May 1-9 1999

From merope@Radix.Net Sat May 1 20:26:58 1999

Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 20:26:57 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


In the merry merry month of May...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Thursday 29 April 1999:

Following the proposal to amend motion 99-10 and the second of the

amendment to read as follows: "In as much as both Kay Mason and Pam Reid

have expressed the desire to be the webmaster of the USGenWeb Project's

national pages, that an election be held to choose a webmaster," the NC

posts this, "The floor is open for discussion of the amendment and/or the

candidacy of the two nominees. I believe Pam has made a statement. Kay

would you care to do so too?"

"We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts,

foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation

that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open

market is a nation that is afraid of its people."

--John F. Kennedy

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sun May 2 19:21:32 1999

Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 19:21:26 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Step right up, ladies and gentlemen...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Friday 30 April 1999:

The NC posts the following: "Now that sufficient time has passed for

discussion of the amendment to 99-10 - please vote either in the

affirmative, negative or abstain on the amendment only." [remember, this

vote will only determine whether there will be an election between Kay

Mason and Pam Reid for the webmaster position."

Pam Reid indicates that she should maybe abstain, since the motion and

amendment in question pertain to her.

Tomorrow's news today: Voting proceeds on the amendment to Motion 99-10.

It looks like the amendment will pass and there will be an election for

the webmaster position.

"Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe."

--Thomas Jefferson

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Mon May 3 18:57:54 1999

Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 18:57:53 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Smokin'!...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Saturday 1 May 1999:

Voting commences on the amendment to Motion 99-10. By the end of the day 9

board members had voted "aye" and one had abstained. [Looks like Kay will

face Pam in an election for webmaster. May the best coder win!]

One board member is congratulated by another on his new job [Ancient

Records Coordinator...sounds way cool! The DBS seethes with jealousy <g>]

"The function of free speech under our system of government is to invite

dispute. It may indeed best serve its high purpose when it invites a

condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are,

or even stirs people to anger."

--Justice William O. Douglas

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Tue May 4 21:22:37 1999

Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 21:22:36 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


When you care enough to send the very best...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Sunday 2 May 1999:

There is apparently no Board-L traffic on this date [which seems odd to me

so I'll have it checked again tomorrow.]

"When the people fear the government, you have tyranny. When the

government fears the people, you have freedom."

--Thomas Paine

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Wed May 5 22:08:32 1999

Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 22:08:30 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


The devil made me do it...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Monday 3 May 1999:

The NC declares the amendment to Motion 99-10 passed with 14 ayes and one

abstained, and says, "The floor is now open for discussion by the

candidates, and/or questions by the members."

Well, Ain't That Sweet Corner: One of the Board members has taken to

appending a note to her email messages to the board indicating that

pursuant to Public Law 99-508, anyone who is not the "addressee" of the

email may not "read, copy, or distribute this email transmission", and

further that it is illegal for anyone not the addressee to "intercept,

copy, alter or disseminate this message." [Yadda, yadda, yadda. Someone

seems to have forgotten that Board meetings are public. We are _all_ the

intended "addressees".]

"... The Press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of the

government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can

effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the

responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the

government from deceiving the people...."

--Justice Hugo Black, New York Times v. Unites States (Pentagon

Papers) [N.B., Beth]

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Fri May 7 16:00:45 1999

Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 16:00:38 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Through a glass, darkly...its your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Tuesday 4 May 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Wednesday 5 May 1999:

Kay Mason, candidate for USGW webmster states, "Considering the internal

problems that the candidacies of Pam Reid and I have caused the Board, I

suggest that we both withdraw from this election, and that the Board

select a webmaster who has no ties with the Board or with any of the

Special Projects." She feels this is in the best interest of the project

and offers to withdraw her candidacy, if Pam Redi likewise withdraws.

Another Board members posts that she has too much argument over the

webmaster position, which should be a simple thing to handle. She thinks

things will only be worse if there is an election between Kay and Pam.

Her idea? "I believe the Board would be far better to choose a new

Webmaster from the many talented folks among our general membership,

hopefully one who is not also a part of any Special Project." She feels

that SP folks already have too great a workload and that choosing someone

else will avoid charges of favoritism. She also says "Instead of wasting

time with this minor issue, we can then move on to much more important

matters which are still waiting to be dealt with." [isn't that

tantalizing?! Wonder what they've got up their sleeve.]

Another Board member responds that she fails to "understand the logic

behind either Kay's proposal or yours. I can't for the life of me see why

people feeling Kay shouldn't be chosen should disqualify Pam, nor what Kay

has to gain by having Pam removed from consideration."

Pam Reid, candidate for webmaster, says she would rather not withdraw her

candidacy, saying "I believe that the webmaster should be a Board member

for the reasons of access to the workings of the Board on a timely basis.

[Celia wasn't a board member.] It is fine with her if the Board chooses

to select someone from off the Board, but this should done via the voting

process, by tabling the current motion and proposing a new one. Pam also

notes that she did not intend to cause "internal Board problems" with her

candidacy, and considers herself "non-controversial and am certainly not

contentious nor am I quarrelsome". She volunteered only with the good of

USGW in mind and because she is good at HTML and wanted to "maintain the

status quo."

A Board member posts that she is not aware of any controversy caused by

Pam's candidacy and asks to be filled in.

Pam responds to the Board member that wants to select the webmaster from

outside the Board that "I fail to see how I am a party to any personality

or personal conflicts. If I am, then it is certainly news to me! If

there is destructive dissension among Board members (and again, I am not

aware of that myself), I fail to see what it has to do with me." [Neither

contentious nor quarrelsome!]

Megan posts that she doesn't have any problems with a public

vote, but feels that Kay's response was inappropriate and she would have

protested if Pam had agreed to withdraw her candidacy under those terms.

[Kay's "I'll go away if you will" offer] She alos indicates that she has

significant problems with Kay's candidacy, stating, "In my experience, she

has not followed direction well from those whose direction she is supposed

to follow in a given situation. To give a specific example, when I was

NC... and she was in charge of running the first election, she made many

major decisions entirely on her own, never consulting me, the board, or

her committee. On several occasions I found her solutions unacceptable,

and communicated that to her... In every instance she completely ignored

me and did precisely what she wanted to do whether I approved of it or

not." [Megan's examples include Kay's decision to delete all record of

the votes, and having a neighbor kid decide ties by a coin flip.] Megan

also indicates she had similar problems with her webmaster and is

reluctant to have someone in the position "with the same sort of track

record on following direction."

In response to an earlier posts, a Board member reiterates that "I believe

the whole project would be better served by getting a Webmaster with no

affiliations other than as a CC or SC. It's the easiest way to eliminate

the possibility of someone claiming the Webmaster is prejudiced or biased

in some way, and would lay the issue to rest for good." She says this

proposal is not meant to benefit anyone in particular and was not a

reflection on either person's qualifications to be webmaster.

Another Board members posts that he has noticed no "internal Board

Problems" [capitaizatin in the original], and wonders if that is why

everyone has been so quiet.

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Corner: Rootsweb, whose owner once spent

considerable ink [metaphorically speaking] on denouncing those websites

that have banner ads, has now added yet another banner advertisement

to its pages. This one's animated and is for a company called Its one of those outfits that lets you send free

animated greeting cards. The ad is small and tastefully done, and leaves

plenty of room for more ads on each page. It usually pops up at the

bottom of page, but on the RW front page its at the very top, right under

the ad for Broderbund.

Y'all Come On Down Corner: The NGS meeting starts next week, and Rootsweb

will have a booth. According to my program, its booth #67. Don't forget

to stop by and drop some pennies in the tin cup! We hear that the Brain

himself will be hovering nearby on Wednesday and Thursday. If you're in

the Richmond, VA area here's your chance...

"We the people are not free. Our democracy is but a name. We vote? What

does that mean? It means that we choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

We elect expensive masters to do our work for us, and then blame them

because they work for themselves and for their class."

---Helen Keller

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat May 8 10:38:12 1999

Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 10:38:11 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Walkin' on sunshine...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Thursday 6 May 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Tomorrow's News Today: The vote on the amended Motion 99-10 will be

postponed until after the weekend.

"A popular government without popular information or the means of

acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both."

--James Madison

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sun May 9 18:33:43 1999

Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 18:33:42 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>


Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Happy Mother's Day!...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Friday 7 May 1999:

The NC announces, "Since we have at least 4 Board members out of touch at

the present time - and in order to be as fair as possible in this matter -

the vote on Motion 99-10 will be delayed until after the weekend."

A Board member posts his availability to meet via ICQ later in the


"Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes by

dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers,

and sisters, aunts and cousins, but only one mother in the whole world."

--Kate Douglas Wiggin

[for all you moms out there!]

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquis, all rights reserved.