Dramatis Personae


~ The History of the USGenWeb Project ~

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"

---Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars

© 2004-2006 by Teresa Lindquist, used with permission.

Dramatis Personae--Being a handy listing of persons of fame and infamy in the USGenWeb Project since its Founding, and handy Archives Faction reference. Additions and corrections will be gladly accepted; send them to me.

Allen, Alice: Board member, 2006 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Bamford, Bob: Board member, 1998; National Coordinator for about 10 minutes after Nancy Trice resigned, 1998; resigned himself in the infamous "Christmas massacre" [Archives faction: Pro]

Basham, Mike: Board member, Megan's Board; deceased, 1997 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Bednar, Darilee (AKA Bookstorelady, Booksb*tch): Board member, 2002-2006; relatively undistinguished as a Board member; served briefly as the Chair of the Richard Pettys trial but resigned that post when it appeared she might be sued; joined the Federation of Genealogical Societies on USGenWeb's behalf but without its actual permission; filed unresolved grievance accusing NC Linda Haas Davenport of bias in moderating the DISCUSS list[Archives faction: Pro]

Black, Jana: Board member, 2001-2003; Chair of the Publicity Committee, which accomplished very little and eventually disappeared; very long-winded and incapable of writing anything that does not include an abundance of *asterisks*; tried to gain control of CAGenWeb's Archives; when that failed resigned as CAGW ASC and eventually just disappeared entirely [Archives faction: Pro]

Blum-Barton, Linda (AKA Linda Barton, Linda Bloomers): Board member, 2003-2006; lurks on the Board's behalf on several state and other project mailing lists; enjoys playing "gotcha" on mailing lists but disappears quietly when she's challenged; expert in the use of the Wayback Machine against fellow volunteers [Archives faction: Pro]

Book, Ed: The Board's second Secretary, 1999 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Bremer, Robert: Board member, 2001-2003 [Archives faction: Con]

Brown, Teri: Board member, 2003-2005 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Buckley, Paul: Board member, 2006 [Archives faction: Pro]

Burow, Scott (AKA Scooter, Big Daddy, Papa Bear): National Coordinator, 2006; Board member, 2005, 2006; appointed to replace Richard Howland on the Board but served for just three months; later appointed Representative At Large; served on the Grievance Procedures Committee; famous for being the first National Coordinator to publicly acquiesce in the use of the USGenWeb name by members for personal profit [Archives faction: Pro]

Captain Alias [AKA Man of a Thousand Faces]: Project member alleged by the Election Committee to have had 12 aliases who had registered to vote in 46 separate positions covering 10 states in all 4 regions and the special projects; outed on the DISCUSS list by Jeff Scism; fallout from this alleged attempted voter fraud formed the basis of the EC's attempt to expand its control over voter eligibility in the fall of 2005

Cisewski, Ginger: Board member, 1998-2000; second Chair of USGenWeb's first Election Committee; served as Tim Stowell's representative during his trial; cofounder, American History and Genealogy Project with Jim Powell and Debbie Axtman ; President, USGenNet, Inc. [Archives faction: Con]

Cortez, Jan: Board member, 2002-2006; famous for delinking Pam Reitsch over a disagreement over a link to USGenNet, an action which was based more on her falling out with the AGHG and USGenNet management teams than with anything Pam had done [Archives faction: Pro]

Couch, Bill: former SC of ARGenWeb; first SC removed from office by an NC (John Rigdon) who gave ARGW to Betsy Mills [Archives faction: Unknown]

Craven, Jan: Board member, 1998-1999 [Archives faction: Pro]

Crilley, Virginia: Archivist; famous for her "sticky fingers"; she is implicated in at least three suspicious data acquisitions in the Archives, including the Carol Johnson and Leah Dowd data theft; the Peach county, GA cemetery records flap; and the "borrowing" of Margie Daniels' family stories ; actively recruited fellow archivists to GAGenWeb in order to oust its SC Tim Stowell and his ASCs (Brenda Pierce, Margie Daniels, Richard Pettys) in a coup that was mainly engineered to give the state to the Archives [Archives faction: Pro]

Davis, Terry: Board member, 1998-1999; famous for disappearing for long periods of time [Archives faction: Unknown]

DeGeorge, Heather: Board member, 2002-2003 [Archives faction: Pro]

De Groote-Johnson, Karen Board member, 2005-2006 [Archives faction: Pro]

Dill, Jerry: Board member (Megan's Board); Member of the Black Helicopters; with his wife Lucy and Dale Schneider incorporated USGenWeb.com, Inc; with his wife Lucy founded USGenNet, Inc.; no longer active in USGenWeb [Archives faction: Con]

Dore, Barbara (AKA RootsLady, RootsB*itch, Babs, The Ferret): Board member, 1999-2001; famous for spending hours coming through old mailing lists to link Project members into broad conspiracies based on the most tenuous evidence; along with Joy Fisher and Maggie Stewart Zimmerman helped Linda Lewis secretly apply for a trademark of the Project name [Archives faction: Pro]

Eason, Ron: Board member, 2000-2003; former Coordinator of the USGenWeb Census Project, taking over after Kay Mason (1) disappeared; was serving in that capacity when the Census Project was delinked by Tim Stowell; elected by the Census Project to fill the empty Census Board seat but the Board refused to seat him and the seat remained empty until it was abolished by an amendment to the bylaws in 2005 [Archives faction: Con]

Enfinger, Cyndi: Board member, 2003-2006; appointed interim Special Projects representative, 2005; first elected Special Projects representative, 2005[Archives faction: Pro]

Epperson, Jimmy: Board member, 2002 [Archives faction: Pro]

Fisher, Joy:: Board member, 1999-2002; Linda Lewis' right hand in the Archives; along with Barbara Dore, and Maggie Zimmerman helped Linda Lewis secre;ty apply for a trademark of the USGenWeb Name; once threatened to sue a fellow project member over her high blood pressure; appointed temporary SC of GAGenWeb when the state organization was taken away from Tim Stowell [Archives faction: Pro]

Flesher, Larry: Board member, 2002-2006 [Archives faction: Pro]

Goff, Christine: Board member, 2003-2004 [Archives faction: Pro]

Golowka, Carolyn: Archivist and GAGenWeb county coordinator; exhibit #1 in the trials of Tim Stowell and Richard Pettys; famous for attempting to represent herself as another GAGenWeb member by using a false name and subscribing to Root$web mailing lists [Archives faction: Pro]

Haas-Davenport, Linda: National Coordinator, (Sept 2005-); first Chair of the Standing Election SubCommittee, 2000; devoted proponent of secret meetings and back room dealing; has been known to hold secret meetings inside secret meetings [Archives faction: Pro]

Handley, Shari: National Coordinator (Sept 2004-August 2005), Board member, 1999-2001, 2003-2004; Board Secretary, 2002-2003; presided over the trials of Tim Stowell and Richard Pettys; once published the passwords for all the Project mailing lists to a public webpage; toward the end of her single term as NC entirely lost control of the Board and violated accepted parliamentary procedure by adjourning the last session of her Board over the objections of several members; has a decided weakness for father figures within the Project [Archives faction: Pro]

Harrison, Richard (AKA King Richard, Isaiah, Dog, The Prophet, Dick): National Coordinator Sept 2002-Aug 2004; Board member, 2000-2002; along with his heir apparent Shari Handley presided over USGenWeb's first ever trial of a volunteer; does not gladly suffer fools or anyone else who disagrees with him [Archives faction: Pro]

Hartshorn, Derick (aka Derick the Mad): Former SC of NCGenWeb, fired Diane Mason and numerous other CCs; truly awful poet and possibly certifiable; once published a giant picture of a horse's ass on his website [Archives faction: Pro]

Hayes, Ginger: Board member 1999-2001 [Archives faction: Con]

Heidel, Kathy (AKA Kathy Welch Heidel): Board member, 1999, 2001-2003; founder of the Civil War records site [Archives faction: Con]

Hetrick, Mary Ann: Board member, 2001-2003 [Archives faction: Pro]

Holler, Rich: Board member, Megan's Board [Archives faction: Unknown]

Holt, Trey: Board member, 1998-1999 [Archives faction: Pro]

Howland, Richard: Board member, 1999-2001, 2003-2005; once published short-lived newsletter called USGenWeb Today; co-wrote USGenWeb mediation policies, then refused to use them; believed to have leaked the Tim Stowell trial files; fired by Shari Handley in the spring of 2005 [Archives faction: Con]

Isaacson, Karen: Wife of Brian Leverich; other than having a "courtesy" seat on the Board in the early days, and occasionally offering an opinion on something, has not participated in USGenWeb [Archives faction: whatever Brian says it is]

James-Henderson, Yvonne: Board member, 1998-1999; less accomplished and less vindictive crony of Barbara Dore [Archives faction: Pro]

Jarvis, Mike: Project Webmaster, 2004-2005; Assistant webmaster, 2005-2006took over from long-time webmaster Pam Reid and provided a much-needed overhaul of the Project's webpages [Archives faction: Pro]

Jones-Hudson, Kathi: Board member, 2004-2005; abruptly forced out of office a year early when bylaws amendments eliminating her seat passed in the summer of 2005 [Archives faction: Pro]

Kelly, Don (AKA DonK, DonKey, donnie baby; Poet Laureate): Board member, 2003-2004; involved in some sort of coup within IrelandGenWeb many years ago; famous for non sequiter-filled posts; rarely makes any sense, but is a reliable pro-Archives vote [Archives faction: Pro]

Leverich, Brian (AKA Brain, Big Brian): Former owner along with his wife Karen Isaacson of the RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative, later RootsWeb.com, Inc., which he sold to MyFamily.com; co-founder, Archives project; never actually a member of USGenWeb although he interfered in its internal business until he sold his company; banned the Root$web Four; apparently has never had an original idea, preferring instead to borrow successful ideas from others; as of November 2004, spends his time climbing rocks and duplicating Cyndi's List [Archives faction: Pro]

Lewis, Linda Russell (AKA Loon, Queen of the Archives): Founder and head of the USGenWeb Archives Project; member of the Black Helicopters; Board member, Megan's Board-1999; trademarked "USGenWeb Archives Project", thus gaining control over the Project name; a passionate conspiracy theorist who is convinced that "they" have been trying to steal the Archives since they were founded; famous for partying hard at Brian Leverich's mountain compound while her paraplegic husband was home dying alone; split with Kay Mason (1) initially because Kay wouldn't give her money, which ultimately led to the departure of the first Census Project from the Archives; at the heart of every problem the Project has ever had [Archives faction: Its her life]

Lindquist, Teresa (AKA merope, MeRope, MeDope, Rattlesnake Lizzie): Representative At Large, 2001-2003; vocal critic of USGenWeb policies and procedures and Root$web; Founder, Publisher, and Editor of the Daily Board Show, 1998-2006; Chair, Guidelines Committee; member, Election Study Committee; once banned from RootsWeb for over two years by Brian Leverich; Member Not In Good Standing, 2001 to eternity; briefly served as a representative for Richard Pettys in his secret trial [Archives faction: Con]

Marston, Dick: Board member, 2000; resigned 24 hours after taking office [Archives faction: Unknown]

Martens, Gary: Board member, 1998 [Archives faction: Con]

Mason, Diane (AKA Diane Kelley, Diane Mason Kelley, skunk): former member of NCGenWeb and current member of TNGenWeb; vocal critic of both the Advisory Board and the NCGenWeb leadership; removed from her NCGW counties following a vendetta by two NCGenWeb SCs, an action which the Board chose to ignore [Archives faction: Con]

Mason, Kay (1): Board member, Megan's Board-1999; head of the USGenWeb Census Project when it asserted its independence from the USGenWeb Archives Project, thus starting the Census Wars; provided list for Board to use in private session which eventually grew into BOARD-EXEC; chaired the project's first Election Committee in 1998; disappeared and not believed to be active in the Project; not to be confused with Kay Mason (2) [Archives faction: Unknown]

Mason, Kay (2): Member of the USGenWeb Archives Census Project (which also split from the Archives and went independent); most famous for being confused with Kay Mason (1) and for being embroiled in a highly suspect "re-transcription" of a volunteer's census records [Archives faction: Pro]

Mayfield, Gloria: Board member, 1999-2000 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Maynez, Sundee: Board member, 2005-2006, Board Secretary, 2001; constantly unavailable for Board business due to personal issues [Archives faction: Pro]

McVicar-Briggs, Bonnie: Board member, 1998-1999 [Archives faction: Unknown]

McGrew-Ayres, Julie: Assistant webmaster (with Mike Jarvis), 2004-2005; Webmaster, 2005-2006 designed several very nice logos that the Board rejected as official alternates in 2005 [Archives faction: Pro]

Meyer-Kilgore, Gail: Board member, 2003-2005 [Archives faction: Pro]

McNamara, Billie: Former SC of TNGenWeb; second SC removed by an NC (Megan Zurawicz) who replaced her with Bridget Smith [Archives faction: Con]

Miller, Joe: Board member, 2003 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Mills, Betsy: Board member, 1998-2002, 2004-2005; appointed Representative At Large to fill the seat left vacant when Shari Handley ascended to the throne, 2004; first appointed Grievance Coordinator; former Root$Web employee and liaison with USGenWeb (while she was on the Board); famous primarily for her unrelenting nastiness toward constituents [Archives faction: Pro]

Mitchell, Karen: Board member, 2002 [Archives faction: Con]

Morgan, David: Board member, 2004-2005; formerly an archivist but takes great pains to point out that he left that position some time ago; rumored to be homeless and living an airport in Hawaii [Archives faction: Pro]

Murphy, Jeff: Founder and first National Coordinator, USGenWeb Project; deceased, 2001 [Archives faction: Con]

Myers, Kim Harris: Board member, Megan's Board-1999 [Archives faction: Pro]

Newsome, Lorraine Sonnenberg: Board member, 2001; considered something of a wanderer; has a tendency to apply for counties in states that the Board considers "problematic" [Archives faction: Pro]

Oliver, Bill (AKA BS Bill, Wild Bill): Board member, 1998, 2002; First Board Secretary, 1998; given to roaring when something amuses him [Archives faction: Con]

Pack, Ellen: Board member, 2000; appointed Board secretary, 2005; cowrote the Project's mediation procedures with Richard Howland; second and fifth Chairs of the Standing Election Subcommittee [Archives faction: Con]

Parsons, Diane: Board member, 2001-2002 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Peterson, Mike (AKA Dino) Board member, 2006 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Pettit, Terri: Board member 1999-2002 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Pettys, Richard: Former GAGenWeb ASC; defendant in the second-ever trial of a USGenWeb volunteer, 2004-2005; found guilty after eight months, but not of the original charges; declared a MNIGS, 2005 [Archives faction: Con]

Powell, Jim: Board member, 1998-2000; third Chair of USGenWeb's first Election Committee; cofounder of American History and Genealogy Project with Ginger Cisewski and Debbie Axtman [Archives faction: Unknown]

Rayfield, Angie: Board member, 2003-2005; Board Secretary 2002-2003; former SC of NCGenWeb; First Chair of the Grievance Procedures Committee [Archives faction: Pro]

Reed, Maureen: Board member, 1998; resigned a month or so into her term; founded the Military Records Special Project, which was expelled from the Project when she refused to remove it from Jerry Dill's server [Archives faction: Con]

Reid, Pam: Founder, Tombstone Project; Board member, Megan's Board-2003; Project webmaster 1998-2004 [Archives faction: Pro]

Rietsch, Pam: probably the most prolific and generous data transcriber USGenWeb has ever had; delinked from her MIGenWeb county by Jan Cortez over a disagreement about a graphic and link on her page; board member at USGenNet, Inc. [Archives faction: Con]

Rigdon, John: Second USGenWeb National Coordinator; co-founder, Archives Project; developed a query indexing system for the Project in its early days; was removed without cause from the GAGenWeb Project by Tim Stowell, an action the Board chose to ignore [Archives faction: Unknown]

Rippee, Phyllis: Board member, 2001-2004, 2005-2006; generally considered to be just shy of completely paranoid; has a hair-trigger temper; her opinions and votes are easily swayed; repeatedly leaves Project promising never to return; famous on the Board for coining Tim Stowell's moniker "Banty Rooster" [Archives faction: Pro]

Samuelsen, W. David (AKA SAMPUBCO, W. Duh): co-Chair, 2005 FGS Convention Committee; USGenWeb gadfly; runs a business selling copies of public domain wills and probate documents; apparently lives at the LDS library in Salt Lake City; according to knowledgeable sources has been warned more times than any other person on the DISCUSS list but has yet to be unsubbed; from all available evidence one of the most willfully ill-informed members of the project; appears to have stepped into Don Spidell's shoes; occasionally gives Don Kelly a run for the Poet Laureate title [Archives faction: Pro]

Schneider, Bridget (AKA Bridget Smith): Board member, 1998-1999; married Dale Schneider, and along with him successfully sold the project back its usgenweb.com domain, claiming the money was "payback" for all the crap Dale had dealt with from USGenWeb over the years [Archives faction: Unknown]

Schneider, Dale (AKA Doc, Maddoc): Former employee of RootsWeb and MyFamily.com; member of the Black Helicopters; co-founder, Archives Project; incorporated USGenWeb.com, Inc. with Jerry and Lucy Dill; originally hosted the project and its mailing lists on his dsenter server; was later hired by Root$web so Brian Leverich could get control of the usgenweb.com domain; famous for his squalid living conditions and his habit of disappearing without warning; once disappeared just prior to a USGenWeb election and inadvertently triggered the banning of the Root$web Four; along with his wife Bridget Smith Schneider successfully convinced USGenWeb to pony up $2500 for the usgenweb.com domain by threatening to sell it to pornographers [Archives faction: Unknown]

Scism, Jeffrey: Board member, 2005; founder of the International Black Sheep Society of Genealogists; argumentative and long-winded; apparently sleeps with a copy of Sturgis; resigned after he outed Captain Alias and then had to be appointed back to his seat after he changed his mind [Archives faction: Con]

Shaffer, Vicki: Board member, 2001-2002; Archives apologist and flunky [Archives faction: Pro]

Shephard, Suzanne: Board member, 2005-2006 [Archives faction: Pro]

Short, Ken: Board member, 2000-2001; Third Board Secretary, 1999 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Smallwood, John: Board member, 2000; resigned 24 hours after taking office [Archives faction: Unknown]

Smoot, Fred (AKA "self-important wind-bag", "bully"): Former head of TNGenWeb; ran against Tim Stowell for National Coordinator and lost by 12 votes in a hotly contested and highly irregular election; Board member of USGenNet, Inc.; not related to the former Washington Redskins football player [Archives faction: Con]

Snyder, Celia: The Project's first webmaster, 1998 [Archives faction: Pro]

Spidell, Don (AKA the Mad Viking, Don Spittle): Board member, Megan's Board; easily among the nastiest pieces of work ever to crawl out from under one of USGenWeb's rocks; willingly did the Board's and the Archives' dirty work, including theft of data, passing along gossip manufactured by Linda Lewis and Brian Leverich, and threatening other project members with untimely demise; deceased, 1999 [Archives faction: he wanted Linda Lewis so bad it was pitiful]

St. Clair, Mike (AKA Mr. Nice, Mikey, Squishy, The Saint): Board member, 2005; Board secretary, 2005; co-Chair of the 2005 FGS Convention Committee; possibly the nicest person on the planet; co-established the "Candidates' Forum" during the 2005 general election; very wordy and apparently made of elastic; has been known to take every possible position and agree with everyone on issue [Archives faction: Pro & Con]

Stowell, Tim (AKA National Commander, Banty Rooster, Tiny Tim): Former National Coordinator, 1999-2001; Board member, 2001-2003; former GAGenWeb and NDGenWeb SC; briefly MNIGS in 2002 when he refused to turn over the Project's domains to Dick Harrison; removed from his positions by the Advisory Board and served as the defendant in the first trial ever held of a USGenWeb volunteer; was convicted and suspended from the Project for six months [Archives faction: used to be Pro, now is Con]

Streeter, James: founder and first president of the US Internet Genealogical Society (USIGS), which Linda Lewis focused on as the head of conspiracy to steal the Archives [Archives faction: Con]

Swafford, Roger (AKA Admiral Swafford, Roger Dodger): Fourth Chair of USGenWeb's original Election Committee; occasionally USGenWeb's official, although uncredentialed parliamentarian; chaired the both the unofficial and the Board-established Bylaws Committees; famous for the irregular election that returned Tim Stowell to the National Coordinator's seat, after which Tim tried to appoint him as Board Secretary [Archives faction: Pro]

Taylor, D. Joshua (AKA, Boy Toy, Josh, Boy Wonder): Board Parliamentarian, 2005-2006; chair of and driving force behind the USGenWeb at FGS 2006 Committee; is supposedly very young and very accomplished; active in professional genealogical societies, but reportedly maintains scanty websites within USGenWeb; the latest pet of Tina Vickery, Shari Handley, and Ellen Pack [Archives faction: Pro]

Thauvin, Vicky Lindsey: RootsWeb account manager; sends nastygrams to Project members at the Board's bidding [Archives faction: Pro]

Thompson, Greta: Board member, 2006; Board Secretary, 2003-2004 [Archives faction: Pro]

Timm, Holly Fee (AKA MaMaT, Holly Timm): National Coordinator, 2001-2002; Board member, 1998-2001; serves cookies on IRC; presided over the Board that declared Teresa Lindquist a MNIGS; resigned from USGenWeb after her disastrous term as NC, but eventually slunk back in [Archives faction: Pro]

Trice, Nancy: First elected National Coordinator of the USGenWeb Project, 1998; resigned after a few weeks in office; developed GenConnect; former RootsWeb employee [Archives faction: Con]

Vickery, Tina (AKA Tiny Vickery, Tiny Tina, Queen of the Flying Monkeys, DISCUSS Dominatrix): Board member, 1999-2003; appallingly incompetent EC chair, 2005; in 2005 spearheaded an effort to expand the EC's police powers under cover of concern about voter fraud; served for years as the Board's monitor of the USGENWEB-DISCUSS "discussion" list, where she allowed no actual discussion to take place and was decidedly one-sided in her willingness to moderate and/or unsub list members; resigned as list moderator in 2005; reinstated as DISCUSS list moderator in 2006 by Scott Burow to crack down on the list [Archives faction: Pro]

Wafford, Debbie: Board member, 1998-1999 [Archives faction: Con]

Waller, George (AKA "Waffle"): Board member, 2000-2001, 2005-2006; co-founder of the USGenWeb Archives Project; alleged by Linda Lewis to be a member of the Black Helicopters, which he denies; one of the people who helped Linda Lewis force Jeff Murphy out of the USGenWeb; once claimed a miraculous cure from mailing list participation [Archives faction: Pro]

Waterman, Lynn: Board member, 1999; former SC of COGenWeb who lied about the date that Maggie Stewart Zimmerman joined the project so that Maggie could qualify for a Board seat, an action she later came to regret [Archives faction: Con]

Weaver, Jeff: respected Civil War author; active early USGenWeb member; removed from the project and from all project records for threatening to sue over copyright violations of his work; cofounded with Mary Floy Katzman the American Local History Network [Archives faction: Unknown]

Wills, Beth: Board member, 1998-1999, National Coordinator after Bob Bamford resigned, 1999; serial resigner but managed to finish out her term; no longer active in USGenWeb [Archives faction: Unknown]

Wood, Bettie: Board member, 2003-2006; founder of the Family Group Sheet Special Project; filed grievances against Tim Stowell prior to her time on the Board and then failed to recuse herself from his trial [Archives faction: Pro]

Woodside, Denise: Board member, 2003-2005 [Archives faction: Unknown]

Young, David: Board member, 1999; [Archives faction: Pro]

Zimmerman, Maggie Stewart (AKA Mags, Maggot, Maggie Stewart, any number of fake voter names): Board member, 1999-2001; she was given a county by former COGenWeb SC Lynn Waterman who one month later nominated her for a vacant Board seat (because Maggie had not been a COGW member long enough to qualify for the Board, Lynn backdated her membership date); later joined Barbara Dore's plot to disenfranchise voters who they thought might vote against Tim Stowell in the 2000 national election; head of the second USGenWeb Census Project, which split off from the Archives some time after the first USGenWeb Census Project split off from the Archives; famous for being caught making up fake Census Project volunteers to vote in an upcoming election; along with Barbara Dore and Joy Fisher helped Linda Lewis secretly apply for a trademark of the Project name [Archives faction: Pro]

Zipfel, Nathan (AKA Nate Zipfel): Board member, 2001 [Archives faction: Con]

Zsedeny, Joe: Board member, 1998-2001; Archivist; Chair of the Trademark Committee; appointed temporary SC of NDGenWeb when it was taken away from Tim Stowell [Archives faction: Pro]

Zurawicz, Megan (AKA Piglet, St. Megan The Good, Pagan Megan, Megan the Pagan): The last unelected National Coordinator of the USGenWeb Project, 1998; Board member, 1998-1999; member of the Black Helicopters; helped force John Rigdon out of the National Coordinator position; established the first appointed Advisory Board; established tradition of secret Board meetings; Dill Episode occurred during her tenure; bylaws written during her tenure [Archives faction: Pro]

© 2004-2006 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved. The opinions expressed above are solely those of the author; they may not reflect those of the USGenWeb Project or its members. The USGenWeb Project Advisory Board does not endorse this site and is not affiliated with it. Several people have helped me research this material, I'd like to thank them by name, but as they are still project members to do so would invite reprisals against them. So You Know Who You Are, and you have my thanks!