Dec 8-14 1998

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Dec 8 10:02:31 1998

Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 10:02:30 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


You can't get there from here...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* powered by pure editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Sunday 6 December 1998:

As noted yere yesterday, the Board received its weekly election report.

It indicates that a call has gone out to the SCs to find a liaison in each

state to help with voter lists. These lists need to be verified for

accuracy and then sent to the proper subcommittee. It also provides the

address for posting nominations ( and notes that nominations

will be accepted until Dec 31. Next report will be Dec 12.

Karen Isaacson indicates that a link from the Rootsweb main page directly

to the USGW main page has been added. The (not)NC notes that it is the

'purtiest [sic] thing you ever did see." [see, the Board can TOO

accomplish stuff!]

In other news: Kathy Heidel is a candidate for Sw/SC representative. Tim

Stowell is a candidate for NC. [see:] Candidate pages do not appear

to be available for any of the candidates at this time.

"If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be

patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear."

--- Winnie the Pooh

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Dec 9 09:57:50 1998

Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 09:57:48 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Gravity is a harsh mistress...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Monday 7 December 1998:

No Board-L activity on this date.

This -n- That: The Archives list is still all aflutter over the mutiny by

the census project, and now apparently the 'pirate' directory the census

project uses is shortly going to be deleted at the direction of the

Archives coordinator. Over on the state coordinator list they are talking

a little bit about the GC/RW situation in which a query board was taken

away from a CC. The SC involved says she doesn't want any outside

intervention and the CC involved is giving up the county. Two separate

query boards are still being maintained, one GC/RW which is up for

adoption and a separate one being run by the CC. One SC posted an

interesting correspondence from a researcher complaining about

preferential treatment shown to some queries. Its seems that a CC had

previously created a surname index for queries and later switched to the

GC/RW system and the researcher felt that the indexed queries were given

preferential treatment and that all queries should be treated in this way.

An interesting perspective from one our 'customers'! Of course,

discussion here on USGW-ALL is consumed with exposing people's personal

lives and slinging around accusations of mental instability. Sounds

familiar, doesn't it?

"I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either

card-carrying members or certainly loyal to the Communist Party..."

---Senator Joseph McCarthy, 1950

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Dec 10 08:37:35 1998

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 08:37:33 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Blessed are the cheesemakers...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Tuesday 8 Dec 1998

The following is posted to Board-L from the (not)NC from Deb Wafford, CC

rep for the NW/P region:

"I have been seriously evaluating my priorities and have come to

some difficult decisions. I've recently accepted a promotion at

work that involves increased responsibilities and more travel. My

first loyalty is to my county pages and a couple of personal

projects I'm involved in. There is not enough time to do everything.

Please accept this as my resignation from the board.

Good luck to all of you.

Debbie Wafford"

[Looks like Linda won the bet.]

Two board members and the (not)NC post notices asking Deb to reconsider

her decision [well, now that that formality is over with, lets get on with

it, shall we?]

In Other News: Yet another mailing list has been formed -USGWARCH-CEN-L-

"For file managers and others to discuss the USGenWeb Archives Census

Project" (RW Review, Dec 9). Would this be the list for the New and

Improved Census Project, or for the Old and Just Fine the Way It Is Census

Project? Who has split from who?

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Dec 11 08:43:59 1998

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 08:43:58 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show (11 Dec 98)

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Dangerous when wet...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Wednesday 9 December 1998:

A Board member posts a new motion regarding forwarding to the archives

file managers the letter received from a software company that wants to

arrange to have newspaper obits forwarded to the Archives Project. The

motion is numbered 98-10 [full text, including original letter below].

The (not)NC calls for a second and the motion is seconded. The discussion

period is open until midnight 11 Dec 1998. One board member suggests a

small change in wording from "Any agreements shall be subject to approval

by The USGenWeb Advisory Board" to "Any agreements shall be subject to

prior approval by The USGenWeb Advisory Board". The (not)NC tells her to

make a motion to amend.

In other news: The Secret List--Secret No More! As posted here

yesterday, you can see what the Board is REALLY up to behind the decorous

proceedings on BOARD-L.

Soul Searching Corner-- I have to admit that reading the activity on

BOARD-EXEC was very painful for me. I talk privately or in chat sometimes

with several Board members, all of whom I respect and some of whom,

despite our public differences, I've come to like and trust. Each of

these people have told me privately and publicly either that there is no

secret list or that it was only used for the temporary NC election, and I

was beginning to believe them. I've asked them privately if there is

discussion on issues and motions and they've told me that what we see on

Board-L is all there is, and I was beginning to believe them. Silly


The BOARD-EXEC material reveals a Board that is not above conspiring

secretly to shut down or marginalize a mailing list where both critics and

supporters voice their opinions and carry on lively debate. It reveals

a Board that will "quietly remove" a mention of this mailling list from a

web page, even though the last time an amendment to that same section of

the webpage was made it followed a proper motion and a vote by the board

membership. It reveals a group of people who would consider tampering

with an election because they don't like one of the candidates. It reveals

a Board that is capable of making a nearly unanimous 'feel-good' decison

to open their meetings to their constituency and then just move the

meeting somewhere else. Most of all it reveals a Board that speaks

publically and sometimes even among themselves about bottoms-up management

of the USGW project, but which works in secret to silence critics and to

manipulate the information made available to the USGW project membership.

It seemed to me yesterday that there is little further use for the Daily

Board Show. I enjoy writing it and hope it keeps folks a little informed,

but it is now obvious that the real show is somewhere else. And so I had

decided that today would be the last one. Last night, however, I got a

private email from someone unknown to me who said that although he agreed

with nothing I said, the DBS is the best thing on the -ALL list and he

reads it every day. I've received enough private mail over the last month

or so to know that the DBS has a small silent constituency. So I have

decided it will continue indefinitely. However, given the active and

ongoing attempt to kill this list, I am going to widen the propagation of

the DBS in the following ways:

1) a mail list: if you are interested in receiving the DBS in email,

please send me your address privately. If I get enough subscriptions to

warrant it, I will open a listserve. If not, I'll just do a mass mailing

each day. If you don't want me to know who you are <g> you hve the

following options:

2) a web page: the DBS will be webbed, most likely at the same site as

the BOARD-EXEC material. I will register this page with all the major

search engines and let you all know when it is up. I've finished my

Christmas shopping so I have time to work on its weekend.

3) the state lists: I really must thank our intrepid moderator for this

idea; I would _never_ have thought of taking this to the state lists. I

hereby give permission (although none is needed) to forward the DBS to

all relevant USGW state mailing lists. Please DO NOT forward this to

other mailing lists, and out of consideration to those who may not be

interested in politics, please preface the posts with something indicating

it is about politics so they know not read it. If you are uncomfortable

with sending the DBS to your state list, please consider putting the url

( in your sig file or posting it

periodically to your state list.

4) the newsgroups: today marks the inaugural edition of the Daily Board

Show on selected genealogy newsgroups. Watch for it on a newsreader near


"One should play fairly when one has the winning cards.

---Oscar Wilde

This has been your Daily Board Show

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Dec 11 08:55:35 1998

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 08:55:34 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show (9 Dec 98), part 2

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Oops...hit send and then realized I hadn't included this:

This is the full text of Motion 98-10:

I MOVE that the attached letter from Toby White-Beebe of System


Inc. be forwarded to The USGenWeb Archives Project. The Archives Project

shall be authorized to establish a dialog with the said company for the

purposes of determining what value would exist from a possible agreement

with the said company. Any agreements shall be subject to approval by The

USGenWeb Advisory Board. The Board representative from the Archives


shall from time to time provide updates to the Board on the progress of



30 November 1998

U.S.GenWeb Project

Interim National Coordinator

Mr. Bob Bamford

Dear Sir,

I am writing you on behalf of a Company that I work in an attempt to

establish communication and get the initial "ball rolling". Though I do


have authority to speak for the Company, I have talked to the CEO of the

Company and he is very interested in hearing more on what I have proposed.

The Corporation, System Integrators, Inc., has been in business for 25


now and has been a top level producer of Publishing Software for the

International Magazine and Newspaper publishing industries. In its early

years, System Integrators, Inc. produced terminals and connective software

to Mainframe Computers. More recently, as the personal computers became

more prevalent, System Integrators, Inc. provided emulation boards to

connect PC's to the Tandem Mainframes. Ever changing with today's

technologies, System Integrators, Inc. continues to lead the marketplace


software and it's connectivity to mainframes.

What I had proposed to my CEO, Mr. Frank Washington, was to find out


we, as the software writers, had the ability to turn on some type of


that would allow our customers to be able to "forward" their daily

obituaries to your project's archives ? We already produce the software

that our customers use to create their obituary columns, why can't we keep

all future typing to a minimum ? I know that the volunteers that are


past documents are extremely overworked and if there is a way to "keep up"

with today, why not ? My continued thoughts would be that on a daily or

weekly basis, our customers could compile their data, push their button


forward the data on to a central receiving point designated by GenWeb for

final archiving ?

Right now, the thoughts are rough, the intent and benefits are long


I would continue to assume, that as the individual transcribers receive

"posting" credits for their work, so could the "donating" newspaper or

agency receive the same byline(s) ? System Integrators, Inc. would only


receiving compensatory compensation from it's customers for the added

feature(s) provided by this ability vs. sharing a byline by donation.

My question(s) to you are;

1. In what form would the U.S.GenWeb Project prefer to receive the daily


weekly information ? After researching the Idaho records this morning on

the FTP site, even the Census has been transcribed into ASCII text ?

2. Presuming that down the road, that "this" project were in test phases,

would it be better to FTP the information to a receiving site for further

processing ? or directly into it's final resting grounds ?

3. We also provide a format for the industry using Adobe's PDF ( Portable

Document Format ) which carries all of the pictures, text and fonts as a

single document. It is fully searchable and can be modified, if so need


Would this be a better option ?

I am quite sure that there are many more details to work out before we can

get this project going ? I will be stepping out of the picture as things

progress, as relaying information between sources has a tendency to fall

apart if not monitored properly and this is not part of the scope for the

department I do work in. I hope that my insight into the needs of GenWeb

and my insight into my Company's abilities can work out a mutually

beneficial partnership.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Toby White-Beebe

Network/System Specialist


1300 National Drive

Sacramento, CA 95834

(916) 929-9481 ext. 3432

Business Email ;

Business Website ;

Personal Email ;

Cc: Julia M Case, Editor RootsWeb Review


From merope@Radix.Net Sat Dec 12 12:28:40 1998

Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 12:28:39 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


I'll get you, my pretty...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* editorial content contained herein, to read any further would be

a sin. Read at your own risk!

Thursday 10 December 1998:

On Motion 98-10: A Board member has motioned to amend this motion

slightly as reported her yesterday and the (not)NC has called for a

second. The amended motion is numbered 98-10-1.

On Motion 98-11: Deb Wafford, outgoing NW/P representative has indicated

she will not reconsider her decision to resign. The (not)NC indicates he

will accept a motion to accept her resignation. A motion is made and

seconded and numbered 98-11. The discussion period is opened andthe

question is called. The (not)NC calls for second on that and it is

seconded. He then calls for a simultaneous vote on the motion to call

the question and the motion to accept Deb Wafford's resignation. Both

passed: the motion to call the question with 1 present and 12 ayes (i

person did not vote; teh motion to accept teh resignation passed with i

present and 13 ayes. [Bye Deb, we'll miss you!] Two Board members post

messages wishing Deb well.

A Board member posts a message she received from our own Roger Swafford

regarding his ideas for managing this list. In brief, he states that he

had suggested some rules for the list and received a dozen or so negative

replies with teh vast number of subscribers remaining silent, which he

attributes to apathy. So he has boiled down his suggestions to a few (9

actually) "all-encompassing rules", all from RRoO and suggest the Board

take action to bring the list under these rules. It is his opinion that

the bylaws give teh Board this authority and further suggests that

mail-list conduct be a basis for determining qualification for office

since archives could be checked to see if candidates had followed the

rules. He even suggests punishments. [Let's see if I have this right:

Rog floated this by the list and all the people who cared enough to

respond said 'no thanks'. So Rog is now asking teh Board to step in and

impose these rules on the list. Interesting.]

The full letter is posted below.

In other news: I am sad to report that our patient and long-suffering

moderator, George Waller, is stepping down. He has called for nominees to

be list moderator. Nominations will be accepted until Dec 15.

In happier news, Ron Eason and Sue Soden are now Asst. National

Coordinators for the national Census Archives Project. Congrats all


Nominations are being accepted for the replacement NW/P Region CC

representative. If you have not already you should be receiving

nomination information onyour state list.

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist

The USGW Advisory Board--EXPOSED!


full text of Roger Swafford's mail to a Board rep, as posted to Board-l:

A few weeks ago I suggested adopting some rules for the list. George was

not against but simply said try and get a consensus. Well there were only

about a dozen or so persons that replied in the negative, the overwhelming

majority of the subscribers remained silent indicating, IMO, the biggest

problem with the project.....apathy. Since then I've sat back and waited

for the next flap-ex and boiled down my suggestions to only a few all

encompassing rules;

Subscribers shall-

1 Not have to suffer personal abuse and attack

2 Treat everyone with courtesy

3 Make a point concisely

4 Attack issues, not people

5 Work to create dignity and decorum

6 Work with others in a cooperative fashion

7 Respect the rights of others

8 Promote the organizations growth and influence

9 Enhance the organizations reputation

These are all taken from RRoO as rights and/or responsibilities of members

of organizations. I suggest the board take action to bring the list(s)

under these rules. You have the authority already, the bylaws state the

"project" is to be governed by PP.

This would also bring a members conduct on mail lists into consideration

for determining his/her qualifications for office by providing a basis for

checking the archives of mail-lists such as -all to determine if the

member follows the rules.

Penalties may range from...

Apology - public apology

Reprimand- moderator reprimands the member for inappropriate posts

Suspension- moderator unsubs the member for a period of time and announces


Censure- a public announcement of censure and longer suspension

Grievance- moderator files a grievance against the member when other

actions have failed


Roger Swafford

CC Childress Co. TX

From merope@Radix.Net Sun Dec 13 13:01:44 1998

Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 13:01:43 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


All together now!....its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* lotsa editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Friday 11 December 1998:

The (not)NC requests the Election Committee Chair to add the

Northwest/Plains CC representative position to the ballot for the upcoming


In other news: Holly Timm, Southeast/Mid-Atlantic CC representative has

resigned her position. A quick peak at tomorrow's news reveals that the

Board has motioned, seconded and begun to vote on her resignation [boy,

they are getting REALLY GOOD at this]; more on that tomorrow. [We wish

you lots of cuddles and squooshy hugs, Holly.]

"Persecution is the first law of society because it is always easier to

suppress criticism than to meet it."

---Howard Mumford Jones, 1949

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist

From merope@Radix.Net Mon Dec 14 13:07:16 1998

Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 13:07:14 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


What do you want from life?...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Saturday 12 December 1998:

Resignation of Holly Timm: It is moved to accept Holly's resignation and

further moved that the Board not fill her vacancy until the election and

that they notify those who ran for the position previously so they can run

again if they so desire. The motion is seconded and given number 98-12

and the floor is open for debate. There is a motion made to call the

question, which is seconded. One Board member states that she feels that

since a SW/SC rep was appointed reps should be appointed for the SE/MA and

NW/P regions as well. Another Board members notes surprise that there was

no discussion of the second part of the motion (about not appointing

replacements) and the (not)NC points out that since the question has been

called the motion must proceed to a vote. He does give the person who

moved to call the question time to withdraw it and permits discussion to

proceed without direction from the chair if it is withdrawn.

Motion 98-10: The amendment to this motion (98-10-1) fails for lack of a

second. The vote is called. thus far, there are 7 aye votes, 1 present,

and 1 nay. A couple of Board members are moved to append comments to

their aye votes (such as "to protect the project") to explain why they

are voting to extend Board control over the business of one of the Special

Projects. [N.B., ladies and gentlemen, we have here a precedent being

set and the not-so-subtle implication that the Board doesn't trust the

Archives to "protect the project"].

In other news: The Learning Company has acquired the domain, according to Dick Eastman's newsletter. The company

is definitely moving aggressively into the genealogy area. Who will be


For those of you interested in taking over George's moderator hat, read

his message really closely, especially this part:

"People can nominate themselves (or accept a nomination) up to 15 Dec 1998

12:59 PM EST."

Not to be picky about time, but this is circa 1 pm tomorrow afternoon,

EST. Just wanted to point out to those of us who are interested in this

burden, er, position need to let George know by then.

"I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts."

---Will Rogers

This has been your Daily Board show.

-Teresa Lindquist