Jun 1-6 1999

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Jun 1 11:26:05 1999

Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 11:26:05 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990601100821.22575A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Air-conditioned for your comfort...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Sunday 30 May 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Election Update Corner: An Election Committee of sorts has been cobbled

together and was announced earlier today, some six hours or so after the

period for nominations opened. The Committee is chaired by Ginger Hayes,

and consists of Marceline Beem [who I believe is a RW employee, but I

could be mis-remembering on that], Mary Ann Hetrick, and Celia Snyder [who

just a few weeks ago had no time to continue her position as webmaster].

Although the bylaws require that members of the Advisory Board sit on the

Election Committee, none appear to be actually on it. The website for

submitting nominations is here:


You need to page down to the bottom to find the link to submit

nominations. There are 12 positions open, as follows:

NC [elected to one year term]

At-large rep: [new this year]

Archives rep: [interim position, Joe Zsedeny]

NE/NC SC rep: [Kim Harris Myers' position, will presumably be held by an

interim appointee to serve until Aug 31]

NE/NC CC rep [interim position; Bonnie McVicar-Briggs]

NE/NC CC rep [original member, but one year term, Beth Wills]

NW/P SC rep [interim position, Bill Oliver]

NW/P CC rep [interim position, Lynn Waterman]

SE/MA CC rep [interim position, Jim Powell]

SE/MA CC rep [original member, one year term, Yvonne James-Henderson]

SW/SC CC rep [interim position, Megan Zurawicz]

SW/SC CC rep [Trey Holt's position, resigned effective Aug 31 1999]

This ought to be an interesting election. <g>

Whither Goest Thou, Rootsweb? Corner: From all appearances, to hell in a

handbasket. And quickly. As the furor over the new Surname Resources

swirls out of control, the following events have occurred: at least one

new banning, occasioned by the posting of unhappiness with RW to mailing

lists AND the dissemination of info about the RW Four; one gentleman moved

his entire list off Rootsweb over night and has subsequently had the

remnants of his RW list given to someone else, and found himself

threatened with legal action; RW itself has been reported to at least one

major credit card company for soliciation of "donations" under false

pretenses; the magic word "attorney" has been mentioned by more than one

party; very hard and serious questions are being asked several times a

day by very informed people about RW's business practices, the status of

the 501(3)(c) application [not submitted yet, but "any day now"],

financial disclosure, staff salaries, profit vs. non-profit, etc., none of

which are being answered by RW staff; list members are pointing out that

they are afraid to post to any RW lists now for fear they will be declared

out of line and unsubbed; and, RW is starting to discuss implementation of

an Acceptable Use Policy, which according to one staff member may "require

listowners to deal in a certain way with abusive subscribers", and further

may require listowners and webmasters "to acknowledge that they have read

and understand and will abide by certain standards of the organization and

that if they violate those rules, their use of the system can be

terminated." According to Tim "Daddy's Helper" Pierce, "we never have had

formal usage policies in the past, but we soon will have to institute some

kind of agreement." [You have been warned... Its fun and cool to call

your business a "Cooperative", but when the loyal troops actually start

thinking this means you are interested in their input and are surprised

and angered to find out otherwise, its time to start cracking down.]

You Read It Here First Corner: Shortly before the announcement of the new

cluster boards was sprung on the unsuspecting listowners and board

managers, RW's management informed members of one list that they were

considering making the list closed and requiring participants to sign a

nondisclosure agreement, so that discussion on the list could not be "used

out of context to upset and discourage the other folks who use RootsWeb."

[yeah, no sense letting them know beforehand about stuff like banner ads,

cluster pages, etc. It just confuses the herd.] We here at the DBS

flatter ourselves to think that this has something to do with our

reporting of a few months ago [and which is what got us banned] of

discussions on that list regarding banners ads. Well, look what came to

pass! Guess they decided on "top of the page, flashing" after all.

You Do Not Exist Corner: We've heard through a little bird that posts

containing my name, my email address, any mention of the DBS, and my url

will be rejected if sent to any RW-managed lists. I can't test this out

myself obviously, so if any of you want to, be my guest. Let me know how

it works out.

"Never blame a legislative body for not doing something. When they do

nothing, that don't hurt anybody. It's when they do something is when they

become dangerous."

---Will Rogers

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Jun 2 06:50:54 1999

Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 06:50:53 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990602060916.5440C-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Softens your hands while you do the dishes...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Monday 31 May 1999:

A Board member posts a message regarding the election, saying, "As time is

getting shorter by the minute, until election time, I think we need to

start doing something about it. We have asked several people to act as

the election chairman, and have not been successful." He suggests that

each SC rep contact the SCs for each state in their region to acquire the

list of eligible voters, since not having a chair [or committee] does not

preclude going ahead with this portion of the process. He concludes "This

would at least get some of the work done before we run out of time


Tomorrow's News Today: The Nominations Committee is announced, some

confusion about who's chairing what

Election update: The URL for nominations has been changed to:


and has been substantially redesigned [thanks to whoever's decision it was

to include the states within each region]. There is currently one

nominee posted [see below]. 12 positions are open [list available at the

above url], so the composition of the Board can change substantially [or

not; the bylaws currently contain no provision for term limits].

Lynn Waterman, currently a CC rep for the NW/P Region, has announced his

candidacy for SC rep of the NW/P region.

Oops Corner: In reporting the formation of the Nomination Committee

yesterday, I made a mistake and reported it as the Election Committee [due

to a failure to read carefully enough]. So, two days into the election

cycle, we still have no Election Committee [although we hear a rumor that

Ginger Cisewski might consent to chair it].

Funny Website O' the Day: Hit this one quick, I'm sure it won't be there

long: http://www.rootsweb.com/~drafts/percent.html [and keep the cat

away from the credit cards]. Contributed by a reader, thanks!

Hot Rumor O' the Day: Rootsweb has formed a for-profit corporation,

possibly in New Jersey [no, I don't believe it either, but they sure ain't

incorporated in the state of CA, unless they did it within the last


Nice Thing Corner: If you want to see the quilt made for Terry Davis,

former Board member and SC for CO, who lost her house in a tornado a

couple of months ago, a picture of it is online here:


"...the thing about my jokes is they don't hurt anybody. You can take 'em

or leave 'em. But with Congress, every time they make a joke it's a law...

And every time they make a law it's a joke."

---Will Rogers

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Jun 2 21:34:10 1999

Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 21:34:09 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: News Flash! Now its our turn...

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990602211541.4864G-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Someone sent me this...

This sounds suspiciously like the new Surname Resources on Rootsweb, only

applied to counties. If you recall, waaaay back before I was banned,

Brian promised/threatened to do this...

[this came from a state mailing list; I deleted the name of the sate.



"There wasn't a password set up for this site when I viewed it. Now

there is. No, I didn't asked for a password and wouldn't want one.


If you can get a password and view it, you will see all states and

all counties are set up as automated with search engines and

GenConnect boards for ALL counties. I mean there is a named county

page for every county, yes, your county."



The message goes on to note that there are counties for every county in

the US and all are automated [no admins] and apparently up for adoption

by anyone. There are apparently no links to existing USGW county


I am researching further and will keep you posted.

-Teresa Lindquist


From merope@Radix.Net Thu Jun 3 08:37:58 1999

Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 08:37:57 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990603061358.14053G-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


The finest yellow journalism has to offer...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* the editorial content gets a little thick at times. Read at

your own risk!

Tuesday 1 June 1999:

It is moved to appoint Ginger Cisewski as Chair of the Elections

Committee, as others have declined the nomination and Ginger will not be

a candidate in the upcoming election. The motion is seconded. A Board

member calls the question on this motion.

BS Bill posts the "Election Process Update" to the various mailing lists.

He is reminded by a Board member that Ginger [Hayes] "most emphatically

did NOT agree to chair the committee," but she shortly corrects herself by

noting that since Ginger is "out there posting that she's the chair" then

she must have changed her mind.

A message is forwarded to the board from a project member who wishes to

volunteer for the Election Committee.

Trey Holt, CC rep for the SW/SC region posts to the Board a message

apparently sent to either the State Coord list or to the SW/SC regional

list in which he formally announces his resignation.

Tomorrow's News Today: Turns out Ginger volunteered to be the Elections

Chair; voting commences on the motioin to appoint her [Motion 99-14?]; by

the end of the day 13 people vote "aye" [looks like Ginger is our new

Elections Committee Chair]

Election Update: David Young has thrown his hat into the ring. He's

running for NE/NC Region SC Rep. Jim Powell is shooting for CC rep for

the SE/MA Region. Good luck to both of them!

Nominations to: http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnroane/nominate.htm

[note to Webmaster: the "Election Central" link on the "Announcements"

page of the National Website doesn't work. I can't find a link to the

nominations page on the national website. Can this be rectified?


As I have been nominated for a position in the upcoming election, I

currently have the Nominations Committee checking with server

administration as to whether I will be allowed by RW to fully participate

in both the election process, and should I be elected, the Board mailing

lists. Word at this time is that the issue is before the Board, but

that Brain "avoiding even the appearance of influence" Leverich has stated

that I will not be allowed to post. I am currently seeking clarification

of this [ie, is it a current statement] and will keep you informed.

This Just In: Ginger Hayes has resigned as Chair of the Nominations

Committee in order to accept the nomination for SC re for the NE/NC

regiion. Celia Snyder will be the new Chair.

The Gathering Storm Corner: A listowner, GC/RW board admin and RW

supporter has consulted with an attorney regarding soliciting funds for RW

under the current situation [RW's ambiguous business status and apparent

recent business and policy changes; there has also been some concern

that persons soliciting funds for RW might be considered agents for RW

and potentially liable if someone feels those funds were solicited under

false pretenses]. The attorney's recommendation was "that we all Cease

Immediately any further fund-raising or soliciting for RootsWeb, whether

as an individual or as a group." The listowner has taken this advice to

heart and instructed the rather large number of people who participate in

her research group to cease soliciting funds for RW on all their many web

pages, the groups' mailing list, etc. andh as posted this policy on their

home page. She is careful to state unequivocally [and eloquently] that

she supports RW and respects their contributions and in no way intends for

individuals to stop sending money to RW, but that actively soliciting

funds on RW's behalf might be risky.

Rose Colored Glasses Corner: The RWR for this week indicates that they

have, since last week, started nearly 5000 new lists [their list county is

now around 14,700] and around 34,000 new GenConnect boards for surnames

and each of their variants. The RWR is full of glowing news, but

completely ignores the controversy the new "resources" have caused and the

many loyal supporters they've lost or thrown away. They beg our patience

while they work out the details. They also, incidentally post a letter

from someone supporting RW's new-found fondness for advertising.

Brush Off Corner: Taking the bull [so to speak] by the horns, I wrote to

the new "President and CEO" of RootsWeb, Mr. Bob Tillman, and asked him if

RW had incorporated as a not-for profit or otherwise in California or in

any other state. His reply indicated in part, "We expect to make an

announcement in the RootsWeb Review covering both the for- profit

and not-for-profit parts of RootsWeb before the end of June." He also

says they are still working out policy details and begs our patience until

an announcement is made. [At least this explains RW's silence on the many

many questions they have been asked in the last week; they're waiting to

spring it on us in the RWR. Maybe at the end of June they'll tell us

what's going on.]

Surprise! Corner: As reported briefly last night, Rootsweb has apparently

made "cluster boards" for all United States counties, similar to the

"Surname Resource" cluster boards announced last week. They are

apparently in a directory that is now password protected, but which

someone on one of the state lists got a look at before it was locked down.

Several requests for information have gone unanswered at this time. Are we

about to get a surprise "gift" from RW? Don't forget, Mr. Leverich

they'd do this and also indicated he'd give the tools away to other

projects or RW sponsors if USGW CCs didn't take them.

"RootsWeb already provides a bunch of tools for any CC who wants them: Web

space, mailing lists, GenConnect boards, site search engines, ... We

expect to be adding a half-dozen new tools like those during the next few

months.... We are probably going to create the tools for all American

counties...RootsWeb will probably implement a first-come, first-served

policy, but we'll cheat a bit and make sure that USGW has the opportunity

to be first-come. However, this still means that some ALHN counties and

some independent Webmasters are going to wind up with fairly powerful

tools when the USGW CC doesn't want them."

---Brian Leverich, USGENWEB-ALL, 13 Jan 1999

Food for thought indeed.

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Jun 4 19:33:47 1999

Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 19:33:46 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990604184107.9338A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Raking muck...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Wednesday 2 June 1999:

Ginger Cisewski volunteers to chair the Election Committee. Lynn moves to

accept her as the Chair of the election Committee; Beth seconds [yes, this

was all done yesterday as well]. Lynn calls the question. The NC calls

for a vote, saying "Isn't this redundant? I believe Beth called this

motion yesterday." By the end of the day 13 Board members had voted "aye"

to this motion.

Tim asks Ginger if she needs a mailing list for the committee. Former

Elections Committee Chair Kay reminds the NC that there is already

a committee mailing list, and the Board Secretary has the password to it.

The NC posts an message from Kay to bunches of people [looks all the

candidates in last July's election] in which she indicates "The Election

committee is evaluating this election, and will write a report to give to

the lucky folks who get to do the election next year." The NC asks if

anyone had ever seen this report. Kay indicates she only got a couple of

letters with feedback and never wrote the report.

A Board member posts a message sent to other project mailing lists

encouraging project members to nominate their colleagues for the open

Board seats. BS Bill posts the URL change for the nominations page.

Tomorrow's News Today: Another member votes "aye" on the motion to appoint

Ginger as Elections Committee Chair; the Board Secretary makes her

appointment official.

Election Update: New candidates include: Bill Oliver for NC; Joe Zsedney

for Archives Rep [elected internally by the Archives file managers];

Ginger Hayes for NE/NC SC rep; Nate Zipfel for NE/NC CC rep; and David

Morgan for SW/SC rep.

Behind the Scenes Corner: Following a request by the former Nominations

Committee Chair, the Board has been addressing the issue of my ability to

participate in USGW mailing lists through the duration of the election

cycle, and on the Board mailing lists, should I be elected. Various

reports lead me to believe the answer will be "no" on both counts. I am

also given to understand that some Board members are adamant that the

Board lists will not be moved off Rootsweb [although it does seem,

according to the Bylaws, that that would be the NC's perogative.] I'm

sure I will be duly informed by _someone_ whenever they decide how they

are going to address this issue.

What's Yours Is Mine Corner: Following a report yesterday on a number of

USGW lists of transcribed data being "harvested" from a USGW state page,

and included in a commercial book, I contacted some Board members and the

Archives coordinator for more complete information. The NC has stated

that it is a matter internal to TN and the Board has been kept informed.

he says, "As NC I was offered to write a letter to the parties involved

but pointed out that while the TN Project is a legal entity - the USGW

Project is not."

Linda Lewis, archives coordinator, sent the following to one project list

[reposted with permission]:

"I was alerted to this when it was discovered and asked for advice. At

the time, it wasn't known if the material "harvested" was taken from the

Archives or from a county site. I've learned since then that it was from

the county site, but have not heard directly from the sc. The Archives

state file manager is aware and would have alerted us if Archives

material was published without permission. My advice, when asked, was

that the owner of the "harvested" data, or submitter, has every right

follow through with copyright infringement. We would do our part if the

data was taken from the Archives. The server that houses the county

sites where the data was housed (not Rootsweb, btw), could also get


And finally, my CC rep Megan Zurwicz has responded: "Since TNGW is a

corporation as well as "first level" on this, it is my understanding that

they will pursue the problem first, and that that will probably be

sufficient to lead to a solution. Bridgett has been keeping us apprised

of the situation and is aware that TN has the full support of the board in

its actions."

Thanks all for your timely responses! For what its worth, I share the

concern that unless "someone" does "something", the Project and its

various components are opening the barn door. But the question of who

should do what is a stickler. Since it has _always_ been USGW policy that

submitters own the information they submit, it may be incumbent on the

submitters to defend their copyrights, not least because as a non-owner of

the contested info, USGW has no standing to act in its defense [IANAL, so

you know what that's worth]. The Board's position, as expressed by the NC

and by the SW/SC CC rep [presuming the rest of the Board shares similar

opinions] does not seem unreasonable. [There have been a number of very

insightful posts on this topic; if you are interested get thee to the

USGenWeb-ALL list archives on RW over the next day or so and check them


Where's My Present? Corner: Is RW about to spring "County Resource"

boards on the USGW Project, like they sprung "Surname Resource" boards on

the rest of their users? Who knows? The folks at GenConnect aren't

answering their mail on the topic.

"They may call me a rube and a hick, but I'd a lot rather be the man who

bought the Brooklyn Bridge than the man who sold it."

---Will Rogers

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat Jun 5 09:43:27 1999

Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 09:42:48 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990605090608.26765B-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Thick as thieves...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* editorial content dead ahead. Read at your own risk!

Thursday 3 June 1999:

The NC asks the Board Secretary to be subbed to the Elections Committee

mailing list, and BS Bill says he's forwarded the request to the Elections

Committee Chair. The NC points that it was not a request, "as the Bylaws

state that the NC is to be a ex-offico member of every committee." BS

Bill responds that it is not his place to sub anyone to the list as he

is not the listowner and his responsibility as Secretary to hold the

passwords does not extend to subbing or removing people from the lists.

He also indicats that he does not have the password to the list anymore,

as he is now a candidate, and says "I honored your request [above] by

passing it to the proper authority."

One more Board member votes "aye" to the motion to appoint Ginger Cisewski

as elections Committee Chair. The NC declares this motion, motion 99-14,

passed with 14 aye votes, and 0 nays. BS Bill posts this information to

various lists, saying "First my apologies to the SE and SW regions,

individual SCs will have to relay this information to their lists. I have

been removed from the SE and SW regional lists. No reason has been given

me." He later posts, "I have been assured that I was not unsubbed from

Regional Lists and I apologize for not realizing that I was unsubbed

but not from those two lists but the Regional Elections Lists" [from the

midterm elections held in January].

Election Update: New candidates include: Ron Eason for NE/NC CC rep.

A full list of candidates is available at:


In other election news and as posted here previously, it is apparent that

the Board will be allowing the server administrator at Rootsweb to

determine who can and cannot serve on the Board of the USGW Project. If

this concerns you, please do not hesitate to contact your Board

representative and the National Coordinator. [see

http://www.usgenweb.org/about/whoswho.html for the email address of your


Takin' it to the People Corner: What do you think, folks? Should I run?

Given that it may be a huge waste of my time and the project's time, since

I may not be allowed to serve, but also given that not to run is basically

allowing a server adminstrator to control this Project, what do you think?

Getting Old Waiting Corner: Still no response to my mails to the

GenConnect folks about the rumored "County Cluster" resources, supposedly

under development for ALL US counties while we speak. A project member

claims to have seen them, but the site is now locked down and accessible

only by password. And the GC/RW folks are mum. Are they planning a

surprise party for us?

"Only very slowly and late have men come to realize that unless freedom is

universal it is only extended privilege."

---Christopher Hill

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat Jun 5 08:06:24 1999

Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 08:06:21 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw-cc-l@usgennet.org

cc: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: News: Official notice from the Advisory Board

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990605070208.12259A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Hi everyone! This is going to two lists, so I apologize in advance for any

duplicates. Please feel free to forward this as you see fit.


This morning I received official notification from the Board that they

will not intervene with Rootsweb in order to allow me to participate fully

both as a candidate and as a potential Board member.

I quote:

"Our official Board lists are housed on Rootsweb servers and we will not

be moving these lists to another server in order to accommodate any one

individual. Brian Leverich and Rootsweb have been extremely supportive

over the years of both The USGenWeb Project and of the various Project

related lists housed on their servers. Our official lists will therefore

remain on Rootsweb."

It does not surprise me that the Board failed to see the larger picture

here, which is that a server administrator is using his power over the

mailing lists to determine who may and who may not serve on the Advisory

Board of the USGenWeb Project. It also does not surprise me that the

Board apparently has no stomach for telling Mr. Leverich that it would be

more appropriate for the NC to determine who participates in those lists,

rather than a server administrator.

I do wish to stress that I did not ask nor do I want for the Board to move

its mailing lists off the RW server. The continuity of record archives is

valuable and the service is free. The generosity of RW toward USGW is not

in question. However, I do feel that it is incumbent on the Advisory

Board of the project, which is comprised of persons elected to represent

ALL the members of this project, to insure that ALL members of this

project have an equal opportunity to serve the project without outside

influence. Any policy of server administration which unfairly prevents

any member of the project, without respect to their other qualifications,

from serving in any type of elected position, should be vigorously

opposed, on principle, by a representative Board such as ours.

Should I run and should I be elected and should Mr. Leverich refuse to

allow me to effectively serve my constituents, it will be a slap in the

face to those who elected me and to the project at-large. One man, acting

arbitrarily, can negate the votes of hundreds of project members.

I quote further:

"All official Board business, including motions and votes, are conducted

on these lists. If you are not able to resolve the issues that prevent

your posting on lists housed at Rootsweb, it is only fair that potential

voters be informed that your ability to serve your constituents properly

will be extremely hampered by this major issue."

It is, IMO, unlikely that the issues between myself and Mr. Leverich will

be resolved in the foreseeable future. And really, the issues between us

are irrelevant to the USGW Project. If he will agree to lift the ban to

allow posting to USGW lists, I will agree not to post to any other RW


I have been nominated for the position of At-Large representative. This

is the only position on the Advisory Board, other than the National

Coordinator, that is elected by the entire project membership. I feel the

importance and responsibility of this position cannot be overstated. I

have not yet decided whether to accept the nomination.

If you are concerned that one person, who is not a project member,

is allowed to exert such influence on project government, please write to

your board members, and the national Coordinator. [a list of Board members

is available at: http://www.usgenweb.org/about/whoswho.html] And please,

feel free to forward this message to any USGW lists you might feel are

appropriate. This does affect us all.


-Teresa Lindquist



County Coordinator for Anderson, Johnson, and Shawnee counties, KSGenWeb

and USGenWeb; UsGenWeb project member since August 1996; publisher, Daily

Board Show since October 1998; banned by Rootsweb since Jan 16 1999;


Anderson county:


Johnson county: http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/johnson/index.html

Shawnee county: http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/shawnee/index.html