January 2009

Welcome to Stalkers Unofficial USGenWeb

Newsletter Archive

Two main factions exist in USGW today. Those who believe it should be an organization from the bottom up; and those who believe it should be an organization from the top down. Both are wrong. A County Coordinator (LC) is the master of his own kingdom. If his/her web page does not comply with written standards, he/she should have 30 days to correct it. Being delinked for any other reason is destructive to The USGenWeb Project. Such action is based on personality, politics, suppression or vindictiveness. It has no place in our organization. The gutless AB will do nothing to help a LC thus delinked. The AB steers the Project toward a humdrum and mediocre mindset. Each new Advisory Board reinforces this stratagem through the same anti-LC malignancy. The AB is overly represented by State Coordinator Representatives--one is sufficient.

Meanwhile, AHGP, ALHN, Genealogy Trails*, Find-A-Grave, Ancestry.com, DataBoards Delaware Maryland Minnesota Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, PA-Roots, US Biography Project, West Virginia, Washington DC, Footnote and FamilySearch.org continue to outgrow us. Let us not forget Access Genealogy.

This webmaster has no problem with USGenWeb. It's with the Advisory Board. The AB is not USGenWeb. The AB is destroying the USGenWeb Project.

They are elected representatives, not elected Gods. Do not bow down to them. They are your servants, not the other way around.

The reason for this web site. Advisory Board Ruling 2007.

Notice to Webmaster, Archived: Do not edit.

This symbol "±" means the end of a subject discussed.

Editorial begins now:

January 2009:

$1,000.00 will be paid to any current or former Advisory Board Member who first provides to me all of the email correspondence concerning the Advisory Board's deliberations directly related to the matter of the grievance filed regarding 'Barnum vs. Mitchell' in Executive Session of the Advisory Board of The USGenWeb Project including any known off-list correspondence related to that subject. Provider's name will held in strictest confidence.

$1,000.00 will be paid by cashiers check after it is reasonably established that the emails are legitimate and are inclusive.

The following emails are solicited between, from and to, but not limited to these individuals:

The Representative of C. W. Barnum, Karen Mitchell, Linda Blum-Barton, Karen De Groote-Johnson, Bettie Wood, Freddie Spradlin, Greta Thompson, Cyndie Enfinger, Suzanne Shephard, Larry Flesher, Mike Peterson, Sundee Maynez, Jan Cortez, Alice Allen, George Waller, and Scott Burow, inclusive.

Said Executive session was the result of a grievance filed for the wrongful expelling of C. W. Barnum from the NMGenWeb Project in violation of the Bylaws of USGenWeb and of the provisions under the rules of Sturgis.

To wit: No member may be dismissed without first being given a fair hearing.

No hearing was provided to C. W. Barnum before or after being expelled by Karen Mitchell nor by The NMGenWeb Project. Karen Mitchell resides in Colorado City, Colorado.

Said Advisory Board acted improperly by their ruling in that they did not remedy the wrongful expelling of C. W. Barnum who was expelled without first being given a fair hearing, nor any hearing, nor was C. W. Barnum provided with formal charges by Karen Mitchell nor from NMGenWeb making a defense by Barnum impossible.

The Advisory Board failed to remedy those violations of Sturgis.

I may be contacted at my mailing address, by telephone or by email:

Acknowledged October 30, 2008, this legally binding public offer, C. W. Barnum, residing in Sparks, Nevada.

NMGenWeb / Mitchell Details

Since I made the offer above, I have incurred unexpected medical bills. My offer is herby rescinded. I do respectfully ask that any person who has the information I seek provide it to me. I can pay your mailing fees, etc. It's the right thing to do. Please help me if you can. November 5, 2008; C. W. Barnum


1 Nov 2008

Barnum, your webmaster, got his lips stappled shut on the USGenWeb Discuss list. He was debating a Board member on the list for a few days. Some of the Elite have been able to make personal attacks on that list for years. It appears to this poster that they could not tolerate any further embarrassment to one of their own, so, they did what they always do, They silenced an LC. No reason was given for the censorship action against Barnum. Indeed there was no legitimate reason. He violated no list rule. He was extremely careful to use only the exact same words in his post that were used by the Advisory Board member, he just used them better and turned them against the chronic bully.

A post appeared regarding that censorship:

From: Daryl To: usgenweb-discuss@rootsweb.com

Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 3:19 PM

Subject: Re: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] Censorship and control

ScottB wrote:

Members are allowed to say what they want on this list as long as they follow the clearly shown rules of conduct.

No, we are not allowed to ... which is my point, in addition to the list rules being in conflict with the USGenWeb rules.

If an SC breaks a rule resulting in punishing a CC, we're not allowed to talk about it. We're not allowed to post links to messages on other USGenWeb lists if the list admin at their whim claims the message is inflammatory. Posting a link to Teresa's DBS results in moderation. These are just 3 of many examples of censoring our bylaw right to free speech.

There are problem issues in the USGenWeb, and hiding them, ignoring them, censoring them, moderating them, and even unsubbing the whistle blowers, does not make the problems go away. You seem to take only the position of silencing members, and that's where we differ ... because I take the position of the foundation of our government, Sturgis, and the foundation of Sturgis, safeguarding member rights.

There can be an optional list where the rules are, "You can be censored, moderated or unsubbed, at any time, with no warning, for any reason, at the whim of the list administrator, and you cannot appeal because you have no rights." Sound familiar? That's a summation of the Discuss list rules.

Those rules for Discuss were ok years ago when Discuss was an optional list, because we had the ALL list. Members have the option of exercising their rights or not. But if a members wants to exercise there "participation" rights, it is mandatory that they subscribe to Discuss. Because it is now the only list provided for those rights (to discuss, to receive notices, to attend meetings, and sometimes to vote), to satisfy those rights as best can be via email.

In addition to the censorship, complained about by many for years ... when put on moderation, appropriate messages are not forwarded to the list, a violation of our right to discuss. Even inmates in prisons are allowed to send mail. To be unsubbed against your will, is a violation of all the above listed rights. For "leadership" to take away someone's rights is a punishment, and that requires a fair hearing first.

If you're labeled a list rules infractor once in 2006 & once in 2007 ... in 2025 you can be unsubbed for a third infraction, because being labeled an infractor is an open-end label of punishment. Similar to being labeled a MNIGS, and we're all aware of Teresa's appeal on the grounds of open-end punishment being illegal in the USGenWeb.

It appears that the list rules are solely designed to censor, moderate and unsub ... they make no mention at all in any form of any of our rights. You can argue all you want, but if you can't do it from the standpoint of upholding and defending the rights of members, there is nothing to discuss. Who are you the RAL of? The NC / Ab or the Members?

Daryl (end)

Daryl, it's the same old bullshit that has gone on in USGenWeb for years. To hell with the members. To hell with fairness. TO HELL WITH THE RULE OF LAW. The organization exists for the Elite. The Bylaws are applied only to punish AND SILENCE LCs, -- never to protect them. USGenWeb is the most corrupt genealogical organization in America, perhaps in the world. Someday all of the members will be gone except for an Elite few. I believe that is the plan.

The USGenWeb Discuss-list, henceforth known as the REPRESS-list, is controlled by and for Board members and State Coordinators. Local Coordinators do not have their own list, much less a List run by them. The Advisory Board will not permit it. If they did authorize a LC List, it would be controlled by a Board Member, State Coordinator or an assigned lieutenant.

The State Coordinators DO have their own list. It would be reasonable if a State Coordinator does not wish to read rebuttals from an LC on REPRESS, would simply find refuge on their own State Coordinator list where LCs are not allowed. No, they insist on controlling what is said, how it's said, and by whom it's said. The Board's RAL has stated LCs do not have freedom of speech. THEY DO NOT HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A POLICY OF USGENWEB. Control over the Project and over the membership is thus guaranteed.

LCs are now required to agree with State Coordinators and Board members or face censorship or expulsion from the project under a newly created diktatic scheme:

Members who do not agree with authority are causing a disruption ---- members who create a disruption must be expelled from the project.

The judge and jury, of course are the ones who issued the repulsive diktat. The Rule of Law has been replaced by diktat.

You might now understand what a capable and productive genealogist named Keith said as he left USGenWeb,

"I hope USGenWeb dies a terrible death." (end)

~~I prefer to save USGenWeb from the privileged few. But that dream has become a nightmare.

Since USGenWeb's agents have denied my access to the Project's informational email list, I may be unable to fully continue with this newsletter. ±

Another CC Brutalized:

Email to selected AB Reps today 11/4/2008:

Dear AB Reps.

This is a personal note to express my outrage about yet another productive CC being illegally delinked. It's an outrage. It's beyond moral acceptability. This current case is another example following the template used against me in Barnum vs. Mitchell.

They are following the same procedure, feeling justified, because they can get away with it. The individual delinked had his data absconded. He was a productive and loyal USGenWeb Member, just as I was when Mitchell went on her rampage.

I'm not at liberty to disclose names and facts at this time, but I am free to express my extreme outrage that yet another SC will be successful in destroying years of work by a productive CC. I will do all in my power to fight this vicious and hateful action. C. W. Barnum


Another CC Brutalized:

Facts are trickling out about near-criminal actions of the SC in this matter. This is about the concept of 'Data Ransom'

first mentioned and created by Board Member Scot Burow on the Repress list last week. My response to his ridiculous new weapon for use against LCs (CCs) got me banned from the Repress list. The Data Ransom scheme goes something like this: If a member has data on his own web site or on another Project web site, and they will not share it with USGenWeb, then they are engaging in Data Ransom and are subject to dismissal. To hell with morality, law, rules, Sturgis or Bylaws. All is needed is to apply Jeff's version of diktat. The Rule of Law has been replaced by diktat. If you offend, you are a trouble maker; Trouble makers must be expelled; You are a trouble maker if I say you are a trouble maker. (or any variation of that diktat.)

Here is the sequence of events leading up to the criminal-like action of the SC in this case.

Thursday Oct. 30, 2008 the LC noticed something wrong with the IAGenWeb server at iagenweb.org.

The LC thought the server was down so reported the outage on the mailing list. He then discovered that he had been placed on moderation. That was unjustified because the LC seldom posted on that list.

On Friday Oct. 31, 2008, the unfortunate LC received a note from Richard Harrison, SC of IAGenWeb (IOWA) stating the LC had been fired.

The LC was given 72 hours to resign or else. Why, why, oh why, was the LC fired? Because the SC 'said' he found a bad link on his county web site. The LC looked but found no bad links.

On Saturday, the LC tried to access the Iowa GenWeb server, but his FTP authority had been canceled.

Richard Harrison was to some extent holding the website hostage. That web site had hundreds of files and data.

Resign--or else

This LC was treated like Barnum in Barnum v. Mitchell. The SC made a decision based on unreasonable personal preferences, and used the power of her position to satisfy twisted desires. USGenWeb has become infected by social criminals who cannot be held accountable. They control the Advisory Board. They control States. They control the email lists. They control what can be said and how it can be said. They dish out punishment. They control everything and everyone.

The most contemptible are:






Let us not forget GAGENWEB and the innocent CCs who were replaced without a hearing. God Bless them.


From the alternate CC list today, truth bubbled up. From the time I joined USGenWeb, I felt a right-wing, elitist and callous undercurrent. It has came out in the open.

From: usgwp-cc-bounces@usgwp.org

Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 8:29 PM

To: CC Discussion List

Subject: Re: [USGWP-CC] step children

I no longer have to wonder why USGW is in such sorry shape. It is compassionless, bigoted, self important jerks like you. I bet if your hubby died and he was supporting your children from a previous marriage you would be the first one to scream foul if you were denied. SS survivor benefits are based on the CURRENT income of the family, obviously the father of the step children was NOT paying enough to "support" his children or she would not have received benefits for them from their step father. One question: Is she still your friend? Is she aware that you resent that she is getting money to raise her children from Social Security or are you two-faced as well as a jackass? (end)

Draw your own conclusions, but that poster spoke truth. ±

IAGenWeb Disrespects American Veteran:

The US 2nd Ranger Infantry Battalion has a proud history. Our Ranger Veterans made sacrifices during WWII and other wars. They gave rise to the modern U.S. Special Forces. The 2nd Ranger Battalion was activated on April 1, 1943, with Headquarters at Camp Forrest, Tennessee. The Battalion embarked for the European Theater and arrived in England in December of 1943. They mark a glorious and patriotic history. The United States Army Rangers are elite American light infantry and special operations troops. US Army Rangers draw on the heritage, traditions of Rogers' Rangers. The current US Army Rangers were originally raised for the Korean War.

The modern rangers can trace their lineage directly back to the Korean War and to the ranger training course which has existed continuously since World War II. American light infantry units called rangers were raised for the French and Indian Wars, the American Revolution, the American Civil War and World War II. Now, the IAGenWeb disrespects one of our American heroes, a Veteran of the 2nd Ranger Battalion and loyal CC of IAGenWeb. That County Coordinator did not receive the Medal of Honor, nor was he provided a grand parade. He was like the millions of Americans who served quietly and courageously, neither seeking the limelight nor recognition. He's the American boy next door, a quiet hero, the stuff of what American is made. He served because he loved American. Likewise, he joined IAGenWeb to serve and contribute. But he became another victim of a soulless organization, Resign or else. That was his reward. May God forgive IAGenWeb and forgive all SCs who act with callous disregard and disrespect toward LCs.

A hero among many American heroes.

Our CC joined the army and was taken on may trails and trials. It was in 1950 at the age of 16 that he joined the National Guard, a transportation company, in Petaluma, CA. He made Corporal. At age 17, they discovered he was under-aged.

In 1952 his company transferred to Korea, but he stayed behind since he was in High School! So, he joined the Army reserves in Santa Rosa, CA. There he was promoted to SGT and a CBR instructor.

In 1956 he was called up and took basic training at Fort Ord, CA. He became an expert marksman with the an M1 rifle.

He was awarded several medals and badges. Later, he lost them in a fire. Senator Ted Stephens helped him contact Saint Louis records to get a list of awards he had earned. He came out of basic training at Fort Ord with an expert rifleman and a good conduct medal.

In September of 1956 he transferred to the 2nd Ranger Bn at Fort Lewis, WA where he took advanced infantry training. There he fired 257 expert. In early 1957 the Ranger BN transferred to Ft. Richardson, AK, but before they left he was sent to Brooks Medical Center, Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, TX.

After finishing the medical training he was transferred to OCS School in Ft. Benning, GA. First he went to jump school, then mountain climbing at Camp Merrill, then advanced training at Camp Rudder, FL then to Ft Bliss, TX.

After OCS he went back to Ranger School....same place. Rifle training there was with a scope. He scored 293, second best in the Bn. A fellow soldier from TN scored 299. He went to sniper school.

In 1958 he finished training and went back to Fort Benning as a 2nd Lt. He then went to Ft. Rucker, AL for flight school.

Between 1958 and 1962, he qualified on several versions of Bell, Sikorsky, Hughes (gunship) and Boeing (gunship) helicopters. During that same time period he returned to Ft. Benning for advanced low level night time combat jumps.

In 1964 he rejoined the original 2nd Ranger Bn at Fort Richardson, AK. He took winter combat training, more mountain climbing, more skiing, and training of the Eskimo winter scouts. "Those guys were pretty good in cold weather," our hero said. He learned a lot of skills that he carried with him through life.

He received a medal, bar or badge after every phase of training. He was proud of the General's Citation for life saving at a highway auto/truck accident.

Our hero did not enter Vietnam. He was in Thailand on a secret combat readiness assignment. As a Captain he held an important position. He accompanied the General to aid and to record daily commands, among other duties. He was stationed in Bangkok for some time.

Our American hero, like many heroes, is thankful to God that he never shot anyone. He was injured in the back from friendly fire. The bullet entered backwards but shallow having first penetrating his web belt.

He was in line for promotion to Major while holding the rank of Captain, but was discharged in 1972 along with thousands of others. Our hero has a wife and three lovely children. He joined USGenWeb because he wanted to give back to America since he had been so proud to serve her.

But then, you know the rest. USGenWeb raised its ugly side. How long will USGW survive if it disrespects our heroes, our LCs? God Bless you, Mr. LC. Thank you for all you have done for our country and for USGenWeb. You are a true hero and a patriot. ±

Update: The IAGenWeb SC is playing hardball. The CC involved claims IA has captured his data. The brave and honorable SC also allegedly contacted rootsweb.com instructing them to order the CC to remove the USGenWeb logo from his RW website where he has a 'safe' copy. (This is typical of NMGenWeb tactics. The word must be spreading on how to abuse CCs. Karen got away with it with the blessing of Scott Burow. Expect the same outcome in this case.) They want to punish the guy before he has a hearing. That violates the spirit of USGenWeb, but that's how some SCs operate nowadays. Step on the rights of the defenseless CC. Rape him while him while you're at it. Rub his nose in the dirt. Why don't they just announce an open season on CCs and destroy as many as they can? Then they can own the data without the trouble of having a CC who happens to disagree with the SC over some minor point. ±

Where is USGenWeb headed? The elite do not want to address that question but here are some ideas to ponder.

1--The Bylaws no longer apply to today's USGenWeb. They need to be vacated.

2--The AB is not useful. In the beginning when the states were forming and testing their legs, the AB had a role to play. But no more. No one needs the AB.

3--The battle between the Archives and the States is over. The Archives have won.

4--LCs have no enforceable rights. The AB has washed their hands of LC rights. Even the grievance committee has no power to change an SC's actions.

Suggestions: Combine the duties of the NC and the national webmaster into one position called NC. Create one Assistant NC's position in case the NC dies or resigns. Eliminate the remaining AB members. Eliminate the EC. Eliminate the GC. Eliminate the Discuss list. Replace the Bylaws with a simple Mission statement. Turn all matters of governance over to the States or over to the Archives, depending on which way USGenWeb decides to go. It would make more sense if the Archives took over. They require no grievances, elections, bylaws or a new organizational structure. Everything is now in place for every state and every county. The special projects can move under the umbrella of the Archives. Any XXGenWeb states remaining can form their own loose association. Those states can/may incorporate and will have staying power with enforceable rules. Or they can become privately owned.

Simple is better. These changes will eliminate the endless rankling over the Bylaws. It will eliminate the turmoil on the email lists. Do retain the Help list for member's help.

Non-productive members will fall by the way side. No more arguments will arise whether the LCs must place data on their web sites, or whether they must compile data, or be allowed to have numerous links on their pages.

Eliminate any reference to LC's rights except by incorporated states. To quote a smart man, "Short of some rather basic structural changes in the project, the National Leadership have few options to help in a membership dispute between an LC and a State or Project Coordinator." (Mike St. Clair, AB member, 11/07/08) ±

Update on vicious action against CC:

On the Discuss list some details emerged. Read between the lines about this post to learn the full extend that our CCs rights were ignored. Our CC now believes his data is being stolen. The data that he compiled. The SC stated on the web site that he is re-formatting the data.

From: "Daryl Lytton"

To: usgenweb-discuss@rootsweb.com

Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 4:40 PM Subject: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] Rules & Bylaws

NormaJ wrote:

So far, we only have opinions here, let's wait until "all" facts are reviewed.

(Daryl replies)

Fact -- Using the IAGenWeb control panel's 'Block IP' the CCs IP address was added. The CC was blocked from being able to view all pages on the IAGenWeb server, thus breaking USGenWeb Bylaws Article II Section 1, "The purpose of this organization shall be to gather genealogical and historical information for free online access by researchers," and Article IV Section 2, the USGenWeb "will not tolerate discrimination in any form"

This also prevented the CC from viewing the IAGenWeb Bylaws & Rules pages, to find out what to do about the delinking of their site.

Fact -- The CC was expelled from IAGenWeb with no fair hearing, thus breaking USGenWeb Bylaw Article XV, "The USGenWeb Project shall be governed by" Sturgis; and Sturgis, Rights of Members "To have a fair hearing before expulsion"

Fact -- USGenWeb Bylaw, Article XIV, Section 6, "All actions, whether by the national Grievance Committee or by a grievance process at a state or special project level, shall be characterized by fairness, courtesy, and respect for the dignity and the rights of each individual." This bylaw was broken, because the CC has the right to not have their site trashed or destroyed:

Fact --USGenWeb Bylaw, Article XIV, Section 6(2), "Nothing should prevent the unlinking of the member's website and establishing a temporary website pending resolution of any grievance." The CCs site can be delinked, trashing and destroying the CCs site broke this bylaw.

Fact -- The IAGenWeb SC and ASC discussed via email, whether the CCs IP block should be lifted ... and the block was removed on the 26th.

This harassing of IaGenWeb is really quite ill timed.

(Daryl replied)

No one that I know of is harassing IAGenWeb. There is no acceptable time for SCs or ASCs to break State and National rules voted into place by the membership. When we vote for "leadership" there is an implied trust and faith that they will follow the rules ... they are not above the rules.(end) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Daryl, SCs are above the rules, sorry


More love:

Discuss list shut down today. I'm not publishing even a tiny part of the psots which lead to the list being shut down AGAIN. I'm not blaming anyone for having the list shut down, as that was the decision of the List Administrator.

Basically, this is what went down: Daryl sent a tongue-in-cheek post (you know, a comical email, not to be taken seriously, cyber-humor), to a list member in a PRIVATE email. She did not find it funny, so she broke list rules and published it on the rootsweb.com email list. Naughty, naughty; that's illegal in USGenWeb-Land.

Then the regulars went berserk and attacked Daryl for inciting the poor list member to illegally publish the comic-intended post. Bad Daryl! How dare you trick her into illegally publishing a private email. You bad person Daryl, bad, bad, bad! Humor aside, what is sickening, is that the same old group continues to get away with personal and hate-filled attacks, while those who are tying to make USGenWeb a better place by discussing issues get the blunt end of the stick. USGenWeb puts on a new face every year or so, but the foundation of power adorned with double standards remains. It will never change.

From: "Betsy"


Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 5:42 PM

Subject: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] List rules

That agreement was NOT made with this current list admin and we will determine who is subbed and who isn't. The only way I can assure you that a person will not mention your name or speak to or about you again is to unsub YOU. If that is what you want, it can be arranged.



At 06:41 PM 11/30/2008, you wrote:

NolaD wrote:

Daryl, You are the one who claims to have proof based on the logs so why don't you tell us.

As a condition of staying subbed to this list, didn't you make a promise to never mention my name or talk about me again?


Private comment from reader:

Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 6:20 PM

Subject: Fw: [USCUSS] List rules

You know why the usgenweb is failing? Because of moderators who show their ass like this. Her behavior in public is atrocious. She is a jerk...and real jerk. (end)

From: "Betsy"

To: usgenweb-discuss@rootsweb.com

Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 8:42 PM

Subject: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] List rules

That agreement was NOT made with this current list admin and we will determine who is subbed and who isn't. The only way I can assure you that a person will not mention your name or speak to or about you again is to unsub YOU. If that is what you want, it can be arranged.



From: "Betsy"


Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 6:13 PM

Subject: Re: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] List rules

It IS equal. Just because something doesn't go your way doesn't make it unequal. You can speak to Nola or about her, so why shouldn't the reverse be true? THAT is fair and equal.

I simply made a statement - the only way I can guarantee a person won't speak to you is to unsub you.


At 08:04 PM 11/30/2008, you wrote:

BetsyM wrote:

That agreement was NOT made with this current list admin and we will determine who is subbed and who isn't. Sorry Betsy ... it's my mistake for thinking the rules apply equally for everyone. I should have known better, so please forgive me for assuming all get treated fairly here.


From a Discuss poster:

To: usgenweb-discuss@rootsweb.com

Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 6:39 PM

Subject: Re: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] Rules and Bylaws I know for a fact, from personal experience that removing persons from positions without notice or warning, changing passwords with no notice or warning is pretty much a standard practice within the USGW "special projects". Not an especially desirable practice. It smacks of a scene from the movie Animal House where the frat was put on double secret probation. Did anyone else besides me think that the Dean and his minions were just a tad on the Gestapoesque side? (end)

All I noticed was that the Nazi Dean won. ±

THE PIG IS BACK with all that stinky, pigpen manure. (She calls herself a Pig and signs her posts "Pig".)

Quote from the DBS:

"Zurawicz, Megan (AKA Piglet, St. Megan The Good, Pagan Megan, Megan the Pagan): The last unelected National Coordinator of the USGenWeb Project, 1998; Board member, 1998-1999; member of the Black Helicopters; helped force John Rigdon out of the National Coordinator position; established the first appointed Advisory Board; established tradition of secret Board meetings; Dill Episode occurred during her tenure; bylaws written during her tenure [Archives faction: Pro] " http://www.radix.net/~merope/history/dramhist.htm (end)

She used to be the RootsWeb.com List master, that's how she got the nickname "ListPig" or "Pig" for short. She's the moderator for the "ListOwners" list. She also collects items having to do with pigs. Watch out for the PIG! Her first act after returning was to dump manure on the Discuss list attacking CCs in general. Judge it:

From: "Listpig"

To: usgenweb-discuss@rootsweb.com

Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 3:46 PM

Subject: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] Observations

You know, I spent seven or eight years in the project in a number of roles, from coordinating various counties to being an SC to spending a year as NC. (Insert, How nice for you!)

Then I wandered off to do other things for three or four years or so. Now I'm back, and I'm mostly reading and listening and observing, to figure out what's changed, who's around, what's going on, because I've been only peripherally paying attention while I was out. And what I see is that it's mostly the same names, same people as before I left who are still in an uproar about anything and everything. (Insert: That included you, my dear pig!) I can only extrapolate that there are some folks in the project for whom panic and accusation(Insert, talk about a hypocrite!) have become so habitual (Insert, you are so habitual, your posts are predictable - full of shit with no substance.)that they are *only* comfortable when their knickers are in a twist. (Insert, Do your knickers ride up your crevice Ms. Pig? Sidebar: In the many cultures, knickers is a word for women's undergarments.)

Like any static or white noise,(Insert, Glad you think so highly of USGW Members.) of course, they're fairly ignorable: any constant sound, regardless of what it is, gets tuned out. (Insert, don't flatter yourself. Your shit stinks! No one can ignore it.) It's why car alarms are pretty pointless---when's the last time you heard one go off that you actually went to look to see if it meant anything real?(Insert, when was the last time your posts meant anything?) Kind of what I hear around here: if there were anything serious to be concerned about, I'd never know it, because like many folks, I've already tuned out anyone who can whine non-stop (Insert, like your whining?) for a half-decade or better. I'd hoped that situation had improved in my absence. (Insert, you have no idea how things improved in your absence.) Obviously not. Oh, well. --pig (end of manure)

You can call it pig manure. I call it ruthless, vicious and derogatory. Why resurrect this has-been? I can guess to wage war on the few remaining CCs who dare to express an opinion. Whatever the reason, Pig is slinging the mud on Discuss. Her post should have had her moderated. Getting around the rules of "no personal attacks" was coyly accomplished by referring to the targets as "car alarms, white noise, and whiners."

Why does the glorious Discuss list allow Pig to post using an alias when others have been kicked out of USGenWeb for using aliases? Why? Why? Why? It's the Double standard in action, of course.

Well consider this: Some older members were brought back to harass Daryl to make him get kicked off the Discuss list. He did not respond in kind, but he was kicked off the list forever because some other member violated the list rules. You see, there is a double standard on the discuss list. State Coordinators and certain elite members have for many years violated the list rules and they do not get kicked off. But if an LC gets out of line, they will slash his throat. 12/06/2008 ±

NM Genealogy Trails

A fresh look at NM Genealogy Trails and how it compares to the NMGenWeb Project:

New Mexico Genealogy Trails -- http://genealogytrails.com/newmex/ -- is but a few months old. It’s a state division of Genealogy Trails which has been online for about a year.Take a few minutes to peruse the counties. They have seven County Coordinators at the present time. The counties that have no CCs already have data. Compare that to NMGenWeb. Some counties there-- which have been around since 1996, still have no data.

Here are a few highlights: Iraq War Deaths ; Korean War Deaths; World War I Soldiers; World War II Casualties; World War II; Prisoners Part 1; World War II Prisoners Part 2; A considerable collection of census data. Notably: 1860 Federal Census New Mexico, Arizona Territory; New Mexico Residents Living in Colfax, Grant and Lincoln Counties in 1870, who were born in Texas; 1860 Federal Census; New Mexico, Santa Ana County; 1860 Census Data for Valencia County, NM; Socorro County - formed in 1852. 1870 San Marcial Partial; 1900 La Mesa Partial; 1910 Datil Forest, Kelly, La Mesa, Old San Marcial; 1920 La Mesa, Midway, Sabinal-Pct. 4, San Marcial; 1930 La Mesa, Rosedale, San Marcial. Sierra County, New Mexico 1890 Veterans data; Otero Co. 1900 census; 1860 Census Data for San Miguel County, NM; Recurrent Surnames in 1850 Census; 1930 United States Census --Precinct 3, Cooks, Luna Co., New Mexico.

My favorite and an excellent project: 1890 VETERAN'S CENSUS for Lincoln Co.; Lea County -1920 Precinct 15 1930; Eddy Co 1900 Census; Bernalillo County 1850 Military 1910 Precinct 1 1930 Precinct 24 partial census. Again, you must visit each county to see all of the transcribing and compiling such as in Lincoln County NM: Births; Deaths; Marriages; Biographies; Cemeteries; Census Data; Military Data; Obituaries; Newspaper Stories; Miscellaneous Tombstones; Map of County; Galleries; Updates; History-- plus an email list. This new resource is greatly welcomed for NM Researchers. They have put more data online in four months than NMGenWeb has added in the past four years.

Their pages are well designed. Their web code is modern and fast loading. Their format is easy to use. They will rival NMGenWeb is a few short months even considering the fact that NMGenWeb has had 10 years head start. The difference in the projects is that Genealogy Trails is interested in sharing and building a great project for researchers, while NMGenWeb is mired in politics by locking-out good people from their organization, and by maintaining the political status quo using any means.

This webmaster is not associated with NM Genealogy Trails, nor will I be in the future.

Visit NM GT. Enjoy your Stay, as we say in The Land of Enchantment.


New Page: Sheep and Ewes

Latest poo-poo.

On Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 20:54:13 -0700 Karen Said:

From: "Karen"

Subject: [COPUEBLO] Announcement

Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 20:54:13 -0700 (snip)

The Colorado GenWeb has been pushed and pushed into more rules and regulations, none of which have anything to do with putting more data online. I'm tired of trying to jump through hoops. (end snip) [She resigned.]

On Saturday, December 20, 2008 2:38 PM usgenweb-sw@rootsweb.com Karen was addressed thus: (snip)

Subject: Re: [USGENWEB-SW] Duties of a Rep (snip)

Of course we could just kick all LCs out if they offend us in some manner. Kick them out. There you go. Kick them out. Lets have a party. Kick them all out. Cut their darn heads off. Draw and quarter them. Drop them in a vat of acid. (end snip)

On Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:43 Karen answered: (full quote)

From: "Karen"

To: <usgenweb-sw@rootsweb.com>

Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:43 PM

Subject: Re: [USGENWEB-SW] Duties of a Rep

Sounds good to me hahahaha.

Play by the rules or leave.


(end of quote) Does she expect everyone to play by the rules except her? ±

NEWS! Well known Advisory Board member , Bettie Wood, resigns from USGenWeb.

From: "Bosque Lover"

To: "Board"; "Board Chat"

Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 11:23 AM

Subject: [ABChat] Resignation

I hereby tender my resignation from the Advisory Board AND The USGenWeb Project, effective immediately.

I will continue to maintain some of my free genealogy county web sites and the FGS Project, and will remove any affiliation from The USGenWeb Project.

Bettie "BM" Wood

Why did she resign? She was probably the most popular AB member in the history of USGenWeb. She Created the Family Group Sheet Project, served as a CC Rep for several years, was a SC and ASC in Texas, and she operated the only well-run email list assigned to the AB. Many pressures came to bear that made her resign, but I will let the details rest. The Archives group will quickly move to shut down free-expression on her old SW list. The Archives Project is marching ever faster to taking over the entire USGenWeb Project. Anyone that stands in their way is toast. 12/18/2009 is sad day for USGenWeb.