Phony Vote

The Phony Vote

Vote my way or get yourself a new State Coordinator

The Dossier:

Copied from the internet verbatim; Author: Karen Mitchell State Coordinator NMGenWeb

"Section 5. State projects are empowered to develop/adopt any additional rules/bylaws and guidelines, as appropriate, for their state so long as they do not conflict with these bylaws. State projects shall be highly encouraged to develop and adopt rules/bylaws that cover grievance procedures within the state

"Section 6. It shall be the responsibility of each state project to periodically review local-level project websites to ensure compliance with The USGenWeb Project/XXGenWeb Project established guidelines/standards.

"Section 7. The state project shall have the responsibility to remove any links to websites which fail to meet The USGenWeb Project/XXGenWeb Project established guidelines/standards."

State guidelines are not my idea, they are recommend by the National Bylaws of USGenWeb. State guidelines are necessary in order to prevent abuse of individual either on the state email lists and by the State Coordinator. Without State guidelines, a State Coordinator has unlimited power to abuse. NMGenWeb is part of USGenWeb, not apart from it.

Due to the insistence of Charles Barnum in trying to make people think that NMGenWeb needed, and wanted rules and regulations, a message was sent to every NM CC on June 4, 2006 asking the following questions:

I insisted on nothing. I asked for a discussion and a vote by the members before passing any rules. That is my right as a member of NMGenWeb. After years of my seeking to have this issue put to the membership, it was finally done after Karen Mitchell expelled me and after other CCs departed the organization.

She did not simply ask if State guidelines were wanted, she added that she would quit if the membership voted for guidelines. Without rules or guidelines, she has become a dictator with unlimited power to do as she pleases. To put it another way, she now has the unrestrained ability to remove anyone who does not please her.

Due to the insistence of Charles Barnum ...

Objection, Your Lordship!! At the time of this self-serving vote, Charles Barnum was not a member of NMGenWeb, and had not been for several months! This shows the deceptive skill of Karen Mitchell. She manipulates. Since Barnum was not a member of NMGenWeb at this time, why would the membership give a damn what Barnum thought, much less take a vote of what he wanted?

Answer: To provide Mitchell with more irrelevant misinformation to present to the Advisory Board. It was part of the Open Season plan.

----- Original Message -----

From: Karen Mitchell

Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 2:52 PM

To all NM CC's:

Do you want a new State Coordinator?

Do you want written rules for NM?


Karen Mitchell

New Mexico State Coordinator Votes were deleted below. I have no desire to reveal Member's votes.


(Not deleted)


By majority vote the County Coordinators of NMGenWeb do not want a new State Coordinator. By majority vote the County Coordinators of NMGenWeb do not want written rules. Signed this date, June 8, 2006.

Karen Mitchell

New Mexico State Coordinator

Voting to have no rules is a rule in itself.

How are you going to hold elections without written rules?