s

people are [whatever]. And...BS Bill has just posted his very first

summary of the Board's activity [ta. da.]

"What? Me Worry?"

--Alfred E. Neuman

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.