Dec 20-26 1999

From merope@Radix.Net Mon Dec 20 18:58:12 1999

Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 18:58:10 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Based on a true story...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Saturday 18 December 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Tomorrow's News Today: The vote is called for Motion 99-33, to add the

USGW-CC-L list to the "information for volunteers" page; Teri Pettit

forwards several comments from project members to the Board and asks for

an extension of the discussion period.

A Fine Mess Corner: It was bound to happen sooner or later. Seems a CC

has taken over a county page where the former CC used the GenConnect

boards to collect queries and also maintained a mailing list. The new CC

hasn't been using either and isn't interested in using either, and the old

CC doesn't want to continue maintaining them anymore. What's an SC to do?

She's asked her colleagues for assistance with this and it ought to be

interesting to see what they say. One has just told her to let the GC

folks know they are up for adoption and let someone who is interested in

them manage them. Another has said that there isn't any policy requiring

the new CC to manage the boards and mailing list, but that it _is_ the

CC's responsibility to make sure all the queries posted to the GC Board

are retained on the county page and any other data posted to other boards

makes it to the archives, since "these messages were posted in good faith

that they would remain online in USGW." [We wonder if anyone will point

out that queries and whatnot collected using Root$web tools are collected

for Root$web and were _never_ "online in USGW", regardless of what the CC

or page visitors thought. And if we all weren't so quick to accept these

so-called gifts from RW, these problems wouldn't develop.]

Happy Holidays Corner: As has apparently become a holiday tradition

over there, the folks at have announced free access to their

entire site from Dec 20 1999 to Jan 4 2000. Have at it!

Sincerest Form of Flattery Corner: We hear that an idea to publish a

newsletter is making the rounds of the MIGenWen. Brainchild of Jen

Godwin, the MIGenWeb Gazette is designed to "[keep] visitors up-to-date

on what's going on in project development, [make] announcements and so

forth, and [offer] helpful genealogy advice and web guidance for the

state of Michigan." Jen describes the newsletter as "as something like

the RootsWeb Review -- as a way for people to learn more about what we are

doing and for us to keep people visiting our sites and involved in what is

going on. It might be an effective way of publicizing the Project."

[Presumably it won't be larded with commercial ads and begging for money.]

She also says, "CCs could use this list for any project-related

annoucements they liked, and reach what I imagine might become a pretty

substantial audiences. E-mail newsletters are very popular and are an

excellent way to develop return traffic for our sites." The newsletter

would be for the general public interested in MI genealogy, so is not

redundant with the MIGW state list. Those of you interested in MI

genealogy or who might be interested in doing something similar in your

state can check out what Jen has set up at:

"One often contradicts an opinion when what is uncongenial is really the

tone in which it was conveyed."

---Friedrich Nietzsche

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Dec 21 16:18:02 1999

Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 16:18:01 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Filmed before a live studio audience...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Sunday 19 December 1999:

Teri Pettit posts [with permission] feedback messages she received on

Motion 99-33 [USGW-CC-L]. She also notes she received a "no"

recommendation from someone but has not yet received permission to forward

it, and a couple of messages from someone who did not appear to have an

opinion on the motion one way or the other. Below are excerpts from some

of the posts:

"Like you I believe that new volunteers should be aware of all tools and

sources of information available to them." [Alice Gayley]

"I'm not going to go into why I think it should be added to the USGenWeb

information pages because you and others have done it better than I could

say. I just felt I needed to let you know that some of the silent and

quiet feel that it should be added." [Lela Evans]

"I'm coming in late to this whole discussion, but would like to add one

more name in favor of your motion to list USGW-CC on the Volunteers page.

While I am a strong supporter of RootsWeb, as you know, I also subscribe

to USGW-CC...and I fully agree with your reasons for making this motion."

[Elizabeth Harris]

"I do not see why there should be an objection to listing any of the list

that might be of benefit to a GenWeb Member on the National pages. Just

listing them does not mean anyone has to subscribe or not subscribe. But

it does give us choices." [Lois Pittman]

"It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of

public opinion."

---Joseph Goebbels

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Dec 22 12:47:11 1999

Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 12:47:09 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Decking the halls...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* Contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Monday 20 December 1999:

Teri Pettit posts feedback from CCs on Motion 99-33 [reported yesterday].

Tim Stowell calls for a vote on Motion 99-33 [to add the USGW-CC-L list to

the information for volunteers page]

Teri Pettit asks: "Can we wait a while longer? I got a number of responses

sent directly to me (on both sides of the question) with no indication of

whether they could be forwarded to the rest of the Advisory Board or not,

and I'm awaiting replies from the senders of those messages."

Tomorow's News Today: Tim reminds Teri that once a vote is called

discussion on a motion stops, and asks a most interesting question [see

below]; voting proceeds on Motion 99-33 with 1 "yes" vote and 4 "no" votes

thus far; Tim calls for a recess until 3 Jan 2000

Talking Out Of Turn Corner: In his message to Teri, Tim notes that he

told her a week ago that the discussion period on motions was 48 hours

[this limit is not set in any kind of hard substance. It is based solely

on Board tradition]. He also notes that the vote on Motion 99-33 was

called a full 72 hours after the discussion period was opened and that

Teri didn't ask for an extension until 84 hours had elapsed. At 99 hours

he asks the rest of the Board members "do you wish for a further time

extension - should we hold up this vote already called for? Will further

discussion sway your vote one way or the other or are you ready to vote?"

Since Teri had specifically asked for the time extension in order to

present more opinions from constituents, Tim's question is essentially

asking "would more constituent input change your minds?" For what its

worth, Teri appears to be the only CC who actually _asked_ for input from

the rank and file project members. My representatives certainly didn't

ask for input, and from a quick check of the other regional lists, neither

did any of the others. Some of the other Board members note that they've

received input both positive and negative, but none of this has been

presented thus far on Board-L. Its interesting that a great deal of the

information that Teri presented came after she posted a call for comments

on her regional list, -ALL, and USGW-CC-L, and was nearly all positive.

Much of it comes from people who describes themselves as usually quiet,

but who felt strongly enough about this issue to speak up. Who knows how

much more public support the motion would have gotten if they'd asked for

public input? Maybe that's why they didn't ask.

From the looks of the votes so far, a number of Board members are latching

onto the irrelevant issue that archives are not publicly available to

justify voting against it. They are also under the misperception that it

is not open to all CCs, when the listowner has stated that it is. By his

own count he has unsubbed a whole two people [one of them is a Board

member,who has, big surprise, voted "no"]; this is far fewer than the six

or so people who have been permanently banned from using the -ALL list,

and even less than the number of people publicly unsubbed by the former

listowner of -ALL when she was trying to eliminate political discussion on

the list. So "inclusiveness" is probably not the real issue here.

As discussed elsewhere, the real issue is more likely "control". Just a

year ago, the Board was discussing --in secret-- killing off the -ALL

list. It was spared _solely_ because it is mentioned by name in the

bylaws, but the Board did come up with the brilliant idea of removing all

mention of it from the national web pages, in hopes that CCs wouldn't find

it. After four people were banned by Root$web, Linda Lewis took over the

list and forbade any political discussion whatsoever, and proceeded to

unsub at least three people who did not abide by this rule. Around

this time, Don Tharp asked the Board to establish a list for CCs

that was on a server other than Root$web, but nothing was done [When

it was discovered that the Board was manuevering in secret to kill

off the -ALL list, they promptly voted in a motion taking themselves

out of the "list establishment" business.] Don started USGW-CC-L on

an independent server and invited all current CCs to subscribe. Later,

Board member Ginger Hayes took over management of the -ALL list,and I

believe is still the listmanager. Given that there is substantial overlap

in subscribers to the two lists and occasional overlap in subject matter,

what is the difference, really? Well, -ALL is now firmly in the Board's

control, and will most likely remain so. CC-L, on the other hand, is not

under the Board's control and likely never will be. The recent

repressive history of the -ALL list discourages any but the mildest

differences of opinion, while the CC-L list welcomes political discussion

and the exchange of opinions. And we can't have that, now can we?

So we are about to find ourselves in the curious position of having the

-ALL list [or the "bitch list" as board member Holly Fee Timm likes to

call it] proudly returned to the national web pages, while the independent

CC-L is relegated to the sidelines. I personally never thought I'd live

to see the day.

"Opinions cannot survive if no one has a chance to fight for them."

---Thomas Mann

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Dec 23 10:04:34 1999

Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 10:04:33 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Making a list and checking it twice...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Tuesday 21 December 1999:

In response to Teri Pettit's request for an extension of the discussion

period on Motion 99-33 [USGW-CC-L list], Tim reminds her that the "The

policy has been for most motions - at least 48 hours. If it is a major

motion - it is for a longer period of time." He notes that "The vote for

Motion 99-33 was called for 72 hours after the discussion period was

announced. At 84 hours, Teri asks for a further time extension." He asks

the other Board members if their votes can be swayed by further

information or if they are ready to vote now. He also says "In the past -

policy has been that once a vote is called - discussion ceases."

Teri Pettit responds to Tim that she "asked for some discussion as to how

this past policy was decided upon, and whether it could be reconsidered.

48 hours does not allow time for any give-and-take. Most people do not

hang on their keyboards all day, especially during busy times like this

holiday season." She thinks a longer discussion time of 5-6 days would

work better, with a shorter discussion time needed for "simple,

non-controversial motions". She notes "It is not bad to take our time

with something that is complex enough that doing a good job requires

gathering feedback from the CC's and SC's whom we represent."

Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman notes that she has not made up her mind, but

"after 10 repeated attempts I still cannot get subscribed to the -CC list.

I have had two similar comments from folks in the NW/Plains Region." She

says "However if I saw some evidence to the positive the the [sic] list

would be made available to all persons who are County Coordinators then it

might sway my vote."

Teri Pettit notes that "It is difficult getting subscribed to USGW-CC-L at

this time because Don Tharp has to manually add people to the list (in

order to limit it to current CC's), and his wife is critically ill and he

is devoting so much time to her care that he has a VERY heavy email

backlog." She notes that it took her a couple of months to get subscribed

and gives some pointers on how to compose a subscribe message that might

get his attention quicker. She also says "I do think it would be

worthwhile asking Don if he could transfer the subscription duties to

someone else. It would help ease his load as well as giving more timely

response to new subscribers." Teri also posts a long explanatory message

from listowner Don Tharp to the CC-L list [which many of you have probably

already seen; if not, please read Teri's message at:

Maggie thanks Teri for providing this information and says "I do think it

would be good if he transferred the duties temporarily to a person of his

choice. And somehow this information needs to get out to the general

population of USGW CCs." [Hmmm...I know! Let's list on the national web


Two Board members vote on Motion 99-33, one "yes" and one "no".

Tomorrow's News Today: Tim tells the Board to stop discussing Motion 99-33

and calls a recess for the Board starting at 1AM EST 23 Dec until Jan 3

2000; before recess, the vote on Motion 99-33 stands at 3 "yes", 7 "no",

and 2 abstentions [if the remaining four board members all vote yes, Tim

will get to cast a meaningless tie-breaker vote!]

Lump of Coal Corner: Desperately seeking any excuse, at least four Board

members latched on to a straw man as their justification for voting no on

Motion 99-33, stating "I would reconsider my vote on a new motion if this

list changes its rules and allows all CCs to sub" [or some variation of

"me too"]. The list _is_ open to all CCs and always has been, except for

the two who were unsubbed for breaking its rules [see Don Tharp's message

to CC-L]. It is interesting [and possibly instructive] that they did not

apply the same rigorous test of inclusion when they voted to list -ALL,

which has seen at least three times the number of CCs excluded. And its

curious that people so supportive of inclusion can then turn around and

vote to exclude a mail list that serves a large number of CCs [at least

as many as the -ALL list]. But then, these are by and large the sorts of

people who can remain unswayed not only by input from CCs, but by an

explanation from the CC-L listowner that subscriptions are slow right now

because he is caring for a desperately ill family member.

Yesterday, Don Tharp indicated in a message to CC-L that he had written to

a Board representative further explaining his current circumstances, and

noting that "this list has not been moderated by me or anyone else for the

past five months and that the members of the list were following list

guidelines without anyone enforcing the no flames guidelines. The list has

matured and it is of great pride to me that you are using it as it was

intended. That you recognize other list members are, like you, county

coordinators and deserving of respect even when our opinions diverge. That

other list members, like you, have the good of the project at heart and

are doing what they can to help USGW remain an effective organization

within the genealogical community."

This, of course, made no difference whatsoever. So, to the three brave

souls on the Board who voted in favor of including the CC-L list on the

national pages, the DBS extends sincerest wishes for a joy-filled holiday

season. For the rest of you Scrooges---lumps of coal.

[A reader has requested a posting of all Board members' email addresses so

that people may write to protest their decision not to include the CC-L

list; that, along with a record of how each voted will be included in a

separate post.]

Skinning the Cat Corner: Since it appears that USGW-CC-L will not be

listed on the national web pages after all, perhaps it will be possible to

bring it to the attention of CCs in some other way. For instance, those

of you who are State Coordinators can include it as a resource on your

state pages. Instructions for subbing to the list could be posted also to

state mailing lists as something of interest to CCs. A semi-regular post

to the genealogy newsgroups would also be useful for getting the word out.

For those of you who are CCs and are on good terms with your SC, you could

also add it to your county pages or make a one-time mailing to your state

list. [If anyone needs subscription instructions, please send me a private


Unfinished Business Corner: Since the Board has now recessed for a week

and a half or so, it appears they left some unfinished business:

1) The final vote count for Motion 99-31 [DBS list] was apparently never

posted by the NC and the motion was never declared defeated or passed.

2) The motion to add DISCUSS-L to the national page never received a

second and remains on the floor

3) The NC never posted the corrected final count on Motion 99-32

appointing Ken Short as the new Board Secretary; Ken Short appears to have

never been welcomed on board either as is customary; perhaps he was not

subbed to the list

4) The motion to open Board-L to the general membership for read-only

subscription, which received a second, was apparently never given a motion

number, and no discussion period was opened. It remains on the floor.

Looks like the Board will have much to do when they get back.

Gone Caroling Corner: Since the Board is in recess, the DBS staff will be

taking a break as well. There will be an edition tomorrow and possibly

one on Saturday to wrap up any final business; after that we will be gone

until Jan 3. We hope all our readers have a very happy holiday season

and we'll see you in the New Year [unless of course the world ends; in

that case, we'll see you on the other side!] Joyeux Noel!

"At Christmas play and make good cheer,

For Christmas comes but once a year."

---Thomas Tusser (1524-80)

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Dec 23 10:23:07 1999

Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 10:23:06 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: List of Board members

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


[Editor's Note: This version differs from the one distributed on 12/23/99 to reflect some late

votes. ]

Dear Readers:

Here's the list of Board member email addresses, should any of you wish

to contact them regarding their votes on the CC-L motion--Motion 99-33

[their region follows in brackets]:

Voted "yes" [to include the list]

Jim Powell: [SE/MA]

Teri Pettit: [SE/MA]

Ginger Cisewski: [NW/P]

[These three also stuck their necks out for the DBS; please thank them for

that also. It probably did not enhance their popularity among their


Voted "no" [the usual suspects]:

Holly Fee Timm: [At large]

Ginger Hayes: [NE/NC]

Richard Howland: [NE/NC]

Joy Fisher: [NW/P]

Maggie Stewart Zimmerman: [NW/P]

Shari Handley: [SE/MA]

Betsy Mills: [SW/SC]

Barbara Dore: [SW/SC]


Joe Zsedney: [ARCHIVES]

Gloria Mayfield: [SW/SC]

Tina Vickery: [NE/NC]

Did not vote:

Kay Mason: [CENSUS]


Will vote only in case of a tie [but his vote, under the bylaws, will be


National Coordinator: Tim Stowell:

The full list of representatives by Region is at:

Merry Christmas to all!


From merope@Radix.Net Fri Dec 24 10:13:08 1999

Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 10:13:06 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Never gets to play in any reindeer games...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Wednesday 22 December 1999:

Regarding Motion 99-33, the NC states, "Discussion has taken place on this

motion and notes from CCs have been posted here. The motion has been

called and voting is proceeding. After a motion has been called and after

voting has started, discussion should cease." He also notes that if Board

members want to discuss lengthening the discussion period they are welcome

to do so, but not during a vote. He further states that he is extending

the voting period for Motion 99-33 to 1 am EST 12/23/99, and asks members

to continue voting on the motion to get it out of the way before the

holidays. He then says, "Also at that time, I'm calling for a recess of

the Board until 1/3/2000 as several members are going to be away for the

holidays or have other personal issues that have come up for them", and

asks for any objections to this recess schedule.

Voting on Motion 99-33 proceeds, with 1 member voting yes, 6 voting no,

and 3 abstaining. Following are some of the comments some members

attached with their votes:

"I would reconsider my vote on a new motion if this list changes its rules

and allows all CCs to sub." [Betsy Mills]

"I vote NO, but would reconsider if the list were open and archived for

all to read." [Joy Fisher]

"I also vote "no", and for the same reasons." [Shari Handley]

"No but would reconsider if all CCs are allowed to sub." [Maggie Stewart


[Ain't hypocrisy a lovely thing?]

Tomorrow's News Today: a thank you note from a constituent, more Board

members vote on Motion 99-33; parliamentary procedure; housecleaning [see


Cleaning House Corner: In a series of emails to the Board, National

Coordinator Tim Stowell tidies up the several loose ends reported in

yesterday's DBS [good thing he keeps his subscription up to date!]:

1) "Due to a miscount on my part - a revised total - no change in the

final outcome. Motion 99-32 - the nomination of Ken Short for the

postition of Secretary of the Advisory Board to replace the retiring Ed

Book is declared passed with the following vote totals - yes - 11; no -

0; abstain - 2; not voting 3."

2) Motion 99-33: "to add the discussion list be

added to the Info for Volunteers - page". Vote totals: Yes - 3; No - 8;

Abstain - 3; Not voting - 2 Motion fails with 72% of members voting

casting a 'No' vote."

3) "Motion 99-31: to add USGW_ALL@listbot to Volunteer's Info page vote

totals: Yes - 3; No - 9; Abstain - 1; Not voting - 3. Motion fails with

3/4 of members voting casting a 'No' vote."

4) "Motion made 12/10 by Teri - 'I move that subscription directions for

the discussion list be added to the Info

for Volunteers' and called again for a second on 12/16 - is declared dead

as no second was recieved [sic]."

5) "Motion 99-34 - announced as open for discussion on 12/16: 'Now that

Joy's motion "to open subscription to BOARD-L on a read-only basis" has

received a second from Shari - the Motion numbered 99-34 is now open for

discussion.'" This will be voted on in January.

Some Lists Are More Equal Than Others Corner: Does this situation strike

any else as bizarre? The Board just voted on a handful of motions to list

several mailing lists as resources for CCs. They voted to list the

regional mailing lists, which are already listed and have been since

around this time last year when the Board latched on to them as a "safe"

[read, "under our control", since they were originally managed by Board

members] mechanism of communicating with the CCs. They also voted to list

the USGENWEB-ALL list, a list that many CCs have indicated they will

_never_ go near again. Yet the USGENWEB-DISCUSS-L list, a perfectly nice

list if a little bland, couldn't raise so much as a second and the motion

to list it died for a lack of interest. The USGW-CC-L list, which has

received many public endorsements after a Board member solicited opinions

on it and which has run itself admirably for months while the listowner

has tended to family needs, doesn't rate a mention, although several Board

members do mention that "if only it were a better list" they'd see their

way to letting CCs know about it. And finally, the DBS list...while we

here in the newscube certainly never expected to see it listed on any

official page, we do find it ironic that slightly more than half of the

Board reads it every day, and the NC apparently relies on it to help him

do his job. So, although the Board and the NC find it interesting,

informative, and/or a daily "must read", they don't want the CCs to see

it. Go figure.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."

---George Orwell, Animal Farm

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat Dec 25 09:12:40 1999

Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 09:12:39 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


While visions of sugarplums dance in our heads...its Your Daily Board


*warning* contains editorial content. Be of good cheer and read at your

own risk!

Thursday 23 December 1999:

Ginger Cisewski forwards a message from a project member in which she,

Teri Pettit, and Jim Powell are thanked for supporting the listing of

USGW-CC-L as a resource for CCs. The member writes, "This list is a very

informative list and has been the source of a lot of good information.

Thank you for your vote and for standing up for what is right. If you

continue this in good stead the USGENWEB will prosper."

Voting proceeds on Motion 99-33, with 1 more member voting yes and one

more voting no.

Regarding the proposed recess, Ginger Cisewski reminds Tim Stowell that

"Proper parliamentary procedure for this indicates this must be in the

form of a Motion and must be voted on by the members. That's the way it

was handled last year."

Harmonic Convergence Corner: According to a blurb on their home page,

Census I is merging with Census II. The full notice reads, "We are in the

process of merging two census projects, The USGenWeb Archives Census

Project and The USGenWeb Census Project. To learn more about the USGenWeb

Census Project, visit their site." If you read through to the bottom on

the page, you will further note that Ron Eason, who is the new coordinator

for the Census Project [Census II] is listed as part of the "Archives

Census Project Management Team". This bodes very well for the New Year

indeed! [My thanks to an alert reader for catching the blurb on the Census

I home page.]

Cold Shoulder Corner: New Board secretary Ken Short has published his

first ever report to the Project to the regional lists, STATE-COORD,

and USGENWEB-ALL, but not to USGW-CC-L.

Open House Corner: A reader has asked for subscription information for the

DBS, so here is how you can get your own free copy of the DBS delivered

hot and fresh daily:

[You can also unsubscribe at that url and view the list archives. If you

have any trouble subscribing, you can send me a private email and I will

sub you directly.]

Extra Bonus Corner: To subscribe to the USGW-CC-L list, please send an

email to In the body of the mail put "subscribe

usgw-cc-l" [but with no quotation marks] and nothing else [turn off those

sig files!]. Please be aware that subscription is not automatic and may

take awhile, since the listowner is very busy caring for a family member.

Also, remeber that subscription to the list is limited to County

Coordinators of the USGenWeb Project.

"And so this is Christmas and what have you done

Another year over; a new one just begun

And so this is Christmas, I hope you have fun

The near and the dear one, the old and the young

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one without any fear"

---John Lennon & Yoko Ono, "Happy Christmas (War Is Over)"

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sun Dec 26 08:52:05 1999

Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 08:52:04 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

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Absolutely stuffed...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Friday 24 December 1999:

In response to Ginger Cisewski's question regarding parliamentary

procedure, Tim Stowell says "Checking with Ken on this - Adjournments do

require a Board vote. However, a recess does not and can be called by the


Tim posts the revised final vote on Motion 99-32 [to appoint Ken Short as

Board secretary]" 11 yes, 0 no, 2 abstain, 2 not voting

Tim posts the results of voting on Motion 99-33 [to include the CC-L list

on the "information for volunteers" page]: 3 yes, 8 no, 3 abstain, 2 not


Tim posts message wrapping up the loose ends reported in the DBS of

several days ago [this has already been reported here and will not be


Tim posts a "Season's Greetings" to the Board: "My wish is that each of

you and yours have a very happy, safe and enjoyable set of holidays

whatever your choice of holiday may be."

"As long as our government is administered for the good of the people, and

is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of

persons and of property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will

be worth defending."

---Andrew Jackson

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sun Dec 26 09:24:18 1999

Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 09:24:16 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: News Flash!

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Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


DBS News Flash!

This Just In...In the "will wonders never cease department" we've just

received word from Someone Who Wishes To Remain Anonymous that Board

member Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman has done an end run around the delicate

negotiations currently underway to merge Census I and Census II.

According to Someone, Maggie [representing Census I] has pulled a fast one

and started implementing things that Census II hasn't agreed to. This

includes having Root$web place a redirect from the Census II link to the

Census I. Someone says this was done without any consultation with or

approval from Census II, and both Root$web and the National Coordinator

have been contacted to have this unfortunate state of affairs corrected.

You can check this out for yourself: used

to take you to the Census II pages; now they they take you to: which is Census I.

What a nice Christmas surprise from the fine folks at Census I, and how

nice of them to do it while negotiations are still underway for a merger.

-Teresa Lindquist