Part 1/3

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[Diane comments: Here is the first email from Tina on the GC private list stating that as NC she doesn’t participate on the list other than being ex-officio as the NC. There is more but I cut it out as it was just talking about me being elected as chair, the AB’s votes, etc.]

From: Tina S. Vickery

Date: 2/20/2009 2:26:48 PM


Subject: Re: [GC] Fwd: RESULTS: Motion 2008/09-09: 'Approval ofGrievanceCommittee Member'

I will subscribe Jo. Just a note to me telling me Diane is Chair is required. It will be an annoucement on Board-L only. I am admin of this list as National Coordinator. I don't participate other than being ex-officio as National Coordinator.



[Diane comments: The email where Tina told me to reject Jenny Walker because she thinks that Jenny is an alias. She sent me some kind of email but it didn’t have a return email for Jenny so it didn’t prove anything so it was still Tina’s word..NO PROOF TINA!!!]

From: Tina S. Vickery

Date: 3/6/2009 11:01:25 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: Re: [GC] Mediator


I don't know how to say this so I am just going to. I have it

on very good authority/suspicion that Jenny Walker is an alias

for Esse Frye/Sarah Hughes. I have been struggling with this

all day. I realize that the GC has the ability to choose

arbitrators and mediators on a case by case basis but I can't

in good conscience sub a suspected alias to the GC list for

arbitration of a grievance. Did you get any information from

Jenny as to her qualifications to serve in this role and her

positions within the project?

As NC, I am the chair of the Advisory Board.



[Diane comments: As you can see in this email Dorman Holub the previous GC Chair had already accepted Jenny as a mediator/arbitrator. Now I am supposed to tell her no because Tina says so? What a tangled web we weave...]

From: Mike & Diane

Date: 3/6/2009 11:08:53 PM

To: Tina S. Vickery

Subject: Fw: Fwd: Call for Mediators and Arbitrators

Here is the email Jennie sent.


-------Original Message-------

From: J walker

Date: 2/26/2009 12:49:34 AM


Subject: Fwd: Call for Mediators and Arbitrators


I am still interested in becoming a mediator or arbitrator for the grivance committee. This is my correspondence with Dorman Holub in December. Your assistance in this matter would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Jennie Walker

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: J walker

Date: Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 1:19 PM

Subject: Re: Call for Mediators and Arbitrators

To: Dorman Holub

Thank you! :)

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Dorman Holub wrote:

Dear Jennie Walker,

Thanks for your reply and your willingness to serve.

We'll add you to our arbitrator's list.

Anyone who can arbitrate children is a professional in my book.

The Grievance Committee is getting ready to adjourn for the holidays.

We'll re-adjourn in January 2009.

Welcome aboard.


Dorman Holub

GC Chair

On Dec 20, 2008, at 8:37 AM, J walker wrote:

Mr. Holub;

I would like to volunteer for a Arbitrator position in the Grivance Committee. I am a CC for Powhaten Co. VA as well as the Unknown County for Indiana.

I currently do not have experience as a professional arbitrator, even though I have done a share of it handling several children in my family.

I have read the rules for standard procedures.

Thank you,

Jennie Walker


From: J walker

Date: 3/8/2009 5:05:24 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: Re: Arbitration


Once we have gone over the documents, do we then discuss the grievance on the mailing list?



On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Mike & Diane wrote:

Ellis & Jennie,

We have a grievance before us that is ready to move into arbitration. Tina Vickery will be subscribing you to the mailing list. Shirley Cullum is the committee member that will be acting chair for this grievance.

Please refer to the Grievance Committee Bylaws, Section 7 for Arbitration:

I have a lot of correspondence and information that will be given to you once you are on the mailing list. I have tried to gather as much of the correspondence, documents, summations, etc that you will need to come to a decision.

Please, if you have any questions let me or Shirley know. Shirley is out of town for a ball game but should be back sometime tomorrow. I have CC'd this to her as well so she knows that we are moving forward into arbitration.

Thanks again for your willingness to volunteer to help us out!



[Diane comments: Now Tina is getting involved in a discussion of a grievance in which she is a member of the state the grievance is filed against. Did she ever say a word to us? No! Did she ever recuse herself? No! Joel and I discussed it at length…her is where Tina interjects herself in the PRIVATE GC Mailing list: Hmmm, wasn’t the very first email where Tina stated she wasn’t a participant only an ex-offcio member? Strange how that turns when they want it to isn’t it?]

From: Tina S. Vickery

Date: 3/6/2009 11:13:09 PM


Subject: Re: [GC] Mediator

You all have to follow the procedures. If you don't you all will just be subject to way too much grief and trust me it won't be pretty. I know you all want to expedite the issues presented but you will be best served if you follow the guidelines.


----- Original Message -----

From: "Mike & Diane"


Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 10:45 PM

Subject: Re: [GC] Mediator

> Tina,


> We do not have a mediator at this point in time. We had one

> but they were called away to outside obligations, another is

> part of IAGenWeb so cannot mediate in this particular

> grievance.


> Diane


> -------Original Message-------

> From: Tina S. Vickery

> Date: 3/6/2009 10:41:17 PM

> To:

> Subject: Re: [GC] Broken Links


> What happened to the mediation step .. That is before

> arbritration isn't it?



> Tina


[Diane comments: One of the discussions to get Tina off the list because of the Iowa grievance she was participating in.]

From: Joel Newport

Date: 3/17/2009 12:00:16 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: Re: Tina and the private list

Sounds good. I will be in session this afternoon with clients but will reply as soon as I can.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Mike & Diane wrote:

> Well, we can include the entire GC in the email as well as

> Scott and if Tina puts up a fuss I can then include all of

> the State Coordinator Representatives and County Coordinator

> Representatives in any follow ups so they all know what is

> going on.


> I agree that the GC should have control over the private

> list, however I think it should be both of us, since we are

> both chairs.


> I will draw up an email and send to you first to look it

> over and then we can send to Tina.


> Diane


> -------Original Message-------

> From: Joel Newport

> Date: 3/17/2009 11:40:04 AM

> To: Mike & Diane

> Subject: Re: Tina and the private list


> Seems to me the "reasonable" thing to do would be to request

> that the admin responsibilities of the campaign98 mail list

> be transferred to the GC chair to eliminate the appearance

> of a conflict of interest. There is no reason why it should

> be someone else. That is the only way to ensure that Tina

> isn't on the list. I've had those same feelings about Tina

> for a long time. It was actually one of the reasons why I am

> somewhat on Daryl's side.


> A carefully worded email and a cc to Scott for sure. Is

> there anyone else we should include? Just to make it a

> little more public knowledge? Sometimes that alone can help

> a situation. Just a thought. Because if she refuses, there

> will be more people privy to that conversation.


> Joel


> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Mike & Diane wrote:

>> Joel,


>> I have been speaking with Dorman getting all

>> correspondences and emails concerning Daryl and the

>> grievances he has filed to hopefully aid in the AB

>> working on his appeals.


>> I saw in one of his emails to Daryl that the NC isn't

>> supposed to be subbed to the campaign98 list since it is a

>> private list for committee members only. I asked him about

>> this and he showed me in the bylaws where it states: To

>> avoid the appearance of conflict of interest or impropriety

>> in the case of an appeal of the Grievance Committee

>> decision to the Advisory Board, the National Coordinator

>> will not be subscribed to the confidential list or be

>> eligible to vote on matters related to specific grievances.

>> The National Coordinator will have full voting

>> participation in other Grievance Committee business.


>> So, Tina is breaking our bylaws by being subscribed to our

>> private list and participating in our discussions.


>> I am going to approach her about this and in the meantime I

>> am going to send an email out to everyone on the committee

>> to let them know what is going on with this. However, the

>> only problem with this is, since Tina is the admin for the

>> list we don't know if she will in fact unsub herself from

>> the list or will stay subbed and just "lurk". I haven't

>> felt comfortable since you let me know that Tina was a

>> member of IAGenWeb and now that I know the bylaws state she

>> shouldn't be subscribed I am even more uncomfortable.


>> I am going to include Scott Burow in this and let him know

>> what is going on, since he is acting chair on things Tina

>> cannot participate in.


>> Any suggestions or ideas before I proceed with this?


>> Diane


[Diane comments: Tina’s response and her weak reasons as to why she was be the judge]

From: Tina S. Vickery

Date: 3/17/2009 9:21:34 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Cc: Scott Burow; John Quigley; Jo; Joel Newport; Shirley Cullum; Robert Sizemore; Kemis Massey

Subject: Re: Grievance Committee and Mailing lists

Hi all,

I was originally on the list as the recall of the prior GC was

going on. As National Coordinator I am responsible for all

National USGenWeb Project lists of which the GC is one. I have

changed both of the administrators .. Diane you are the lead

admin and Joel you are the secondary. I left myself subbed in

NOMAIL mode as Administratively, I am responsible as an ex-

officio member of the committee.

Diane and Joel, I will send the passwords separately. Please

keep in mind that the procedures also state .. 'The National

Coordinator will have full voting participation in other

Grievance Committee business." I in no way would ever breach

the confidentiality of the committee but in this case you are

correct Diane. Please accept my apologies.


----- Original Message -----

From: Mike & Diane

To: Tina S. Vickery

Cc: Scott Burow ; John Quigley ; Jo ; Joel Newport ; Shirley Cullum ; Robert Sizemore ; Kemis Massey

Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 12:25 PM

Subject: Grievance Committee and Mailing lists


Please do not perceive this email as any disrespect towards you. I am trying to follow the USGenWeb bylaws as well as the GC bylaws.

It has come to my attention in reading through the bylaws that you are not supposed to be subbed to the GC private list known as campaign98.

The reason I looked into this is I thought the only ones privy to our private conversations when discussing a grievance were the current GC members and when you started sending email's through the campaign98 list it made me stop and think about this and begin to research it. What made me stop was that we are currently discussing a grievance that involves Iowa and you are a member of IaGenWeb in maintaining one of their special projects which is a huge conflict of interest as well as confidentiality.

The GC bylaws plainly state:

Section 2 - Committee Business

Two e-mail lists will be established for Grievance Committee business. The first list will be archived, and will be available for all interested project volunteers to subscribe to on a read-only basis. The list will be used to announce committee vacancies/appointments, to request volunteers for open positions, and for discussions of policy and/or procedures related to the Grievance Committee. This list will also be used for Grievance Committee assignments and announcements. No discussion of specific grievances will be held on the public list.

The second list will not be archived, and is considered strictly confidential. Only Committee members will be subscribed to this list. Any questions or concerns related to specific grievances will be raised ONLY on the confidential list. The confidential list may NOT be used for public business, or in an effort to avoid public disclosure. To avoid the appearance of conflict of interest or impropriety in the case of an appeal of the Grievance Committee decision to the Advisory Board, the National Coordinator will not be subscribed to the confidential list or be eligible to vote on matters related to specific grievances. The National Coordinator will have full voting participation in other Grievance Committee business.

With you as NC this has and can put into question the GC's integrity and confidentiality and I am not happy with this at all.

I would like to respectfully ask that you unsubscribe yourself from the campaign98 mailing list and that the mailing list be turned over to myself and Joel. As chair and assistant chair of the GC we should have admin rights to the private list so that no one but the current GC can be privy to our private discussions.


Diane Siniard

GC Chair

CC: Scott Burow~ RAL

CC: Joel Newport ~ GC Assistant Chair

CC: Grievance Committee Members


[Diane comments: Example of repeated unanswered emails finally getting answered]

From: Tina S. Vickery

Date: 7/25/2009 11:53:50 PM

To: Mike & Diane; Scott Burow

Cc: Joel Newport

Subject: Re: Mediators/Arbitrators

Diane, I am acknowledging this but I will have to ask the Board again. I realize that we never really got back to you on this matter and for that I apologize. I will review the procedures but personally, I don't really see an issue in having a Grievance Committee member serve as a mediator or arbitrator but let me consult the Board.

Scott, any thoughts?


----- Original Message -----

From: Mike & Diane

To: Scott Burow ; Tina Vickery

Cc: Joel Newport

Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:24 PM

Subject: Mediators/Arbitrators

Scott & Tina,

I have repeatedly sent out messages asking for mediators and arbitrators. I have had 2 responses. One was from someone that I was informed was an alias, the other was accepted. So, we have 1 mediator. I have emailed a few times asking if we can use members of the Grievance Committee to fill these vacant seats because we have had a grievance pending since May. I have received no answer other than Tina telling me to forward yet another request for mediators/arbitrators for the mailing lists.

I am asking one last time to be allowed to appoint members of the GC to handle this pending grievance. If we cannot appoint members of the GC to fill these vacant seats I will have no alternative other than to let the person that filed the grievance and anyone else that might file a grievance know that we do not have enough people to handle them. I will be up front and honest with them and let them know that I have made repeated requests to get help in filling these seats but my requests have either gone unanswered or ignored, or I was told to send yet another request to the mailing lists.

Please respond ASAP and let me know whether we can appoint members of the GC to fill the mediator and arbitrator positions.

Thank you,

Diane Siniard

Grievance Committee Chair

CC: Joel Newport Grievance Committee Co-Chair


From: Scott Burow

Date: 7/28/2009 10:06:34 PM

To: Tina S. Vickery; Mike & Diane

Cc: Joel Newport

Subject: Re: Mediators/Arbitrators

Sorry all, I've been terribly busy getting ready for a training and have let my email back up far too long.

Using a Committee member as the mediator and/or arbitrator is not the way the process is supposed to work, however under the circumstances, I don't think there is much else you can do.

Unfortunately those who have constant issues with the project over everything have bad mouthed and threatened so much that folks simply don't want to volunteer for the abuse. 99% of the membership would go through the process and a resolution could be found that will work and leave everyone feeling their opinion was heard and usually through the process an accomodation made that satisfies both parties.

It is regretful that after all the work to put things in place, that the 1% has caused so much trouble and damage to what should be a valued part of the project.

What I would do is advise both parties ahead of time that due to the lack of volunteer mediators a committee member will be filling that role. Get their agreement and consent that this is acceptable to both sides. That way, if there is a 'losing' party, they can't come back later and complain that the exact details of the process were not followed to the letter. By giving their consent they are technically waiving their right to contest it based upon that issue.


----- Original Message -----

From: Tina S. Vickery

To: Mike & Diane ; Scott Burow

Cc: Joel Newport

Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:53 PM

Subject: Re: Mediators/Arbitrators

Diane, I am acknowledging this but I will have to ask the Board again. I realize that we never really got back to you on this matter and for that I apologize. I will review the procedures but personally, I don't really see an issue in having a Grievance Committee member serve as a mediator or arbitrator but let me consult the Board.

Scott, any thoughts?


----- Original Message -----

From: Mike & Diane

To: Scott Burow ; Tina Vickery

Cc: Joel Newport

Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:24 PM

Subject: Mediators/Arbitrators

Scott & Tina,

I have repeatedly sent out messages asking for mediators and arbitrators. I have had 2 responses. One was from someone that I was informed was an alias, the other was accepted. So, we have 1 mediator. I have emailed a few times asking if we can use members of the Grievance Committee to fill these vacant seats because we have had a grievance pending since May. I have received no answer other than Tina telling me to forward yet another request for mediators/arbitrators for the mailing lists.

I am asking one last time to be allowed to appoint members of the GC to handle this pending grievance. If we cannot appoint members of the GC to fill these vacant seats I will have no alternative other than to let the person that filed the grievance and anyone else that might file a grievance know that we do not have enough people to handle them. I will be up front and honest with them and let them know that I have made repeated requests to get help in filling these seats but my requests have either gone unanswered or ignored, or I was told to send yet another request to the mailing lists.

Please respond ASAP and let me know whether we can appoint members of the GC to fill the mediator and arbitrator positions.

Thank you,

Diane Siniard

Grievance Committee Chair

CC: Joel Newport Grievance Committee Co-Chair


[Diane comments: And now we come to Sherri’s term here comes the really juicy stuff!]

From: Sherri

Date: 9/2/2009 8:06:40 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: GC mail list

Hi Diane,

Since I've now stepped into the position of National Coordinator, per Section V, Section 1, Committee Membership, I've become an ex officio member of the Grievance Committee. Please use the email address for the mail lists.


Sherri Bradley

National Coordinator

USGenWeb Project


[Diane comments: Here is where I ask about including Tina’s non response to emails in a report and Sherri told me to write it up, that they have to have it]

From: Sherri

Date: 9/18/2009 7:47:24 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: 2nd QTR GC Report


Go ahead and write it up – we have to have it, whether it shows that Tina didn’t respond or not, unfortunately. Also send a call for mediators & arbitrators if you need them – I don’t know if you’ll get volunteers or not, but we have to at least try.



From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 11:18 AM

To: Sherri Bradley

Subject: Re: 2nd QTR GC Report


I know I am behind in reports, as well as everything else. We had absolutely no responses from Tina on various issues regarding the GC and it put us behind in everything.

We had 3 members terms to end August 31 and I wrote repeatedly to Tina in regards to this matter and have yet to receive a response on it. I did take the matter into my own hands and asked the 3 members to stay on another year, which the graciously agreed to do. So, the entire GC's terms end on August 31, 2010.

As for a report we had 1 filed in May that was put on hold because we don't have volunteers for the arbitrator/mediator positions. I have 1 volunteer but still need 2 more. I finally had to write to Scott since Tina wasn't responding on that issue either and asked if the GC members could fill the slots. Scott agreed as long as we got permission from both parties. We gained permission from one party, the other party on the grievance would never respond. Turned out the grievance resolved itself because the person the grievance was against was removed from the SC position and replaced so the aggravate asked for it to be dropped. It was officially dropped today.

Now, I can write up a report, but I will have to include the info on all of Tina's non responses to emails, etc. Do we really want to put that on the permanent records?

Let me know which way you want to go with this...


-------Original Message-------

From: Sherri

Date: 9/2/2009 8:27:40 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: 2nd QTR GC Report


The 2nd quarter GC committee report is past due (this would be for Mar-June). Could you please make sure it gets submitted so that it can be dealt with and this item taken off of the AB's agenda? The 3rd QTR report will be due next month, so I'd like to get this caught up.




[Diane comments: Here is a copy of the ORIGINAL 2nd Quarter report]

USGenWeb Grievance Committee

2nd Quarter Report March-June 2009

The USGenWeb Grievance Committee had one grievance filed on May 1, 2009. We discussed and accepted this grievance on May 15, 2009.

Due to a lack of response on the repeated requests for arbitrators and mediators we had to put this grievance on hold. I had repeatedly sent out requests monthly for arbitrators and mediators and we had two people to respond. One was not acceptable per Tina Vickery National Coordinator, however we did accept the second person. This left us short handed needing to fill the mediator position and an arbitrator position. I informed the grievant on why the grievance was on hold and they were very understanding.

In June I started sending Tina Vickery emails about the lack of response to the repeated calls for arbitrators and mediators, most of which were ignored. She did respond once and said for me to continue to send out requests which I did.

I finally wrote to Tina and to Scott Burow and asked if members of the Grievance Committee could sit in as the arbitrator and mediator so that we could go ahead and take care of this grievance since it had been on hold since May. Scott responded and said that it was unprecedented but if we could get the approval of both parties in the grievance we could move ahead.

I asked both parties, one of which continuously failed to respond. The Grievance Committee made the decision to move forward due to the lack of response to the person the grievance was filed against.

Members were chosen to act as mediator, arbitrator as well as the Committee member to oversee the grievance.

Once this was done the grievant then dropped the grievance due to the circumstances of the grievance having been resolved. This grievance was officially closed September 9, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Siniard

Grievance Committee


[Diane comments: In response to my report I get an email back and even get called by the wrong name! WTF is up with that? She does it a lot!]

From: Sherri

Date: 11/1/2009 5:16:49 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: 3rd QTR Grievance Committee Report

Hi Denise,

The AB has asked me to ask you if you could just list it as the facts without the added commentary:

- Grievance 2009/08-01 filed August 1

- Grievance "whatever the second number is" filed August 15, re-write requested by GC per section 5D

- GC 2nd notice to grievant for "whatever the second number is" regarding re-write

- Grievance 2009/08-01 rejected September 8

- Sent request for needed GC members to AB on such and such a date

Etc. etc.

This method would remove any subjective comments that might crop up.

Thanks bunches,



[Diane comments: My next report which was accepted]

USGenWeb Grievance Committee

3rd Quarter Report July-September 2009

The USGenWeb Grievance Committee had two grievances filed this quarter. One was filed August 1, 2009 which after lengthy discussions and consideration, Grievance 2009/08-01 was then rejected on September 8, 2009.

The second was filed on August 15, 2009 which is pending a rewrite of this grievance due to erroneous information being included in said grievance and it being very difficult to read, follow and understand.

I notified the grievant on September 10th that a re-write was needed with no response. I again sent the request along with a read receipt on September 15th and it was received and acknowledge.

The grievant has until September 25, 2009 to re-file this grievance or it will be rejected per the GC Bylaws

Section 5D - Grievance Process: If the reason that the grievance was not accepted was due to the initial complaint not fulfilling the requirements of subsection C of this Section, the member will have 10 days to amend or correct any deficiencies in the initial complaint and resubmit it to the Grievance Committee Chair.

In July and August 2009 I started emailing the NC about finding 3 members for the Grievance Committee due to their terms ending on August 31, 2009. After repeated attempts to contact the NC through emails and NC’s failure to respond to any of the requests I made the decision to ask the members if they would be willing to serve another year on the Grievance Committee. All three members agreed to stay on until August 31, 2010. The members who had terms expiring and agreed to have them extended are Shirley Cullum, Robert Sizemore and John Quigley.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Siniard

Grievance Committee


[Diane comments: Again another rewrite]

USGenWeb Grievance Committee

3rd Quarter Report July-September 2009

Grievance 2009/08-01 filed.

Rejected on September 8, 2009

Grievance 2009/08-15 filed

Resubmit requested per Section 5D - Grievance Process.

Grievance 2009/08-15 resubmitted September 25, 2009

Grievance Accepted October 11, 2009.

Currently awaiting volunteer mediator.

August 31, 2009 expiration of three (3) GC members terms.

Emails sent out July 15, 2009, August 1, 2009 & August 15 2009. No response.

August 22, 2009 GC Chair emailed the GC members.

The members who had terms expiring and agreed to have them extended are Shirley Cullum, Robert Sizemore and John Quigley.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Siniard

Grievance Committee Chair


[Diane comments: And here we are at the first of the big C (confidentiality) breaking by Sherri. This email came to me out of the blue as you can see]

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 11/15/2009 11:36:30 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Cc:; Sherri

Subject: Heads Up


I wanted to give you a heads up that I’ve added an item to the AB’s agenda to discuss what should be done if confidentiality of a grievance is broken. Not only has FLGenWeb done it (I’m not divulging to the rest of the AB that I have details), but Colleen has broken confidentiality by discussing it with at least 2 AB members besides myself and she emailed the EC wanting to know how they were holding an election if the SC (temporary in this case) had a grievance pending against them. Then there’s Susan Jones, who emailed at least the SEMA Reps wanting to know why we weren’t upholding the bylaws and forcing you to resub her to the NCGenWeb mail list when a grievance was filed against you. <sigh>

I think we finally have an AB in place that will deal with Daryl, if we can keep focused and not go off half cocked as my grandfather would have said. I want to make sure we have all of the I’s dotted and the t’s crossed because if we mess it up this time, it will only be harder the next.

Have you had any volunteers to serve as mediators besides Daryl (did he really apply or was that a figment of his imagination, too)? I think by my count, there’s the FL grievance, the one Colleen filed about AKGenWeb, and one filed against you by Susan Jones (and yes, you do have to resubscribe her to the mail list, although nothing says she has to be subbed to the discussion one, just to the announcement list).

Do you want to be me this week? <vbg> (We’re still not quite done dealing with the hacker, I’ve still got about two dozen that I have to rebuild the account for them and send out the passwords.)



[Diane comments: And here she is asking me to send her the Florida grievance…did she really have the right to ask for it? But since she asked for it to give to the AB I figured it was on the up and up…?]

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 11/16/2009 9:43:27 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Cc: Sherri

Subject: FLGenWeb


Please formally send me the info on the FLGenWeb grievance so I can have the AB decide what to do – it will most likely begin with a letter to all of the parties, but don’t know for sure. Please use my home email address to send it to – I’ll not be working tomorrow and I try to keep USGenWeb business mostly on my personal email accounts.

Have you resubbed Susan Jones to the NCGenWeb required mail list? Please let me know so that I can get a response to her/him. (I know, I hate to have to make you do it, but gotta follow the rules. <sigh>)




[Diane comments: The web begins to weave...]

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 11/16/2009 11:18:26 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: FLGenWeb

Diane, I'm so sorry that you've been ill - and please don't feel bad about not responding to any emails. We're all scrambling to figure out which direction we're going with things. Get done what you can, and don't worry about the rest.

Thanks for forwarding the FLGenWeb messages. I suspect that we'll end up sending them a message of sorts (from the entire AB), then see where we stand.

As for Colleen, Mary Hatton, one of the EC members handling the AK election, emailed me and included the message from either Colleen or Gail - or both (I don't remember right off), asking how the election can be held with a grievance pending against the SC candidate. I do know that both of them have asked the question.

Personally, I'd like to see an addition to the GC procedures that if confidentiality is broken on a grievance, the one that broke it automatically loses. I'm sure it wouldn't fly, but it would sure would be nice. <g>

I'm also going to try to get one of the GC procedures clarified - the one about how long a grievant has to file. I read it that if you're dismissed from a state project, no matter if you're a member in another state or project within USGenWeb, you have 14 days to file. If you're still a member in that same state project (with another county or SP site), you'd then have the 45 days to file. If that's so, then Colleen would have filed late.

Are we having fun yet?

Take care of yourself and hope you get to felling better soon. Let me know if I can do anything to help.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 10:59 AM

To: Bradley, Sherri; Sherri Bradley

Subject: Re: FLGenWeb


Please forgive me for being slow to respond to these matters. I have been bedridden for over a week and am up now due to a doctors appointment and knowing that my inbox is over flowing and there are some things that need to be taken care of.

I have just forwarded you all of the emails that I have on FLGenWeb witht he exception of the exchanges with Laverne where I advised her to not answer any emails from Florida to just send them to me instead. I was forwarded some emails where she had sent some emails about a virus in the archives, don't know what that was about, or if you need those.

I also have some correspondence where I asked Colleen about the date discrepancy and she stated her computer date was not set properly? If you need those. I also have an email from her that I haven't answered as yet that is copied to Gail Kilgore, me and you asking about the election, so we do have proofs that she is bringing others into this as well as mentioning the grievance. I will answer that one stating that the grievance cannot be discussed with anyone that is not named in the grievance and that I cannot answer any questions regarding said grievance before it goes into mediations and leave it at that. You will receive the reply since you are CC'd on it from her, so you can send it to the AB if necessary.

As for Susan Jones, I have again asked for contact info, she states in the grievance she provided a phone number (I never received anything from shim) and the reply was rather rude. I will resub her to the business list much to my dismay, but it will be done and I will forward you the resub announcement for the record. The list is read only.

As for mediators, we have Dorman that I can call on when I get really desperate, Patrice Green (Florida) has volunteered, then we have Ellis Michaels and Pat Asher as arbitrators which we can always use as mediators if needed. Yes, Daryl really and truly did volunteer to be a mediator, as did Charles way back when we were all first selected into office when Dorman was our chair. I think we should write Ripley's that they both had the gall to offer to be mediators for us. LOL

Will be on here for a little while longer if you need anything, if you need me and I don't answer right away feel free to call me at (number removed)


-------Original Message-------

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 11/16/2009 9:43:27 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Cc: Sherri

Subject: FLGenWeb


Please formally send me the info on the FLGenWeb grievance so I can have the AB decide what to do – it will most likely begin with a letter to all of the parties, but don’t know for sure. Please use my home email address to send it to – I’ll not be working tomorrow and I try to keep USGenWeb business mostly on my personal email accounts.

Have you resubbed Susan Jones to the NCGenWeb required mail list? Please let me know so that I can get a response to her/him. (I know, I hate to have to make you do it, but gotta follow the rules. <sigh>)




From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 11/16/2009 11:57:57 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: Grievances

Waiting until tomorrow sounds like a good idea at this point.

I've pretty well reamed the AB reps that broke the confidentiality out. Bad enough to break confidentiality and shae the grievance with the AB, but to go outside of us to an EC rep was definitely not acceptable. Trust me, it was NOT pretty last night!

The bottom line with Colleen's is that she wanted to be SC of AKGenWeb. I tried to work with both of them to come to a consensus, but Colleen wanted no part of it. The sad thing is, if she'd taken the two counties that Vikki hadn't assigned to someone else, she would still have been able to run for SC. As it is, she has no site in AKGenWeb, so was not eligible to run for SC. She's now doing everything possible to get the election thrown out or stopped in its tracks. I had already announced the election prior to her filing the grievance. I did not stop the election - with no decision in the grievance, and nothing mentioned in the bylaws, there was no requirement to do so. Maybe not the most popular thing I've ever done, but I'm sure it won't be the last unpopular thing I do.

And FYI, in case you haven't been following all of the things on BOARD, there's a motion there requiring that the NC be subbed to the confidential list. I've not mentioned the fact that I'm already subbed (although I told them when you subbed me that you'd done it). I figured it would just be easier on everyone and the requirement will be there for the future. I'm also going to introduce something to be added to the procedures about breaking confidentiality. What's going on right now, with the three grievance cases, is proof of that it's needed.

I'm sure I won't be NC forever (at least I hope not!), but hopefully I'll have left the USGenWeb Project as a whole in better shape than it was when I stepped into this position.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 11:33 AM

To: Sherri Bradley; Bradley, Sherri;

Subject: Grievances


I was getting ready to move Colleen's, Joel is going to move mine into mediations and we are going to continue to hold on Florida's until we can find another mediator, but anyway, do you want us to hold off before we move them into mediation until we see what the AB wants to do about the breach of confidentiality? If so not a problem, I will just let Vikki know that we are waiting for a mediator (a little fib) to volunteer, ask Joel to hold off until I find out tomorrow exactly when my surgery is going to be and then we can go from there without letting the cat out of the bag to too many people.



[Diane comments: As you see here, Sherri was involved in things she shouldn’t have been involved in...]

From: Sherri

Date: 11/17/2009 11:57:26 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: AKGenWeb issue

Yes, it is most sticky.

And Colleen and Gail, as the SC rep for the NWPL region (and the one that told Colleen to file the grievance) both contacted the EC and asked how an election could be held if there was an ongoing grievance against the candidate. In my book, that's leaking the confidential information that a grievance had been filed against Vikki.

There's nothing in any procedure, bylaw or anything else that I can/could find that indicated that the election, which had already been scheduled, had to be stopped. Maybe I'm totally off of the wall, but stopping an already scheduled election would have taken some creative wording to try to explain it.

Anyway, I'll shoosh now about this. Will get back to you ASAP about the confidentiality issue.

How'd the Dr.'s appointment yesterday go?


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 11:16 AM

To: Sherri Bradley

Subject: Re: AKGenWeb issue

We do have some serious discrepancies over the dates and where Sarah said Colleen could have the boroughs in the emails. I have an email from Colleen dated August 18 as well as September 18 between Colleen and Sarah where Sarah tells Colleen the borough's are hers. Colleen's email is dated September 18, Sarah's August 18. Then an email from Sarah (August) where she let you know that Vikki was willing to be tentative SC and that Colleen expressed an interest in the four boroughs, no mention that she had said she could have them. Then the emails dated September 9 where Colleen let Vikki know that Sarah had given her the borough's and was waiting for the Rootsweb account info and Vikki's reply that she was glad Colleen had offered to help and that she had received Colleen's offer (Sarah had forwarded, but no mention of stating Colleen had the borough's) but had someone else that had just offered as well.

Maybe in the shuffle Sarah forgot she told Colleen she could have the borough's or overstepped and told her she could have them without discussing it with Vikki first since Vikki was taking over as SC?

I don't is a mess. It seems the last email that I have where there was a discussion on this was dated September 30 between you Gail and Colleen. Colleen filed on October 15, so it seems she did file within the 15 days...

However, if we only use emails between Colleen and Vikki then she filed a day too late. This one is sticky and tangled....


-------Original Message-------

From: Sherri

Date: 11/17/2009 10:16:49 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: AKGenWeb issue


I don’t know what all Colleen sent in as supporting documents to her grievance, but I felt you needed to have this if you already didn’t:

[Diane comments: Rest of emails removed]


[Diane comments: And here we go with the mail lists]

From: Sherri

Date: 11/17/2009 1:34:22 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: Fw: Grievance

Do you need me to set up another mail list for this grievance?



[Diane comments: Keeping members of the AB out of discussions, not cool. Are they being sent to the corner for something Sherri?]

From: Sherri

Date: 11/17/2009 1:53:49 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: Fw: Grievance

The confidentiality issue has been brought to the AB members EXCEPT Colleen & Gail (kicked them out while it's discussed). I'll let you know within the next 72 hrs - that's the time limit I set to start with (had to give them a length of time to be 'legal').

I'll email Laverne in a minute and reiterate exactly what you sent - don't know if it will make any difference or not though.



[Diane comments: This is while I was still recovering from knee surgery and I guess Sherri thought it was time for her to move in and take over]

From: Sherri

Date: 12/16/2009 10:23:32 AM

To: Joel Newport; Mike & Diane

Subject: Grievances/Mediation

Morning Joel,

I think I sort of dropped the ball last week in a response to you.

Where are we at with grievance 2009/09-30 and 2009/10-15? Did you get mediators assigned for these? Do you need me to set up private mail lists for the mediation/arbitration steps? If so, just let me know and I will be glad to do so.

I’m told that Patrice Green had volunteered to serve as a mediator. Diane, did you get anything from her? Is she just waiting in line to have a grievance assigned to her?

I’m still waiting on the parties in the 2009/08-15 grievance to get back to me. I’ve only heard from two of them, so if I don’t get a more active response, I’ll take the problem to the AB and let them figure out what to do as a group.

I’ll drop Laverne a note today apologizing for the delay – it was mine due to some health issues (I’ve been down with some stupid crud since mid-August and it’s just not getting better, even with antibiotics for 14 days that cost $29.94 each! Anyway, hopefully that will appease her for a bit longer and keep her out of your mail boxes.

Let me know what I can do to help.



[Diane comments: And away we go with Sherri becoming deeply embedded in the Florida grievance...]

From: Sherri

Date: 12/16/2009 12:00:50 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: FW: Grievance Update

I sent this to Laverne this morning and haven’t gotten a response, but I’m hoping this will buy us a little time on this one. The FL bunch are claiming that they can’t be named individually, they must be named as an entire board. Another thing to slow down the process, I’m sure, but we’ll get through it if I have to get the entire AB involved.

Do you know why she only named some of the FL board members and not all?

Hope you’re feeling better.


From: Sherri

Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:47 AM

To: Laverne Tornow

Subject: Grievance Update

Hi Laverne,

I just wanted to give you a quick update on the status of the grievance and offer an apology. I’ve been down with some sort of respiratory bug for the last 3 months. Just when I think I might have it licked, it comes back. My stamina to get things done has just disappeared and getting the letters sent out to the FL bunch was one of the things I didn’t get done when I’d planned to.

I’ve heard back from a couple of the FLGenWeb members named in the grievance. I do have one question, though. Is there a reason that you named only some of the FLGenWeb board by name in the grievance and didn’t name some of them? I’m getting comments about that and don’t have a clue what they’re referring to. If you could enlighten me, I’d sure appreciate it. That would also make it easier for me to respond to the replies that I’m getting.




[Diane comments: Sherri’s disgust over Daryl applying for a position...well I am disgusted over your constant breaking of the rules Sherri!]

From: Sherri

Date: 1/30/2010 9:21:12 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: Re: Grievance Committee Calls for Mediators and Arbitrators

Yep, I think he'd applied before. I'm sure you know where I stand as to whether he's acceptable or not! I can't think of anyone in their right minds that would seat him! <shudder>


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 7:59 PM

To: Sherri

Subject: Fw: Re: Grievance Committee Calls for Mediators and Arbitrators

Thought you might get a kick out of this.


-------Original Message-------

From: Daryl Lytton

Date: 1/30/2010 7:56:27 PM



Subject: Re: Grievance Committee Calls for Mediators and Arbitrators

I can do the duties of either position. I was trained and paid by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections to assist in filing complaints against inmates at the Fox Lake Correctional Institution and the Green Bay Correctional Institution. I also assisted some of the inmates with their defense against the complaints, and was paid for that as well.


[Diane comments: "The USGenWeb Project is an equal opportunity organization and will not tolerate discrimination in any form because of race, color, religion, sex,

national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, etc."]


[Diane comments: More of her how shall we say it? We can’t call it racism because they are all be the judge. Also, as you can see I had to find out from Sherri the status of other grievances because I was never informed even though I was the Chair!]

From: Sherri

Date: 1/30/2010 9:23:01 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: Grievance 2009-10-15

I personally think she'd be very good as long as the grievance doesn't involve Colleen, Gail Kilgore or David Samuelsen.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 8:19 PM

To: Sherri

Subject: RE: Grievance 2009-10-15

Just FYI, Vikki Gray just volunteered to be a mediator / arbitrator so we have her now as well. She is a paralegal in real life. Her email:

> Hi Diane. Having recently been involved in a grievance I

> realize the importance of this volunteer. I would be willing

> to serve on the grievance board in the future. I have a

> background in law (I am not a lawyer - more like a

> paralegal). If you want help, give me a holler.


> Thanks,

> Vikki Gray

> Alaska State Coordinator

-------Original Message-------

From: Sherri

Date: 1/30/2010 7:35:40 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: Grievance 2009-10-15

Yes, they've discussed Nola's grievance and you should be hearing from Joel shortly.

This is the decision in Colleen's grievance:

Grievance 2009/10-15 has gone through mediation and arbitration. I hereby submit the following finding for approval of the GC.

The arbitration team for Grievance 2009/10-15 finds in favor of Vikki Gray, and against the grievance filed by Colleen Pustola.

The team feels that Colleen Pustola did not prove that the current State Coordinator for Alaska, Vikki Gray, had violated any current guidelines or bylaws of the AKGenWeb, or of the USGenWeb. Nor were any rules of conduct or bylaws of the USGenWeb project violated when the areas under dispute to were assigned to Gregory Vaughn.

It is recommended that the boroughs in dispute remain under the coordination of Gregory Vaughn.

Shirley Cullum


Grievance 2009/10-15

I'm going to email Fran again tonight - I'm tired of their stalling tactics.

Unfortunately, I've not had a whole lot of time to follow up with them spending so much on Daryl, Gail Kilgore and David Samuelsen. They've been having a field day with complaints and accusations of wrong doing/corruption.

Once they get word of the decision on Colleen's grievance, they'll probably go ballistic. I'd love to be able to muzzle a few folks right about now. <groan>


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 7:16 PM

To: Sherri

Subject: Re: Grievance 2009-10-15


No, I am not subbed to the private list while they discuss Nola's grievance, which I think (hope) they are discussing. I put myself on no mail while they are discussing it and once that is done I will return to mail status.

What was the outcome of Colleen's grievance?

We have Pat Asher, Patrice Green and Ellis Michaels to use as mediators / arbitrators.. Patrice is a member of Florida so that would leave her out of the Florida matter. That would only leave Pat and Ellis to use, as they (Florida) have already rejected Dorman. So, I can send out another call for mediators / arbitrators to see if someone might volunteer, other than that we are quite short handed.

I start pain management Monday so hopefully that will work some miracles.

We did get between 4-6 inches of snow and they are calling for more tonight.

I have been out on the front porch a couple of times and the kids have been out to play in it but I am not touching foot in it. I am just hoping and praying for warmer weather so it will hurry up and melt and go away! It was in the 60's day before yesterday and now here we have snow...go figure NC weather for ya. :)


-------Original Message-------

From: Sherri

Date: 1/30/2010 6:05:45 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: Grievance 2009-10-15


Since you’re currently not subscribed to the private list (at least I don’t think you are), I figured I’d tell you that Colleen’s grievance has made it through the process. Joel is supposed to be sending notification to both parties shortly. I provided the email addresses of both ladies so he wouldn’t have to dig to find them and take more time to get it settled.

Question – where along the line have you been assigning the arbitrators for a grievance if mediation fails? I’ve been asked for the info.

Are you feeling any better? Sure hope so – and hope your weather’s not too terribly bad. We’ve had somewhere between 5 and 6 inches of snow (I think). It’s blown around so much it’s really hard to tell. I’ve not been off of the back porch and have no intention of getting off until I positively have to. <g>




[Diane comments: 4th Quarter report due and was sent: This one accepted.can you believe it????]

USGenWeb Grievance Committee

4th Quarter Report October-December 2009

Grievance 2009/11-16 filed. Placed on hold until all other avenues are taken to try and resolve the grievance prior to the GC looking into this grievance. This was not done prior to the filing of said grievance. Complainant was informed and asked to follow all other avenues before we would look into this grievance.

Grievance 2009/12-30 filed

Grievance 2009/08/15 was moved into mediation. Mediator rejected. Informed all mediators would be rejected. Awaiting new mediator to volunteer.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Siniard

Grievance Committee Chair


[Diane comments: OK we backtrack some because I have emails in different folders. Bare with me...but you will get everything.<grin> Here we go again with Sherri inserting herself in a grievance]

From: Sherri

Date: 10/28/2009 8:53:22 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: [GC] Grievance 2009/10-15


I was just reading through some old emails about the situation in AK. We've got some 'hinky' things going on. According to copies of emails that I received, Colleen sent the message to the old AK SC on 18 September, but it was forwarded to me on 18 August. Time travel? I don't know, but I do know that Colleen has her sights set on the AKGenWeb SC position. The last communication that I'm aware of on the subject was on 30 September. Since Colleen didn't file this until the 15th of October, I don't think it meets the 14-day requirement of a former member of a state project. (A former USGenWeb member within 14 days of termination of membership either with the Project, or within a specific State or Special Project.) At least I think I'm reading this right. Her filing this on 15 October, if you take that 30 September date, is more than the 14 days, so it would be invalid anyway. Also, how can the grievance "possibly include the NC"? Either it does or it doesn't - and she can't make up her mind mid-way through the process. <sigh>

Vikki was not told that the boroughs were given to Colleen, just that Colleen had expressed an interest in them. Why she couldn't understand that taking the two would get her into AKGenWeb, whereas turning them all down and filing this grievance would make her ineligible to run in the election. Again, Vikki had already recruited someone else for two of the boroughs, but Colleen could have still had the other two, thus making her a member of AKGenWeb. Taking the two boroughs away from the CC that Vikki had recruited wouldn't be fair, either.

(The election is scheduled for the beginning of November.) With the way that Colleen communicated with Vikki, I don't blame her for not wanting her in AK - I wouldn't take her in KY, either. I'd most likely take Charles Barnum before I'd take Colleen. <sigh>

I probably should have checked dates before the poll to accept or reject the grievance was held in the first place. I just thought you should know this - if you want me to share with the rest of the GC, just let me know. I've got copies of everything I received if you should need them.


-----Original Message-----

From: On Behalf Of Mike & Diane

Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:32 AM


Subject: [GC] Grievance 2009/10-15

Hi all,

Grievance 2009/10-15 has been accepted.

As soon as I can find a mediator it will move into the mediation process. Just some FYI the mediator for grievance 2009/08-15 was rejected, so I have to find another for it as well. If you know of anyone that would make a good mediator please ask them to consider handling a grievance for us and to please contact Joel or I.

In the meantime I will go ahead and send out another request to all of the projects for mediators.

I am hoping we can find some mediators and get all three of the grievances we have now wrapped up before Thanksgiving.



[Diane comments: Misunderstanding GC are the NC, don’t you know the rules?]

From: Sherri

Date: 11/16/2009 9:19:57 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: Grievances

Actually, Diane, there's more that may muddy the waters than the confidentiality issue. If you read the Grievance Procedures, section 5A, item b, it states "A former USGenWeb member within 14 days of termination of membership either with the Project, or within a specific State or Special Project" The way this reads, Colleen would have had 14 days to file the grievance since she had no other sites within AK, no matter whether she was still a member in another state or Special Project or not.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 11:33 AM

To: Sherri Bradley; Bradley Sherri

Subject: Grievances


I was getting ready to move Colleen's, Joel is going to move mine into mediations and we are going to continue to hold on Florida's until we can find another mediator, but anyway, do you want us to hold off before we move them into mediation until we see what the AB wants to do about the breach of confidentiality? If so not a problem, I will just let Vikki know that we are waiting for a mediator (a little fib) to volunteer, ask Joel to hold off until I find out tomorrow exactly when my surgery is going to be and then we can go from there without letting the cat out of the bag to too many people.



[Diane comments: Telling me what I need to do...guess I am back in grade school]

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 12/7/2009 11:44:59 AM

To: Mike & Diane; Sherri Bradley

Subject: RE: Grievance

I'm sorry to hear you're still having complications, Diane.

OK, we need to go ahead and move Colleen's grievance to mediation. There's nothing that we can do at this point about confidentiality that has previously been breached, but do include in this notice that confidentiality must be maintained. The AB is going to address this formally and state in the Procedures what will happen if confidentiality, but we don't want to wait that long to move at least Colleen's grievance forward.

I still need to email the FL crew - and I'll also notify Laverne that the delay was my fault - maybe we'll have something from them within the original 30 days that I told her we'd get something done. If not, I'll take the heat on this one.

As far as I'm concerned, the "Susan Jones" grievance can move forward, but I'll leave it to you and Joel when to do that since you're still recovering. I will tell you (in case you haven't figured it out yet) that she/he is screaming bloody murder that she/he can't post to the discuss list. The requirement is met by having resubbed them to the mandatory list, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Things around our house have been in an uproar for the last month or so and I'm just starting to feel better after a 3-month out of control asthma attack. Different doctor, different, more powerful antibiotic and a long dose of steroids - I'm 4 days into the routine and it is finally beginning to look like this will at least get it under control for a while. Another 10 days and I'm back to the Dr., too, so we'll see. This is my allergist that has done this, I got tired of messing with the family doctor that just wasn't getting results.

We'll get together after the holidays and get some more direction written for the GC Chair, at least, to make it easier from here on out, for you or anyone else in the position.

I'll let you know what I hear from the FL crew.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 11:31 AM

To: Sherri Bradley

Subject: Fw: Grievance


I am still having complications, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you, please feel free to give me a call if you need something and I can always come and get on here and forward it to you as needed, I really don't mind! :) Yes we do notify the grievant and the person(s) the grievance is against letting them know that the grievance has been accepted and/or filed against them. We don't tell them that they shouldn't discuss it with anyone else, we were all kind of thrown into the committee without being told what to do how to do certain things and I have kind of had to wing it and figure out how to do it. This is the notice I sent to Colleen, I can forward the copy sent to Vikki as well if it is needed.



[Diane comments: Rest of message cropped due to dealing with grievances. Ordering everyone around now...see she has taken over the GC]

From: Sherri

Date: 12/9/2009 8:54:33 PM

To: Joel Newport;

Subject: [GC] Susan Jones & Colleen Pustola Grievances


Please forgive an "old" lady - at least this week I feel like I'm 110. <g> Since I can't for the life of me remember if I sent a request for the GC to go ahead and assign a mediator to the grievance filed by Colleen Pustola, please get with Diane and make sure that this gets done. (Colleen should be well aware by now that the confidentiality of the process must be protected as described in the GC procedures so hopefully she'll abide by them now.)

I'm going to be writing to both Susan Jones and the FL bunch about confidentiality of the grievance process and see if we can get something concrete about where everyone is in regards to the FL thing. I need to do this before we do anything else with it, but will let Laverne know that the delay is all mine.

As for the Susan Jones grievance against Diane, a mediator can be assigned at any time after I get the confidentiality notice sent to her as far as I'm concerned, I just don't know if her continuing problems will need to postpone that action for a bit longer.

I will forward copies of the confidentiality letters that I send so that you have them for the GC's records.

Anything I can help with, please let me know.


Sherri Bradley

National Coordinator

USGenWeb Project


[Diane comments: The dictator continues]

From: Sherri

Date: 12/20/2009 5:53:19 PM

To: Joel Newport; Mike & Diane

Subject: Colleen's Grievance


We need to get Colleen’s grievance assigned to a mediator and the mediation process started ASAP. (I know, it’s a really bad time to do this, but I don’t think we have a choice.) At the least, we need to have the mediator assigned and a date (after the 1st of the year if necessary) assigned that the mediation will begin. If you need a confidential mail list, let me know and I’ll get one set up for the discussion of the mediation.

You should both know that Colleen has continued breaching the confidentiality of the grievance process. She’s also being assisted by another AB member. The AB, at this point, is discussing what should be done, but I don’t want the grievance to languish any longer as what the AB does will deal more with them as AB members than as simply parties in the grievance.



[Diane comments: Once more with the mail lists]

From: Sherri

Date: 12/22/2009 9:46:13 PM

To: Mike & Diane; 'Sherri'

Subject: Mediations Mail list

Hi Diane,

I’ve created the private mail list for the mediation phase of grievance 2009-10-15. It’s a yahoo group, the group’s name is grievance_2009_10_15.

To subscribe, the parties and the mediator will need to send a message to

Once I get the subscription requests, I’ll approve the members and then the mediation can begin.

I’ll also send the info to Pat when I get back to the other computer. I don’t have her email address on this one.



[Diane comments: Now she says she isn’t supposed to influence the GC? What a joke...she has been interfering since she became NC. Notice she sent this to Pat Asher who is NOT was NOT and never has been a GC member. Only a mediator...another breaking of the rules...]

From: Sherri

Date: 1/3/2010 7:43:46 PM

To: Mike & Diane; Shirley Cullum; Pat Asher

Subject: Problems - grievance 2009-10-15

There is something going on that I think you need to be aware of. I’ve debated all day whether I should pass the info on to you, but have finally decided that you at least need to have it. I know as the NC I’m not supposed to ‘interfere’ or ‘influence’ any grievance, but you need to be aware of it. What you do with it is up to you, but here it is.

Colleen is stalking Vikki – she’s had help, but has been digging into Vikki’s personal business. Vikki stated “She’s posted information that seems to be from my credit report,, my family, my email, my business, my professional associations, my friends, and even my ex-husband on official USGenWeb email. This is scaring the daylights out of me. This person is the Wyoming State Coordinator (Colleen) and I'm really concerned about this.” (I’ve got her permission to share this email.)

Now, I’ll leave it to you all to figure out what, if anything, should be done with the info. As I said earlier, I can’t vote on any matter relating to a grievance, and I won’t.

You should know that you may be receiving a grievance from Vikki against Colleen. <sigh> She’s also been referred to the local authorities and to the FBI’s internet crimes site.



[Diane comments: See once again I am kept in the dark about what is going the chair I should know what is going on at all times with a grievance don’t you think? Also, Sherri admitting to being on the lists even when she isn’t supposed to be there!]

From: Sherri

Date: 1/5/2010 11:04:18 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: RE: Re: Stalking Grievance

The actual mediations discussion started on 12/28. Jan 2nd was the last time I heard from her - that was on the mediations mail list that was set up. (I'm the moderator of the yahoo group, but have not responded to any of the messages on the list, so neither Colleen or Vikki know I'm subbed.) Basically she's taken the stance that she won't budge at all - as has Vikki. That was before the email that she sent that's the basis for Vikki's "stalking" claim.

Colleen had said earlier that she'd be available through Jan 3rd, then gone for about a week. The last I heard, that timeframe has changed and she won't be available until sometime around the end of the month. Pat's basically declared the mediations over because (1st) there was no willingness to compromise on the part of either party and (2nd) Colleen is unavailable and won't be until after the 10 days for mediations time frame will run out. Of course, this other mess doesn't help anything either. I have no clue what to do about the arbitrations, and whether the harassment/stalking should come into play in those discussions or in the final decision by the GC members. Personally, there's no way in heck that I'd ever let someone that has harassed or threatened me have a county in my state. I wouldn't ever consider placing another SC in that position, either, which is exactly what will be done if Vikki's told she has to let Colleen have one or more of the boroughs.

I copied you on the note that I sent to the FLGenWeb group last night, didn't I? I meant to and now can't get back to my email on the laptop - I was going to upgrade the memory and now it won't boot with either the original or the new memory module installed. <sigh> I'm hoping I can get it into the computer shop this afternoon to see if they can do anything with it, if not, I'll be tied to the laptop for a few days and I don't like that because it's too high and really bothers my carpal tunnel when using it.

Did you get my other message about the mediation on the grievance against you? Has a mediator been assigned? Joel's not responded to either of my last two emails. The last time I heard from him (in response to another email) was the 10th of December, when he said that a mediator had been picked but the confidential list hadn't been created/requested and that the mediator didn't know what he was supposed to do and that he (Joel) had dropped the ball in helping the mediator to know what he was supposed to do. <big sigh>


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 10:34 AM

To: Sherri

Subject: Fw: Re: Stalking Grievance

Vikki did send me an email about it and I have been talking to everyone in the LE field that I know about this and they all say to file restraining orders and cease and desist orders (whichever the case may be for her state) and to let the State Police handle it. Below is the email I sent to Vikki.

I am still awaiting to hear back from both of them "officially" before moving forward on their grievance. I will resend the emails I sent out, especially the one to Colleen about moving forward into mediations.

Have you seen or heard from her since Christmas on any of the lists?



[Diane comments: Sherri taking control of a grievance that was filed against me]

From: Sherri

Date: 1/6/2010 9:31:10 AM

To: Joel Newport

Subject: RE: Grievance 2009-09-30

Thanks, Joel. If you don't mind, would you please cc me on the email to Dorman?



-----Original Message-----

From: Joel Newport

Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:27 AM

To: Sherri

Subject: Re: Grievance 2009-09-30


I agree. I will email Dorman.

My reality right now is I'm working over 60 hours a week and in the middle of a large production. My ability to respond quickly to these things right now are going to be very diminished.


On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Sherri wrote:

> Joel,


> I’m more than a bit concerned with having a new mediator

> assigned to the Susan Jones Grievance. Knowing that things

> may get very, very difficult and that it’s likely that the

> bylaws will be mis-quoted and incorrect references from

> Sturgis and/or Parliamentary Procedure presented, I’m

> thinking it might be better to have someone that is more

> familiar with the Project’s history and both of these

> references. My suggestion would be to see if Dorman Holub

> can/will be the mediator for this grievance. If he can’t,

> I’d then suggest Pat Asher, who at least has one grievance

> under her belt, so will have some experience to fall back on.


> Please let me know that you’ve received this email and if

> you still want to go with Ellis as the mediator on this one,

> or if you agree that it might be better to have someone with

> some experience handle this one.


> Thanks,

> Sherri Bradley

> National Coordinator

> USGenWeb Project


[Diane comments: Sherri setting up the list so she could eaves drop once again. HA! We spoiled that, we did it by personal emails!]


Date: 1/30/2010 11:28:09 AM


Subject: Google Groups: You've been added to Grievance Mediation

Sherri has added you to the Grievance Mediation group with this message:

Grievance 2009-09-30 is moving into mediation. This is the private mail list created for use during the mediation phase of grievance 2009-09-30. Members in this group are Susan Jones, Diane Siniard, Dorman Holub and John Quigley. Dorman is the mediator in this process and John is the GC's representative.

Here is the group's description:

Set up for the mediation phase of grievance 2009-09-30

[Diane comments: Cut the rest off just a bunch of script]


[Diane comments: Here is someone from Florida contacting Sherri of all people about the grievance! Shouldn’t they contact the GC? Hmmm go figure it is Patrice Green a member of the clique!]

From: Sherri

Date: 2/12/2010 5:27:30 AM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: FW: Grievance for Laverne Tornow


See below in reference to contacting Laverne. I'll let you pass it on to the mediator and will sub Patrice when you verify that you want me to.

I'm working today and don't think I have access to yahoo to add her to the group, but can do it when I get home later tonight.


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 8:52 PM


Cc: Denise Wells; Laverne Tornow

Subject: Grievance for Laverne Tornow

Hi Sherri,

I just spoke with Laverne and she can be contacted via email at She will not be able to check email on a regular basis as her mother is very ill and that takes most of her time.

She can be called at (number removed) and can be texted at that phone number also.

I do speak with Laverne on a regular basis and am willing to act as intermediary and I do so with her full permission. You can confirm that by phone or email if necessary. I am aware of the confidentiality of the grievance procedure and will abide by it. I am also well aware of the facts precipitating the grievance. I am a member of the FLGenWeb Board and have been since 2008.

I'll be glad to assist in any way that I can.




[Diane comments: Me getting reamed by the infamous Nola for settling in a grievance...LOL Had to throw this in here for laughs]

From: Nola Duffy

Date: 2/19/2010 4:10:39 PM

To: Mike & Diane; Jo; Katherine Benbow; Taneya; Derick Hartshorn; Sue Ashby; Dee Gibson-Roles; Deloris Williams

Subject: Re: Susan Jones

Did she ever give anyone contact info. You know this is Daryl and this is SICK!


----- Original Message -----

From: Mike & Diane

To: Nola Duffy; Jo; Katherine Benbow; Taneya; Derick Hartshorn; Sue Ashby; Dee Gibson-Roles; Deloris Williams

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 2:45 PM

Subject: Susan Jones

> This is to let you know that Susan Jones has been reinstated

> to Lee County. I have received her contact information and

> she has 2 weeks to bring the site into compliance with the

> NCGenWeb guidelines.


> Diane


> NCGenWeb SC

> NCGenWeb CC

> NCGenWeb Special Projects

BTW, we now have a rule that says all CCs MUST give contact info. If she is exempt, then I think we all should quit - NOW!


Yes, but who is it? You obviously have a name of someone who may or may not be Susan Jones. Where does she supposedly live? What area code is the phone number. If it is NC then it is either Diane Mason Kelly or one of that crew. If TN then it is probably Sandy. Bottom line, it is Daryl.


----- Original Message -----

From: Mike & Diane

To: Jo; Katherine Benbow; Taneya; Derick Hartshorn; Sue Ashby; Dee Gibson-Roles; Deloris Williams; Nola Duffy

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 3:27 PM

Subject: Re: Susan Jones

> I do have her contact information.


> Diane

Have you talked to someone you truly believe to be Susan Jones? It should not be a violation to give an area code of where she lives. Also, I would like to see you write her a certified letter, return receipt requested. You know he is playing games.


----- Original Message -----

From: Mike & Diane

To: Nola Duffy

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 3:28 PM

Subject: Re: Susan Jones

> I now have her contact info.


> Diane

It is not just that he is back, it is what comes next. He will immediately start trying to challenge each and every portion of the procedural rules and by-laws and argue until the end of his days rather than let anything pass that he does not like! No wonder he was the one who pushed to establish the grievance committee. With the idiocy I am seeing, he will be the only one who can ever file a grievance and he will always win.

Thankfully I have nothing to do with the board so this is not on my hands and he can't blame me. However, you can believe he will continue to trash the NCGenWeb til the day he dies. Obviously this was not Diane's doing! As usual, normal people do not believe that anyone as crazy as Daryl would pull his tricks so they tend to believe the trash he peddles. I was going to file a grievance but was quickly told I had no reason to file against Daryl. Don't know why we do no elect his as NC and then have everyone in the project resign and start a new project.

Truth is, we are an incorporated state and there is not a lot Daryl can do to us or even the AB for that matter. They can delink the state if we don't do as instructed but that may be preferable to having Daryl back. If he does not toe the line, the board can call him on his stunts and then vote to expel him under whatever name he uses. I wash my hands of the whole sad history.

Sick, sick, sick!



[Diane comments: Other members of the NCGenWeb wolfpack board. Yes they are like a pack of wolves they will all attack you at once. LMAO]

I just want to know how it happened? How did they allow him to come back? Was there not enough evidence against him to deny his grievance? I with Nola, this is not only sick it is STUPID!! We are asking and deserving everything we get if this she/he/it is permitted to go back to the old BS.


Okay, so who did he pay off? Or which members of the grievance committee are as insane as Daryl? Because that is about the only way I can see this as being allowed. This is insane, totally insane, and absolutely wrong. Why should we have to be stuck with dealing with a person whose only pleasure in life is to cause trouble and bring down the NCGenWeb? What the !$&* were they thinking????


How long could SJ be held off from joining the NC discuss list? If we could move quickly through this section of the bylaws there is only one more section to go.

Diane, you would be the one to take the pressure. I know you have had a number of serious health problems. Would you be up to it?


Just be ready to limit his discussion! He will insist that he has the right to debate forever but that is NOT what Sturgis says. If we have to and no one knows how to moderate a discussion, I will get an attorney to come onto the list and moderate it. Paul always did a great job - wish he were here.



I respectfully disagree. I got stomped on at every turn. NO RULES against aliases. I begged the AB to try to get Larry to open the voting records to show he voted twice and no one would even do that. Every one of them is scared ****less by this person who is nothing but a bad psychiatric case who has always gotten others to cower. Remember, it was a member of the board in another state that told the board they should be careful before letting refusing to let him into the state because he has been known to sue anyone who would try to thwart him. That is BULL - he has never sued anyone in his life!


----- Original Message -----

From: Jo

To: Mike & Diane; Nola Duffy; Katherine Benbow; Taneya; Derick Hartshorn; Sue Ashby; Dee Gibson-Roles; Deloris Williams

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 6:47 PM

Subject: Re: Susan Jones

The GC members are not uneducated members as to Daryl. Keep in mind that the GC/Mediators can only address the grievance. Any evidence in the form of emails and/or private correspondence is also sent. The same would have been for the "accused". In this case, the NCGenWeb and Diane as the State Coordinator.


Maybe I am the one who should apologize. I note that Diane is satisfied that there is a Susan Jones and that she has her contact info. I would LOVE to volunteer to pay a PI to verify who is behind that phone number and I know someone who may be able to do it but I will not ask.

I do think that Diane does owe it to her ASCs to let them know that there is verifiable contact info. Otherwise, we would have to go through this again if anything happens to Diane.



[Diane comments: She was pissed that I wouldn’t give her the phone number or address for Susan Jones...LOL]


And naturally we all have to "understand" that no matter how many lies Daryl dreams up, until we can "prove" every word, we can do nothing. I had someone with e-mails concerning Daryl's aliases who was really and willing to swear under Oath that they had the documentation to prove certain allegations I made but I will still told I had no valid reason to file a grievance.

Get busy and get the remaining By-Laws passed. If Daryl starts, I will be there with my deep wading boots on to plow through his sludge and I promise, the CCs will stay with us. I don't believe that even dear Maggie will try to defend his positions even if she did pay the price of giving HIGenWeb to him to keep form having to face him. The CCs in the state do know me so I am not afraid about their ability to make wise choices. However, I also know Daryl and "Susan" by any other name will try to have the vote set aside with the argument that he did not have his say.


----- Original Message -----

From: Jo

To: Mike & Diane; Katherine Benbow; Taneya; Derick Hartshorn; Sue Ashby; Dee Gibson-Roles; Deloris Williams; Nola Duffy

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 7:42 PM

Subject: Re: Susan Jones

I don't disagree with what you are saying, Nola. The point I was addressing was how could the GC make this decision. It was based on a preponderence of the evidence presented.

The decision does not make me happy either, but I understand how and why it happened.


[Diane comments: Don’t you just love it how they think Daryl is everyone but himself?]


[Diane comments: OK back to Sherri and her in the GC business...]

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 3/1/2010 12:21:00 PM

To: Mike & Diane; Sherri; Sherri

Subject: Susan


Has Susan complied with any of the requirements that were missing on the resolution to the grievance? Her “attorney” Edwin Smyth had offered, way before this went to mediation that “she” would send her address to me if I asked for it. I did and she didn’t... go figure.

She then asked after the mediation was over if sending it to me would suffice to meet the address requirement – I told her that all bets were off since it went to mediation and “she” had to comply with the NC bylaws the same as anyone else. Then she emailed last night that she wouldn’t send her address to me, which I’m not a bit surprised about. LOL

I’m glad to see that Vikki filed the grievance against Gail – I don’t remember if it included Colleen, too, or not. I can’t believe the two of them are this stupid! I’m going to try to stay out of it since Vikki emailed me before she filed the grievance, but may interject something if it seems to need it.

Are you feeling any better? Sure hope so but I know that the weather can’t be helping at all. I’m leaving in about 45 minutes for a Dr. appointment, but will be home later this afternoon.



From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 3/2/2010 7:48:41 AM

To: Mike & Diane; Sherri; Sherri Bradley

Subject: RE: Susan

Call me suspicious, but "Billie Walsh" has counties in OK and we named her/him to the Guidelines committee - she's done nothing but insult or try to pick fights with the other committee members. I can check IP addresses when I get home if you want me to.

I've never known of anywhere that is too far out to get land line service but can get cell phone service. If she's that far out, I'd bet my bottom dollar that she'd never get reception on a cell phone.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 1:21 PM

To: Sherri; Sherri Bradley; Bradley, Sherri

Subject: Re: Susan

Forgot to reply all to send to other emails so resending.

Well, we seem to have some serious problems. The phone number she gave me is an unlisted land line based out of Rocky Mount in North Carolina. However, the mailing address she gave me is in Guthrie Oklahoma and when doing a reverse look-up on it the address comes back to a Bill & Betty Walsh.

Nothing is matching up. She says she has a cell phone because there is no service where she lives, yet it comes back as a land line. I am very tempted to spend the money to run a trace on the phone to find out who it comes back to as well just to see if that is also a lie.

Yes, Vikki did right by filing the grievance and it is filed against Gail & Colleen. I can't believe Colleen is stupid enough to do that and Gail as well, especially with both of them being on the AB. I am going to announce today that it is officially accepted and go ahead and serve Colleen and Gail with copies of the grievance. I would like for Pat to mediate this one as well since she did the original one between Colleen and Vikki and knows what all was discussed, all of the details, etc. So it will have to wait until she is finished with Florida.

Speaking of, did you get my email regarding Dennis and his breach of confidentiality to forward to the AB? That guy has really tried all of our nerves on this one. He has done everything he could to stall this grievance up to and including threatening lawsuits.

As for me, the weather is really setting me back quite a lot. I couldn't even get out of bed 4 days last week (used hubby's laptop a little) I was hurting so badly and I am still having bad nights where I am up hurting but I am trying to trudge through so I can get some things taken care of, especially this Susan Jones mess. Hopefully since March is here the weather will start getting warmer again. How are the calves doing? I hope they are recovering nicely and you didn't loose anymore of them.


-------Original Message-------

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 3/1/2010 12:21:00 PM

To: Mike & Diane; Sherri; Sherri

Subject: Susan


Has Susan complied with any of the requirements that were missing on the resolution to the grievance? Her “attorney” Edwin Smyth had offered, way before this went to mediation that “she” would send her address to me if I asked for it. I did and she didn’t... go figure.

She then asked after the mediation was over if sending it to me would suffice to meet the address requirement – I told her that all bets were off since it went to mediation and “she” had to comply with the NC bylaws the same as anyone else. Then she emailed last night that she wouldn’t send her address to me, which I’m not a bit surprised about. LOL

I’m glad to see that Vikki filed the grievance against Gail – I don’t remember if it included Colleen, too, or not. I can’t believe the two of them are this stupid! I’m going to try to stay out of it since Vikki emailed me before she filed the grievance, but may interject something if it seems to need it.

Are you feeling any better? Sure hope so but I know that the weather can’t be helping at all. I’m leaving in about 45 minutes for a Dr. Appointment, but will be home later this afternoon.



From: Mike & Diane

Date: 3/2/2010 11:19:24 AM

To: Sherri; Sherri Bradley

Subject: RE: Susan

OK, I have had it, I just ran a check and got a phone number for Bill Walsh and called him and spoke to him and verified his address. No Susan Jones lives there or has ever lived there for the past 20 years.

Our procedures plainly state verifiable address and phone number and since her address isn't verifiable and she has sent falsified information I will have to remove her once again.


-------Original Message-------

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 3/2/2010 7:48:41 AM

To: Mike & Diane; Sherri; Sherri Bradley

Subject: RE: Susan

Call me suspicious, but "Billie Walsh" has counties in OK and we named her/him to the Guidelines committee - she's done nothing but insult or try to pick fights with the other committee members. I can check IP addresses when I get home if you want me to.

I've never known of anywhere that is too far out to get land line service but can get cell phone service. If she's that far out, I'd bet my bottom dollar that she'd never get reception on a cell phone.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mike & Diane

Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 1:21 PM

To: Sherri; Sherri Bradley

Subject: Re: Susan

Forgot to reply all to send to other emails so resending.

Well, we seem to have some serious problems. The phone number she gave me is an unlisted land line based out of Rocky Mount in North Carolina. However, the mailing address she gave me is in Guthrie Oklahoma and when doing a reverse look-up on it the address comes back to a Bill & Betty Walsh.

Nothing is matching up. She says she has a cell phone because there is no service where she lives, yet it comes back as a land line. I am very tempted to spend the money to run a trace on the phone to find out who it comes back to as well just to see if that is also a lie.

Yes, Vikki did right by filing the grievance and it is filed against Gail & Colleen. I can't believe Colleen is stupid enough to do that and Gail as well, especially with both of them being on the AB. I am going to announce today that it is officially accepted and go ahead and serve Colleen and Gail with copies of the grievance. I would like for Pat to mediate this one as well since she did the original one between Colleen and Vikki and knows what all was discussed, all of the details, etc. So it will have to wait until she is finished with Florida.

Speaking of, did you get my email regarding Dennis and his breach of confidentiality to forward to the AB? That guy has really tried all of our nerves on this one. He has done everything he could to stall this grievance up to and including threatening lawsuits.

As for me, the weather is really setting me back quite a lot. I couldn't even get out of bed 4 days last week (used hubby's laptop a little) I was hurting so badly and I am still having bad nights where I am up hurting but I am trying to trudge through so I can get some things taken care of, especially this Susan Jones mess. Hopefully since March is here the weather will start getting warmer again. How are the calves doing? I hope they are recovering nicely and you didn't loose anymore of them.


-------Original Message-------

From: Bradley, Sherri

Date: 3/1/2010 12:21:00 PM

To: Mike & Diane; Sherri; Sherri

Subject: Susan


Has Susan complied with any of the requirements that were missing on the resolution to the grievance? Her “attorney” Edwin Smyth had offered, way before this went to mediation that “she” would send her address to me if I asked for it. I did and she didn’t... go figure.

She then asked after the mediation was over if sending it to me would suffice to meet the address requirement – I told her that all bets were off since it went to mediation and “she” had to comply with the NC bylaws the same as anyone else. Then she emailed last night that she wouldn’t send her address to me, which I’m not a bit surprised about. LOL

I’m glad to see that Vikki filed the grievance against Gail – I don’t remember if it included Colleen, too, or not. I can’t believe the two of them are this stupid! I’m going to try to stay out of it since Vikki emailed me before she filed the grievance, but may interject something if it seems to need it.

Are you feeling any better? Sure hope so but I know that the weather can’t be helping at all. I’m leaving in about 45 minutes for a Dr. Appointment, but will be home later this afternoon.



[Diane comments: Now we get into the meat of it in the Florida grievance! This is where we received the first copy of the Florida grievance. Take note of the date, you will need it later in this to prove Tina lies]

From: L. H. Tornow

Date: 8/10/2009 8:55:07 PM



Subject: Notice of Greivance Filed against FLGenWeb SC, ASC and other members of the FLGenWeb Board of Directors

Dear Mesdames and Sir;

It is with a heavy heart and much thought that I am compelled to bring this matter to your attention. I wish to file a grievance againt the FLGenWeb

[Diane comments: Rest I am snipping. Notice she sends to people outside of the GC, already breaking the rules! This one we couldn’t half understand she snipped so much out of the emails she tried to include…it was a total mess!]


[Diane comments: She sends another one]

From: Laverne Tornow

Date: 8/14/2009 11:15:06 PM



Subject: Greivance against FLGenWeb Project

I am asking for a review and arbitration of the actions taken by the FLGenWeb Project, Inc., board of directors against me as FLGenWeb has no Greivance system in place. The FLGenWeb Inc. 501 (c) 3 application narrative says:

"The FLGenWeb Project is a confederation of Florida County genealogical/history websites, maintained by numerous individuals, including the Officers and Directors in Part V below. All members of the Project are volunteers. We are a unit within the 50 states and DC network of"


A. Laverne Tornow Director of Operations (FLGenWeb Project, Inc. board member and county coordinator)

[Diane comments: rest snipped. Notice again she includes people outside of the GC...she also includes things and people not involved in the USGWP...what is that about?]


[Diane comments: Here we go with the harassment from Laverne, doesn’t she understand that I had already told her we had 2 grievances we were already working, we have real lives, sites of our own and other things going on. That we are real people with real lives not just there to stop everything and serve only her?]

From: Laverne Tornow

Date: 8/19/2009 7:04:15 PM

To: Mike & Diane

Subject: Re: Greivance against FLGenWeb Project

I have noticed that my greivance has not yet been posted as received. When might that be occurring?

Laverne Tornow

----- Original Message -----

From: Mike & Diane

To: Laverne Tornow

Cc: Joel Newport

Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 11:09 PM

Subject: Re: Greivance against FLGenWeb Project


I have received your grievance and I am numbering it 2009/08-15. We have 2 grievances that we are currently working, so there might be a little delay before we can begin to discuss this one. Please bare with us for a short period of time. I assure you we will get to it as quickly as humanly possible.

Also, I recognize some of the email addresses you CC'd this grievance to, but I do not recognize Could you please tell me who this is?

Typically grievances are sent directly to Joel and/or I and no one else is privy to the information, with the exception of the GC, because of the privacy and confidentiality issues.



[Diane comments: Asking for the rewrite of the Florida grievance. Note the date!]

From: Mike & Diane

Date: 9/10/2009 11:16:01 AM

To: Laverne Tornow

Cc: Joel Newport

Subject: Grievance 2009/08-15


We are having an extremely hard time reading and understanding your grievance. Could you please rewrite it and include:

A. Full name & project affiliation of the member bringing the complaint;

b. Full name & project affiliation of the member the complaint is against;

c. The exact nature of the complaint, including the date that the incident occurred;

d. What steps or actions the member has taken to this point, if any, to resolve the situation outside of the grievance process;

e. What actions/reparations that the project member desires as a result of the grievance;

f. A specific citation or reference to the USGenWeb Project Policy, Procedure, or By-Law, or XXGenWeb Project, Policy, Procedure, or By-Law which alleged to have been violated.

Also, please exclude anything that includes the hacking, copyright violations, etc because those are not something we handle. Those have to be taken up through other alternatives. We cannot get info based on Federal Investigations, so all of the info dealing with this aspect and the copyright issues have to be removed from the grievance.

This grievance will be placed on hold until we get the corrected information

Also, do not BCC or CC anyone (other than Joel or I) with the emails we will share back and forth. If this is done it is a violation of the GC procedures up to and including our confidentiality and we will not be able to continue on with this grievance due to the breaking of our bylaws and rules.

Diane Siniard

Grievance Committee Chair

CC: Joel Newport ~ Grievance Committee Assistant Chair


[Diane comments: Informing GC]

From: Mike & Diane

Date: 9/10/2009 11:24:40 AM


Subject: [GC] Grievance 2009/08-15

OK all, I have just written Laverne and asked her to rewrite the grievance excluding anything to do with the copyright violations and the hacking. I have also reminded her not to share the emails from us with anyone else. If you see or hear of any of the emails from the GC or about this grievance being shared by her with anyone please let me know immediately.

So, this one is on hold until she gets the rewritten version to us.

